Monday, December 31, 2007
Sara, shay, kristen, i decided 2 go out 2 dinner so we went 2 boston beanery. We're all just sitting here havin a good time, takin pix enjoyin new years eve. I ordered an angus steak with mushrooms onions. Sara i are goin 2 her mom dads 2 ring in the new year.
Me this is who i am..dont like it sorry
Im adventurous, energetic, courageous, enthusiastic, confident sometimes told im conceited but on the bad selfish sometimes, quick tempered, very impulsive, impatient even tho ud thought id learned patience n the army, foolhardy a daredevil. Very open 2 new ideas a lover of freedom. I welcome challenges will not b diverted from my purpose except by my own impatience. Always takin pix of myself always lookin n the mirror. Sumtimes i come off a little arrogant, cocky conceited. Been told im an asshole many times.
Monday, December 24, 2007
My dog
Stupid bipolar.. I was huggin zeus and than he decided 2 get up he figured he was goin 2 fall i was tryin 2 get up wen all of a sudden he knocked my lens out of my glasses i started crying i dont know why..i need 2 take my medicine..i havent yet today.. Its like i got all this shit built up inside i jus snapped 2nite.. I dont have any1 that i can talk 2 1 that will listen except 4 my therapist but she gets paid 2 listen 2 me talk 2 me...
Friday, December 14, 2007
Today was graduation at school. Aaron, who is my "bro" graduated today. Aaron is like a bro to me. He is one of my best friends & he graduated today. He's leaving, even though I know I'll see him again, it still kind of upsets me that I won't see him as often. Okay im going back to my school work now. I dont feel like writing anymore.
Friday, December 7, 2007
About me
Yeah so maybe im different. I have bi-polar disorder and paranoid schizophrenia. people treat me differently when they find out though. im no different than anybody else. i dont know why i am this way or what i can do to prevent it. im on medicine for it.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Big Five Word Test Results
Big Five Word Test Results |
Extroversion (35%) moderately low which suggests you are reclusive, quiet, unassertive, and secretive. Accommodation (24%) low which suggests you are overly selfish, uncooperative, and difficult at the expense too often of the well being of others. Orderliness (67%) moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly organized, neat, structured and restrained at the expense too often of flexibility, variety, spontaneity, and fun. Emotional Stability (7%) very low which suggests you are extremely worrying, insecure, emotional, and anxious. Inquisitiveness (41%) moderately low which suggests you are, at times, overly small minded, traditional, and conventional at the expense of intellectual curiousity, possibility, and progress. |
personality tests by
The Big Five is currently the most accepted personality model in the scientific community. The Big Five emerged from the work of multiple independent scientists/researchers starting in the 1950s who using different techniques obtained similar results. Those results were that there are five distinct personality traits/dimensions. Here are your results on each dimension:
Extroversion results were moderately low which suggests you are reclusive, quiet, unassertive, and secretive.
Orderliness results were moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly organized, neat, structured and restrained at the expense too often of flexibility, variety, spontaneity, and fun.
Emotional Stability results were very low which suggests you are extremely worrying, insecure, emotional, and anxious.
Accommodation results were low which suggests you are overly selfish, uncooperative, and difficult at the expense too often of the well being of others.
Inquisitiveness results were moderately low which suggests you are, at times, overly small minded, traditional, and conventional at the expense of intellectual curiousity, possibility, and progress.
Global 5: sloan RLOEN; sloan+ xL|O|ei; primary Organized; X(50%)L(93%)O(67%)E(76%)I(41%)
Personality Disorder Test Results
personality tests by
Test Note: Read the descriptions below to avoid misinterpreting test results (for example, the Antisocial classification does not mean you are a loner, it means you tend to be insensitive towards others).
General Note: the validity and reliability of DSM personality disorders are still lacking in strong statistical evidence and clear agreement in the scientific and medical community. They are determined by the American Psychiatric Association and will likely be revised in the future.
Author Note:I don't think Schizoid personality is a valid disorder (read), some of the smartest people in history were schizoid because they occupied a remote end of the intelligence bell curve. Schizotypal personality can encompass highly original thinkers as well as totally insane people so I think it's a flawed type. I think the remaining eight disorders are generally valid.
Disorder Info
Eccentric Personality Disorders: Paranoid, Schizoid, Schizotypal
Individuals with these disorders often appear odd or peculiar.
Paranoid Personality Disorder - individual generally tends to interpret the actions of others as threatening.
Schizoid Personality Disorder - individual generally detached from social relationships, and shows a narrow range of emotional expression in various social settings.
Schizotypal Personality Disorder - individual is uncomfortable in close relationships, has thought or perceptual distortions, and peculiarities of behavior.
Dramatic Personality Disorders: Antisocial, Borderline, Histrionic, and Narcissistic
Individuals with these disorders have intense, unstable emotions, distorted self-perception, and/or behavioral impulsiveness.
Antisocial Personality Disorder - individual shows a pervasive disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others.
Borderline Personality Disorder - individual shows a generalized pattern of instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image, and observable emotions, and significant impulsiveness.
Histrionic Personality Disorder - individual often displays excessive emotionality and attention seeking in various contexts. They tend to overreact to other people, and are often perceived as shallow and self-centered.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder - individual has a grandiose view of themselves, a need for admiration, and a lack of empathy that begins by early adulthood and is present in various situations. These individuals are very demanding in their relationships.
