Sociable by nature with an eye for the eclectic. I enjoy being around others and am especially attracted to the creative world. Others are drawn to me and admire me. I thrive out in the world and appreciate being surrounded by other people. The only exception to this is when I'm working in the creative realm, finding myself completely engrossed in a project for hours at a time. I am competitive, driven by a desire to outdo others. I am a Leader, I function best when leading others.
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Busy Productive Day
Its been a busy, productive day and its not over yet. I am still doing Avon stuff. Keeping my mind occupied and so I don't think about other things. I don't like getting bored anyway. I like to stay busy. I got so much done today, I feel it has been a productive day. At one point my mind did wander and I started thinking about her but then I got distracted myself and turned on my music. Now sitting here taking a moment to write in my blog and back at it.