Sociable by nature with an eye for the eclectic. I enjoy being around others and am especially attracted to the creative world. Others are drawn to me and admire me. I thrive out in the world and appreciate being surrounded by other people. The only exception to this is when I'm working in the creative realm, finding myself completely engrossed in a project for hours at a time. I am competitive, driven by a desire to outdo others. I am a Leader, I function best when leading others.
Saturday, September 27, 2014
I am signing up to be an Avon Rep. I am still going to promote Visalus but I am going to try Avon as well. Getting my Challenge kit for free next month with Visalus. Woot woot.
Monday, September 8, 2014
Another update
Well I have survived the first week with Jen being gone. And so has cinder. But we are still missing Milo and Bella. Jen was never here really anyway and far was she was sleeping so it was like she wasn't here at all. So it's hard to miss someone who is never around. She said things changed, not sure what changed but whatever. She is happier now. She looked happier in pictures of her at the beach and I wasn't with her so I guess being away from me made her happy and does make her happy. So she ahould be happy and I am obviously not what makes her happy anymore. Cinder and I are adjusting to our new life with just us. I miss Milo, I could never replace Milo but Cinder is lonely now since it's just her so I decided to get another pug. I put a deposit down on one and I am naming him Rocky. Rocky will be ready to come home with me and Cinder at the end of the month. We can't wait. I don't think Cinder quite knows yet that I am bringing her a playmate home but I just hope she doesn't get upset. I think she will like Rocky. Plus she will have someone to play with while I am at work. Poor cinder stares out the window waiting for Jen to pull up and she doesn't. I think cinder misses Milo a lot. When June brought Milo over here for a visit Cinder and Milo played together like old times. It's sad to have to live without Milo. He brought such joy and happiness to me and Cinder's life and now we are without him. It's heartbreaking. Jen got Milo for me for my birthday and then took him away from me. :( it kills me inside.
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Well Jen moved out Sunday and took Bella and Milo with her. And it hurts that she took them. I miss them. So I have some changes to make in my life. Changes, I don't like change in my life really. Not drastic changes. But I have to make changes in my life. I must do it. I need to start saving money so I can upgrade to executive promoter. I need to invest in my business so I can be successful. I haven't been that successful in my business and I want to go far in this company. Back to changes, I have started going through stuff and cleaning the house up. I am going to have a lot of trash. I am getting rid of a lot of stuff. There is too much stuff in this house. I need to clean this house up. There is so much clutter. Jen and I have a lot of stuff so it is time to get rid of some stuff.