Anxious Personality Disorders: Avoidant, Dependent, Obsessive-Compulsive
Individuals with these disorders often appear anxious or fearful.
Avoidant Personality Disorder - individual is socially inhibited, feels inadequate, and is oversensitive to criticism
Dependent Personality Disorder - individual shows an extreme need to be taken care of that leads to fears of separation, and passive and clinging behavior.
Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder - individual is preoccupied with orderliness, perfectionism, and control at the expense of flexibility, openness, and efficiency.
Personality Disorder Test
Personality Disorder Test Results
personality tests by
Test Note: Read the descriptions below to avoid misinterpreting test results (for example, the Antisocial classification does not mean you are a loner, it means you tend to be insensitive towards others).
General Note: the validity and reliability of DSM personality disorders are still lacking in strong statistical evidence and clear agreement in the scientific and medical community. They are determined by the American Psychiatric Association and will likely be revised in the future.
Author Note:I don't think Schizoid personality is a valid disorder (read), some of the smartest people in history were schizoid because they occupied a remote end of the intelligence bell curve. Schizotypal personality can encompass highly original thinkers as well as totally insane people so I think it's a flawed type. I think the remaining eight disorders are generally valid.
Disorder Info
Eccentric Personality Disorders: Paranoid, Schizoid, Schizotypal
Individuals with these disorders often appear odd or peculiar.
Paranoid Personality Disorder - individual generally tends to interpret the actions of others as threatening.
Schizoid Personality Disorder - individual generally detached from social relationships, and shows a narrow range of emotional expression in various social settings.
Schizotypal Personality Disorder - individual is uncomfortable in close relationships, has thought or perceptual distortions, and peculiarities of behavior.
Dramatic Personality Disorders: Antisocial, Borderline, Histrionic, and Narcissistic
Individuals with these disorders have intense, unstable emotions, distorted self-perception, and/or behavioral impulsiveness.
Antisocial Personality Disorder - individual shows a pervasive disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others.
Borderline Personality Disorder - individual shows a generalized pattern of instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image, and observable emotions, and significant impulsiveness.
Histrionic Personality Disorder - individual often displays excessive emotionality and attention seeking in various contexts. They tend to overreact to other people, and are often perceived as shallow and self-centered.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder - individual has a grandiose view of themselves, a need for admiration, and a lack of empathy that begins by early adulthood and is present in various situations. These individuals are very demanding in their relationships.
Anxious Personality Disorders: Avoidant, Dependent, Obsessive-Compulsive
Individuals with these disorders often appear anxious or fearful.
Avoidant Personality Disorder - individual is socially inhibited, feels inadequate, and is oversensitive to criticism
Dependent Personality Disorder - individual shows an extreme need to be taken care of that leads to fears of separation, and passive and clinging behavior.
Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder - individual is preoccupied with orderliness, perfectionism, and control at the expense of flexibility, openness, and efficiency.
General Note: the validity and reliability of DSM personality disorders are still lacking in strong statistical evidence and clear agreement in the scientific and medical community. They are determined by the American Psychiatric Association and will likely be revised in the future.
Author Note:I don't think Schizoid personality is a valid disorder (read), some of the smartest people in history were schizoid because they occupied a remote end of the intelligence bell curve. Schizotypal personality can encompass highly original thinkers as well as totally insane people so I think it's a flawed type. I think the remaining eight disorders are generally valid.
Disorder Info
Eccentric Personality Disorders: Paranoid, Schizoid, Schizotypal
Individuals with these disorders often appear odd or peculiar.
Paranoid Personality Disorder - individual generally tends to interpret the actions of others as threatening.
Schizoid Personality Disorder - individual generally detached from social relationships, and shows a narrow range of emotional expression in various social settings.
Schizotypal Personality Disorder - individual is uncomfortable in close relationships, has thought or perceptual distortions, and peculiarities of behavior.
Dramatic Personality Disorders: Antisocial, Borderline, Histrionic, and Narcissistic
Individuals with these disorders have intense, unstable emotions, distorted self-perception, and/or behavioral impulsiveness.
Antisocial Personality Disorder - individual shows a pervasive disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others.
Borderline Personality Disorder - individual shows a generalized pattern of instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image, and observable emotions, and significant impulsiveness.
Histrionic Personality Disorder - individual often displays excessive emotionality and attention seeking in various contexts. They tend to overreact to other people, and are often perceived as shallow and self-centered.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder - individual has a grandiose view of themselves, a need for admiration, and a lack of empathy that begins by early adulthood and is present in various situations. These individuals are very demanding in their relationships.
Anxious Personality Disorders: Avoidant, Dependent, Obsessive-Compulsive
Individuals with these disorders often appear anxious or fearful.
Avoidant Personality Disorder - individual is socially inhibited, feels inadequate, and is oversensitive to criticism
Dependent Personality Disorder - individual shows an extreme need to be taken care of that leads to fears of separation, and passive and clinging behavior.
Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder - individual is preoccupied with orderliness, perfectionism, and control at the expense of flexibility, openness, and efficiency.
Thoughts From Around July-Aug 2007
I'm telling you, the aliens are after me...they can read my mind. I was listening to the radio & all of a sudden I started hearing static & then the aliens were talking to me over the radio. Schizophrenia doesn't really exist, you know. It was invented by psychiatrists to get me to take all those little colored pills. Actually, what they want to do is control my brain, so that I can't communicate with the aliens who are helping me to be a better person. But I'll show them. I'm hiding all the pills under my tongue and then saving them up so I can get a realhigh. The aliens told me if I save my pills then I will feel the ultimate high of life and that my problems will go away. One alien told me that Big Brother will stop us and there may be blood shed. I don't know what he was talking about.You MUST avoid letting anyone know you are paranoid at ALL COSTS! Once they know this you will have a state of constant fear, it is much, much easier for the CIA, the shadow government, the aliens, the psychiatrists and the mimes to control you. The mimes haveent gotten me yet. They never will. Im not scared of them.rust me, you don't want that to happen to you, being paranoid that is. Personally, I spend weeks and weeks thinking that this is just me and who i am but then i realize maybe im not normal. is it normal to sit up at night and worry if somseone is going to attack u while our sleeoign? Or sleep with you feet never uncovered, securely tucked under the blanket because the aliens told me that if I had my feet outside the covers while I was sleeping that it made it more easier for the clowns to chop off my featYou dont see the aliens coming after me. You dont seetheir beattie little eyes staring at you, while your
standing there in a constant fear, panicking, wondering what to do and what they want with you or what they are going to do to you. I saw a large purple Loch Ness Monster telling me to set fire to things,and the only thing i caught fire was my arm. not really caught fire but they kept sayingto me "pain pain fire fire arm, so i assumed that i was to catch myself on fire so i lit my cigarette inhaled and kept puffin until the cherry was ncie and hot and then i stuck it on my arm and released the pain i had. Delusions are broadcast by the CIA from a remote station in Antarctica and then relayed through your skull by satellites in geostationary orbit over Area 51, in Nevada. HOWEVER, a thin layer of aluminum foil is sufficient to deflect the government's delusion-waves. Delusions can also be spread by viruses and bacteria, which the Postal Service mixes into the glue in their stamps. When you
lick them, you get the delusion-inducing bacteria. Think about it: how else could they possibly get so many people to vote Republican? Disorganized thinking. For instance, you might suffer from disorganized thinking if you could not follow the clearly laid out connection between the CIA controlling John F. Kennedy through implants in his head, which caused him to order NASA to fake the moon landings, which in turn resulted in his assassination by Fidel Castro because... um, well, anyhow, my point is it's all run by the Postmaster General. Hallucinations. These
are really bad. Just ask the big green dragon in my closet. He gets some wacked-out hallucinations. More common are auditory hallucinations, such as hearing
voices (no, mother, I will not set fire to my head right now, I am *trying* to write an article!) Megalomania. This is thinking you are someone really, really important. This symptom is much less common than it used to be, because as the second coming of
Jesus Christ, I have been using my touch to heal people. Substance abuse. Schizomaphrenics often suffer from... shubshtance abush. Mother, you're the greatesh. I mean that mother. Your the besht mother I ever had. Dammit mother, I can drink whenever I want! Shhut up! Seriously mother, you're wonderful. If you
see the devil on this computer screen to the right of
this text, you have schizophrenia.If you see Adolf Hitler in your backyard, you have
schizophrenia. Adolf Hitler has been in my backyard. He's trying to hide, that's why he gets so mad when mom & the next door neighbor try to sprout up the
bamboo. Adolf needs a place ot hide so he can take over the world again. Only this time, it'll be the United States he'll try to take over, not Germany. Of course he won't be able to take over Germany so he'll take another atempt at going back to Germany to take Germany over. Adolf laughs and says to me, "its funny how stupid people are when it comes to faking one's death. you fake your death then automatically you go down in the history books and your famous, and
according to the history books, dead. do i look dead tto you,? no sir you sure dont look dead.I saw Adolf several times. Adolf celebrated my 21st birthday with me when i had my own apartment.
I'm telling you, the aliens are after me...they can read my mind. I was listening to the radio & all of a sudden I started hearing static & then the aliens were talking to me over the radio. Schizophrenia doesn't really exist, you know. It was invented by psychiatrists to get me to take all those little colored pills. Actually, what they want to do is control my brain, so that I can't communicate with the aliens who are helping me to be a better person. But I'll show them. I'm hiding all the pills under my tongue and then saving them up so I can get a realhigh. The aliens told me if I save my pills then I will feel the ultimate high of life and that my problems will go away. One alien told me that Big Brother will stop us and there may be blood shed. I don't know what he was talking about.You MUST avoid letting anyone know you are paranoid at ALL COSTS! Once they know this you will have a state of constant fear, it is much, much easier for the CIA, the shadow government, the aliens, the psychiatrists and the mimes to control you. The mimes haveent gotten me yet. They never will. Im not scared of them.rust me, you don't want that to happen to you, being paranoid that is. Personally, I spend weeks and weeks thinking that this is just me and who i am but then i realize maybe im not normal. is it normal to sit up at night and worry if somseone is going to attack u while our sleeoign? Or sleep with you feet never uncovered, securely tucked under the blanket because the aliens told me that if I had my feet outside the covers while I was sleeping that it made it more easier for the clowns to chop off my featYou dont see the aliens coming after me. You dont seetheir beattie little eyes staring at you, while your
standing there in a constant fear, panicking, wondering what to do and what they want with you or what they are going to do to you. I saw a large purple Loch Ness Monster telling me to set fire to things,and the only thing i caught fire was my arm. not really caught fire but they kept sayingto me "pain pain fire fire arm, so i assumed that i was to catch myself on fire so i lit my cigarette inhaled and kept puffin until the cherry was ncie and hot and then i stuck it on my arm and released the pain i had. Delusions are broadcast by the CIA from a remote station in Antarctica and then relayed through your skull by satellites in geostationary orbit over Area 51, in Nevada. HOWEVER, a thin layer of aluminum foil is sufficient to deflect the government's delusion-waves. Delusions can also be spread by viruses and bacteria, which the Postal Service mixes into the glue in their stamps. When you
lick them, you get the delusion-inducing bacteria. Think about it: how else could they possibly get so many people to vote Republican? Disorganized thinking. For instance, you might suffer from disorganized thinking if you could not follow the clearly laid out connection between the CIA controlling John F. Kennedy through implants in his head, which caused him to order NASA to fake the moon landings, which in turn resulted in his assassination by Fidel Castro because... um, well, anyhow, my point is it's all run by the Postmaster General. Hallucinations. These
are really bad. Just ask the big green dragon in my closet. He gets some wacked-out hallucinations. More common are auditory hallucinations, such as hearing
voices (no, mother, I will not set fire to my head right now, I am *trying* to write an article!) Megalomania. This is thinking you are someone really, really important. This symptom is much less common than it used to be, because as the second coming of
Jesus Christ, I have been using my touch to heal people. Substance abuse. Schizomaphrenics often suffer from... shubshtance abush. Mother, you're the greatesh. I mean that mother. Your the besht mother I ever had. Dammit mother, I can drink whenever I want! Shhut up! Seriously mother, you're wonderful. If you
see the devil on this computer screen to the right of
this text, you have schizophrenia.If you see Adolf Hitler in your backyard, you have
schizophrenia. Adolf Hitler has been in my backyard. He's trying to hide, that's why he gets so mad when mom & the next door neighbor try to sprout up the
bamboo. Adolf needs a place ot hide so he can take over the world again. Only this time, it'll be the United States he'll try to take over, not Germany. Of course he won't be able to take over Germany so he'll take another atempt at going back to Germany to take Germany over. Adolf laughs and says to me, "its funny how stupid people are when it comes to faking one's death. you fake your death then automatically you go down in the history books and your famous, and
according to the history books, dead. do i look dead tto you,? no sir you sure dont look dead.I saw Adolf several times. Adolf celebrated my 21st birthday with me when i had my own apartment.
THoughts From Last Night
Im so tired of bein called fake. Im so tired of everything. Im tired of life. I'm tired of ppl thinkin i dont care about them.
I've gone back 2 bein the way i used 2 b. Pills are now my best friends. I'm depressed again. Oh well. Its all good. Thats my life.
I don't care anymore. I don't know wat any1 wants from me. I just don't. And i don't care no more. Fuck caring. Fuck everything.
I'm so tired of everything. People take pills, do drugs & drink to drown their sorrows & help their problems go away.
Nothing has changed about me. But i've noticed wen im around my friends from school, sara seems 2 ignore me & treat me differently.
I've gone back 2 bein the way i used 2 b. Pills are now my best friends. I'm depressed again. Oh well. Its all good. Thats my life.
I don't care anymore. I don't know wat any1 wants from me. I just don't. And i don't care no more. Fuck caring. Fuck everything.
I'm so tired of everything. People take pills, do drugs & drink to drown their sorrows & help their problems go away.
Nothing has changed about me. But i've noticed wen im around my friends from school, sara seems 2 ignore me & treat me differently.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Here are some quotes that I have found on the Internet. None of them are mine and most of them are from books. But most of them are how I feel...
"Mind over matter and I won't get fatter"
"Don't be weak, do not eat!"
"Nothing matters when I'm thin"
"An imperfect body reflects an imperfect person"
"Nothing is so bad that not eating won't cure"
"Lose everything and what is real will still remain"
"I, the hunger artist, rarely disappoint my audience"
"Like a plant, surely, the body can be trained to exist on nothing: to take it's nourishment from the air"
"We turn skeletons into goddesses, and look to then as if they might teach us how not to need"
"You can learn to love anything, I think, if you need to badly enough. I trained myself to enjoy feeling hungry. If my stomach contracts, or I wake up feeling nauseated, or I'm light-headed, or I have a hunger headache, or better yet, all of the above, it means I'm getting thinner. So it feels good. I feel strong, on top of myself. In control. Thanks to the dictator." ---Second Star To The Right
"It wasn't simply that I chose not to eat; I was forbidden to. Even thinking about forbidden foods brought punishment. How dare you, this voice inside me would say. You greedy pig. And I was grateful to have someone looking out for me, a kind of savior keeping me from being weak and fat, keeping me from hurting. Making me respect myself. Hunger, I thought, is a minuscule price to pay. To be thin, no price is too high. The sky's the limit." ---Second Star To The Right
"Sometimes I even felt I was cheating when someone praised me for my willpower; they don't know I have a little dictator inside forcing me." ---Second Star To The Right
"Once I set my heart on something, I just won't quit until I get it. Even if it starts looking like the wrong thing to go after, you know? I don't stop to question it; I just go for it, figuring once I've got it, I'll worry about the rest." ---Second Star To The Right
"How many pounds till I'm happy, how many pounds till I'm thin? Three more pounds till I'm skinny, three more pounds and I win!" ---Second Star To The Right
" Nothing, nothing's wrong, and asking is against the rules. Crying is against the rules too. You're strong, don't let them break you. They're trying to destroy you." ---Second Star To The Right
"My head is like a little courtroom. I'm the accused, the defendant, the attorney for the defense, the prosecuting attorney and the judge is a great big scale." ---Second Star To The Right
"Utterly refuse to consume an over-powering food temptation.
This is how drug problems are solved.
This is how alcoholism is beaten.
This is how smoking cessation works.
This is how addictions in general are cured."
"We all know that drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and addictions are harmful. Calories are harmful in the same way. If you eat extra calories, you are for sure killing yourself in the same way that any harmful substance kills. Suppose that we can train our minds to remember that "calories are killers". With this thought firmly and indelibly implanted in both our conscious and subconscious minds, this sobering realization can help us gain sufficient fortitude, will-power, and self-control to allow limited consumption of calories within firmly controlled bounds."
"An ordinary girl, an ordinary waist. But ordinary's just not good enough today." ---Our Lady Peace Superman's Dead
"The difference between want and need is self-control."
"Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming." ---John R. Wooden
"The eyes are not responsible when the mind does the seeing." ---Publilius Syrus
"I definitely don't go by the standard 'eat a balanced diet, use moderation, and include all food groups' approach to food. For most people, this approach is fine, but when extreme definition, shocking thinness, and the pleasure that comes with these goals is the aim, this 'balanced, moderate lifestyle' has got to go."
"The only easy day was yesterday and that's because it is over." ---U.S. Navy Seals
"The draw of weightloss is quite powerful. It is something that I crave. It is like an addiction for me..." ---Astrid
"A full belly is the mother of all evil." ---Thomas Edison
"A fat kitchen, a lean will." ---Thomas Edison
"Sleep without supping, and you'll rise without owing for it." ---Thomas Edison
"A full belly makes a dull brain." ---Thomas Edison
"...even though I am sick of living, even though I know that my head will never make me look thin..." ---Tashi
" felt horrible but tasted so good." ---Julie
"Anorexia is not a disease-it's a lifestyle." ---Glamour Kat
"The great law of culture: Let each become all that he was created capable of being." ---Thomas Carlyle
"You've made a decision: you will NOT stop. The pain is necessary, especially the pain of hunger. It reassures you that you are strong, can withstand anything, that you are NOT a slave to your body, that you don't have to give in to its whining."
"I've freed myself from this compulsion of eating. When I wake, I am empty, light, light-headed; I like to stay this way, free and pure, light on my feet, traveling light. For me, food's only interest lies in how little I need, how strong I am, how well I can resist -each time achieving another small victory of the will: one carrot instead of two, half a cracker, no more peas. Each gain makes me stronger, purer, larger in my exercise of power, until eventually I see no reason to eat at all."
"I hear horror stories about girls who don't eat - how their hair turns white and their gums bleed. But I feel beautiful, perfect. I am all pale and bone-pale flesh and pale hair and I am light. I am like some fairy thing. I dream about fairies dancing around the house with rib cages showing like baskets under their flesh. I could drift up and away from here. I am so light. Bound by nothing. Not even time. And I am pure now." -- The Hanged Man
"Fat on your girth depletes your self worth."
"Eating fat will ruin your mood."
"Not eating light makes your clothes too tight."
"It's not hocus pocus, just keep your focus."
"A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips."
"Somewhere in the back of my brain there exists this certainty: the body is no more than a costume, and it can be changed at will. That the changing of bodies, like costumes, would make me into a different character, a character who might, finally, be all right." ---Wasted
"Well, I don't want to eat this now because there might be something I'd rather eat later."
"Most women live their lives in a state of starvation. Why should I be any different?"
"It's simple. You decide once and for all that you're not going to eat and then there aren't any further decisions to make."
"I needed to discover what was left when excess was stripped away. When nothing survived but the self in its minimal form."
"One day I will be thin enough. Just the bones, no disfiguring flesh. Just the pure, clear shape of me. Bones. That is, after all, what we're made up of, and everything else is just storage, deposit, waste. Strip it away, use it up. No deposit, no return."
"I can get thinner. I can cut it all off. I can wear low slung Levi's and crop tops and long straight dresses like willowy models, and I gasp with the breathlessness of being airborne. I can fly and be free. Jesus! I never realized how easy it was."
"This is forever. I will do whatever it takes. I want to be thin more than anything, even food."
"You're not gonna make me eat that. You're not gonna make me taste that. I can't."
"I control everything by my food-it's my way of being in charge of myself."
"You know what I really hate, well the fact that the minute you eat, is the minute you gain weight. You know what I mean?"
"Let your bones define the beauty of your body."
"A flat stomach is nice, but a concave stomach is perfect."
"Eat to live, but don't live to eat."
"They always say they are concerned about me, about my health, when all they want to do is pin me down and force-feed me: with lies, with what they call love. Like prisoners everywhere, all I have left is the power to refuse."
"I have a rule when I weigh myself: if I've gained, I starve myself for the rest of the day, but if I've lost, I starve too."
"I see myself very clearly. Somewhere between fat and thin, but not yet perfect."
"After a couple of weeks, my clothes started to breathe a bit on my hips. I felt high, as if I were in an altered, excited state of mind. I can do this! I was taking control, making a change, getting sexy, becoming a woman."
"I wrapped my whole body around the excuse that I couldn't socialize because I wasn't thin enough. Once I got thin enough, I would be a calm, sexy, popular girl. If I could only lose a little more weight, if I could only flatten my stomach, then I would be welcomed into that world. After all, I was losing weight - I was doing something that all the other girls were trying to do. So of course I would be socially accepted and comfortable soon, very soon. Change my body and I'll change my life."
"Foods have no power of their own. They can't hypnotize you. They can't mesmerize you. They can't pull a gun on you and force you to devour them. Any hypnotic power that foods hold over you is the power that you have given them." ---Thin Tastes Better
"I don't take the first little taste. I don't begin. I don't have any problem." ---Thin Tastes Better
"I've come too far to take orders from a cookie." ---Thin Tastes Better
"I don't negotiate with food." ---Thin Tastes Better
"Hunger is a feeling, not a command." ---Thin Tastes Better
"It's just a feeling. I'm not bleeding. I don't need to call 911." ---Thin Tastes Better
"Cravings only last a few minutes. Thin is worth a few minutes." ---Thin Tastes Better
"Stop looking at it. What are you looking at? You already see it every day on your thighs." ---Thin Tastes Better
"Umm, excuse me, don't you remember what happened the last time you had that food?" ---Thin Tastes Better
"Get over it. Move on. It's just a glob of calories." ---Thin Tastes Better
"My greatest strength is to not begin to eat at all." ---Thin Tastes Better
"There is a collision between food and my critical life goals. We don't throw out the goals. We throw out the food. They are not in the same league...they are not even CLOSE." ---Thin Tastes Better
"I deserve something better than a handful of calories and a few grams of fat." ---Thin Tastes Better
"How can this be my 'favorite' food if it has made me fat, unhealthy, and miserable?" ---Thin Tastes Better
"These 'favorite' foods are not free-you have to wear them for years to come." ---Thin Tastes Better
"You cannot eat it all and still be thin." ---Thin Tastes Better
"Deprivation doesn't just happen, it's something that is done to you. The dictionary tells us so. A person who is deprived has been stripped of some 'necessity of life or healthful environmental influence by an external person or force.'" ---Thin Tastes Better
"Children living in poverty are deprived. Families trapped in war-town cities are deprived. Prisoners are deprived. They have no choice, no control over their situation. We have control. We make the choice. We are not deprived!" ---Thin Tastes Better
"Sure, I CAN eat, but I choose not to. It's not worth it-it's not worth being fat." ---Thin Tastes Better
"When you are eating these "yummy" foods, you were not happy-you were miserable. The more you ate, the worse you felt and the worse you looked. That life (of being fat and out of control) was not some mythological paradise." ---Thin Tastes Better
"This food is not for me. It is not worth the chaos and the weight gain that it will bring into my life." ---Thin Tastes Better
"The foods that this society considers to vital-the sweets and snack foods that so many people live for-did not even exist for most of human history. There are entire societies that live perfectly well without the "benefits" of chips, dips, double cheeseburgers, French fries, cookies or M&Ms. Indeed, for almost all of human history, the overwhelming majority has never seen, tasted, or wanted these foods." ---Thin Tastes Better
"When you say 'no' to food you aren't saying 'no' to happiness-you're saying YES to a thinner you, YES to all the clothes you want to fit into, YES to all the jealous stares and swooning guys." ---Thin Tastes Better
"Food is an enemy, not a treat. The real deprivation is never being thin." ---Thin Tastes Better
"It will NOT be delicious in the long run-it will only be fattening." ---Thin Tastes Better
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Quotes [Aug. 15th, 2004|07:03 am]
More Quotes
"Food fascinated me, repulsed and attracted me. It was my obsession."
"While they were feasting, I was smelling the aromas and watching food go into people's mouths. I had to flex the muscles in my jaw and gut to stop myself from taking more food and feeling the hunger that was eating my stomach."
"Invest in child size blues clues or powerpuff girls. Not only will your servings be smaller, you'll be reminded that you're trying to look like you're in 4th grade again."
"I have a gum philosophy...
cinnamon = when you are craving warm food
peppermint = comfort food
wintergreen = cold food
fruity gum = sugar attack."
"I want to do more than be thin, I want to be possessed by thin. As Marya said in Wasted, 'You wish to carry Thinness on your arm, with her cool smile'. That's how I feel, like I want to be more than just thin. Like I want to be smooth and long and empty. Like I want to be perfect." ---Kristy
"But I won't eat all that candy that Hansel and Gretel ate. I will be thin and pure like a glass cup. Empty. Pure as light. Music."
"Food is just to be looked at, not to be eaten!"
"I guess it's the pain I'm tired of dealing with. But I wouldn't give up my anorexia for anything. It's too much a part of me, intertwined into my daily life, 24/7. I eat, sleep, and breath anorexia and thinness. Living is, indeed, painful..." ---musicalace
"I always want to be the prettiest and the skinniest. The prettiest I can't always control-the skinniest I can." -- Emily
"Bones are beautiful!"
"Don't let anybody patronize you to gain weight. If you are going to gain, it's nobody's decision to do so but yours!"
"If people don't like your skinniness it's their problem!"
"A superskinny body with no fat-just skin and bones, is the perfection of a female body. Let it be our goal-we can all get there and stay there!"
"Let us take pride in every bone that shows-let our stomachs be empty and concave-let us eat as little as possible!"
"...people often dismiss eating disorders as manifestations of vanity, immaturity, madness. It is, in some ways, all of these things. But it is also an addiction. It is a response, albeit a rather twisted one, to a culture, a family, a self." ---Wasted
"I would not wish my journey through a shimery, fun house mirror-covered hell on anyone." ---Wasted
"Funny how we think the key to happiness is being thin, so we throw our happiness away in search of the key."
"Okay, so I have always been able to stop eating....whenever I want for however long I want....a week...a month...whatever....but now I can't stop eating and it scares the shit outta me, I need help...I need ideas on how to get back on schedule...please someone...." ---Diane
"Where do I go from here? I'm like a clock just spinning around. I feel it, tearing at my soul while I'm asleep. I feel it driving me to something I can't reach. I feel it pounding at my head like a drum. If it doesn’t stop I'll go insane."
" brain isn't exactly the safest place to be locked right now..." ---Janay
"...and the end result is the same...weakness. A thing to be despised. I can't stand seeing it in myself. If I want to do something (or not do something) I should be able to do it right?" ---Janay
"...and if you run hard enough you almost think you can go fast enough to get away from the darkness that is following you, and you press harder, faster, if you do more then it'll go away...but it never does." ---Janay
"...your mind fogs up, you open your eyes and you are surrounded, what you can't see, only sense. I'm choking when I try to inhale. My throat constricts, I can't swallow the pain, I think I bit off more than I could chew..." ---Janay
" if my heart got bigger simply so the hole could be dug deeper and it aches so bad." ---Janay
"Complain, complain, complain, that's all I do. And then I think that maybe if I do this or that, I'll feel better. But all that results in is a sore wrist, an aching head and belly, tears, midnight runs to escape from what so ardently pursues me, ending all, with me on my knees in some corner, crying, trying to understand something I can't possibly understand. ---Janay
"...I can't do it! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! We can only go downhill from here. There's no one left to catch me and pull me back up..." ---Janay
"I'm sitting here thinking, trying to piece things together, but I think I've got pieces from another puzzle mixed in, they don’t fit...I force it and it just looks odd." ---Janay
"Oh god you guys...I need help. I'm so scared. I don’t know what to do. I feel like everything inside is bubbling up to the surface, and it hurts. It hurts so much and I don’t know what to do. I want to cut, to scream, to cry and I...oh god. Please somebody help me." ---Janay
"Isn't there supposed to be an end point where everything flattens out and it's ok again? I'm hoping, I'm praying, but I haven't reached that point yet. I'm still stuck here-wherever here is-and I hurt. I hurt, I hurt and I can't make it go away. I'm trying but I can't. I don't want to be alone and I'm scared..." ---Janay
"...but I feel like I'm falling down a deep hole and I can't breath, and everything just hurts so bad. Please somebody help me. I don't know what to do. What do I do?..." ---Janay
"I need to find a weight I'm happy with. Right now, it seems no matter how much I lose, I am still fat." ---Kat
"Something had opened up in me like a funnel, and the only possible appeasement was to fill my mouth. This has nothing to do with hunger. It has to do with filling the mouth so the howl can't make it's way out." ---Life Size
"Anorexia means never having to say you're skinny."
"One day I talked to God but the sky wept on me and the ground opened up and welcomed me to climb inside and fade away like a decaying flower that I am with the greyest of opinions I agreed to a man I K"---Manics
"You're only popular with anorexia..." ---Tori Amos
"I'm half alive but I feel mostly dead." ---Jewel
"I don't want the world to see me, cause I don't think that they'd understand." ---Iris, The Goo Goo Dolls
"If you don't eat, you don't get hungry."
"Pain is only weakness leaving the body."
Food can cause many physical and mental health problems. Physical side effects associated with food are high blood pressure, high blood sugar, heart problems, and the most serious of all, FATNESS!!!!!! If the food consumption and FATNESS are ignored, it turns to OBESITY!!!!! FATNESS is a TURNOFF to EVERYONE around you!!!! Being FAT makes you UGLY! NO ONE LIKES A FAT UGLY SLOPPY BITCH!!! AND IF YOU ARE -FAT- NO ONE WILL LIKE -YOU-!!!!! If no one likes you, you get LONELY and DEPRESSED!!! See how much trouble FOOD causes? Say NO to the most common street drug, FOOD!!! If you have eaten today, YOU ARE FAT!!!!
"I'm sick. I'm sick in my mind. I'm a walking contradiction, trying to be perfect with a HUGE skeleton in my closet. I can't go on like this, I don't think. I could never get rid of ana. I don't know what to do. I'm sorry I'm whining...I just need to get it out." ---Meggies
"I will control my emotions, not let my emotions control me. Every time I am tempted to use food to satisfy my frustrated desires, build up my injured ego, or dull my senses, I will remember, even though I overeat in private, my excess poundage is there for the world to see. HOW FOOLISH I HAVE BEEN!!!"
"Every bite is another step towards misery."
"The greasy fry, it cannot lie, its truth is written on your thigh." ---Quinn from Daria
"So you're walking on the edge
and you wait your turn to fall
but you're so far gone
that you don't see the hands upheld to catch you
and you could find the fault
in the heart that you've been handed
for though you cannot fly
you're not content to crawl...
and it's always too late when you've got nothing
so you say."
" matter how much I fight to get better I am just in remission, and in all actuality, no matter how much I fight, I have no control over it anyway." ---Naked Eye
"I try to do everything I can to be the perfect girl with the perfect life with the perfect eating disorder as a sort of 'side effect'." ---Naked Eye
"I also believe that I'll never be in recovery. That I will always be fighting, and believing that I'll never be ok because I don't want to be ok. I want to struggle and to achieve that status of a beautiful waif." ---Naked Eye
So I leave now, with no answers, only words scribbled that made some sense, probably to only me. ---Naked Eye
"Things change, but they aren't really different." ---Naked Eye
"Your mind should always be on your diet."
"The more they give me, the less I'll eat."
"Why can't the realize my strength? How much it's taken to make so little of myself."
"The less I swallowed, the more I declined, the more I hope to pare things down to the essentials."
"In the body, as in art, perfection is attained not when there's nothing left to add, but when there's nothing left to take away."
"Perfection was equaled not being fat."
"Remeasure, reweigh, try harder."
"When you coast without eating for a significant period of time and you are still alive, you begin to scoff at those fools who believe they must eat to live. It is blatantly obvious that this is not true."
"Eating disorders are a 24-hour-a-day fixation. They are with you from the moment you awake to the moment you fall asleep. Counting those calories, fear of getting fat, that's all you think about." ---Randi E. Wirth, Ph.D.
"Whatever you want in life, you must give up something to get it. The greater the value, the greater the sacrifice required of you. There's a price to pay if you want to make things better, and a price you'll pay for just leaving things as they are. Nothing worthwhile comes easily to anyone. Work, continuous work and hard work, is the only way to accomplish results that last."
"In Sparta, Greece, people ate at the common table where the diet was strict. Those who gained weight over their ideal-prime weight were separated from society." ---Indro Montanelli (History of The Greeks)
"I swear on my grandpa's grave that I will not eat solid food for the next seven days. I deserve more punishment than that for my gluttony, but that will do for now. If it's not good enough after the seven days I'll do more." ---Jenni
"There is such a thing as perfection...and our purpose for living is to find that perfection and show it forth." ---Richard Bach
"Fasting is the greatest remedy-the physician within!" ---Philippus Paracelsus
"Fasting is a valid experience. It can benefit any otherwise healthy person whose calories now have the upper hand in his or her life." ---The New England Journal of Medicine
"Humans live on one-quarter of what they eat; on the other three-quarters lives their doctor." ---Egyptian pyramid inscription, 3800 B.C.
"The sufferings which overtake beings are the fruit of their desires." ---Gautama Buddha
"When you fast, anoint your head and wash your face so that you do not appear to others to be fasting, but to your Father, who is in the secret place; and your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you openly." ---Jesus Christ
"She or he who does good of her or his own accord shall be rewarded, but to fast is better for you, if you but knew it." ---Mohammed
"...I'd like to stay a secret,
Like walking in the dark,
If no one knows you, no one cares
So no one breaks your heart."
---"Spacey" by Nick Traina
Dying is an art, like everything else.
I do it exceptionally well.
I do it so it feels like hell.
I do it so it feels real.
I guess you could say I've a call.
---Lady Lazarus by Sylvia Plath
"...and I'm so terrified of no one else but me
I'm here all the time
I won't go away
It's me, yeah I can't get myself to go away..."
---Matchbox 20
"Let me be empty and weightless and maybe I'll find some peace tonight..." ---Sarah McLachlan
“They are trying to fatten you up like a fucking prize-winning heifer.”
"The word fat assumed a meaning as deadly as cancer. Getting fat was worse than losing your job, worse than being jilted at the altar, worse than living in a trailer park and growing up without shoes. You need to start watching yourself, my Mom said, before it’s too late."
"People don’t see me. No one sees me. It’s like being fat. No one takes you seriously. You just don’t exist – you’re so big, you’re not even there."
"You will be tempted quite frequently, and you will have to choose whether you will enjoy your self hugely in the twenty minutes or so that you will be consuming the excess calories, or whether you will dislike yourself cordially for two or three days, for your lack of willpower"
"...For every pang of hunger we feel, we can have a double joy, that of knowing we are saving worse pangs in some little children, and that or knowing that for every pang we feel we lose a pound. A pangs a pound the world around we'll say."
"Every supposed pleasure in sin [eating] will furnish more than it's equivalent of pain [dieting]"
"Those 4:00 hunger pains are striking you hard. It's the *fat time* of the day when you're starving and you appetite is telling you to over eat. But whatever you do RESIST THE TEMPTATION!!!"
"Hunger hurts but starving works" -- Fiona Apple
"cravings last only a few minutes. thin is worth a few minutes"
"food is an enemy, not a treat. the real deprivation is never being thin!"
“thin is a skill”
“happy or sad; rich or poor, it’s always better being thin”
“to be appreciated, you better be tall and thin. if you aren’t tall, you better at least be able to keep your weight below 100 pounds”
“anorexia is like a game, you play, you win, and then it’s over…or you keep playing”
“quod me nutruit, me destruit (what nourishes me destroys me)"
“…finding myself, always, excessive. taking up more than my fair share of space”- Wasted
“the problem in your life is your body. it is defined and has a beginning and an end. the problem will be solved by shrinking the body. contain yourself”- Wasted
“slim is such a strange, grinning sort of word, sliding out of the mouth, ending in the labial hum of immm”- Wasted
“my body was wrong-breasts poking through my shirts, butt jutting-all curvaceous and terribly wrong. everything was wrong” - Wasted
“i’d rather starve than spit blood” - Wasted
“the anorexic body says: i do not need. it says: power over the body” - Wasted
“a lady will eat like a bird. a lady will look like a bird, fragile boned and powerful when in flight, lifting weightless into the air” - Wasted
“what is my problem? am i such a cow that i cant live without a fucking sundae? no self-control, none. pig” - Wasted
Here are some quotes that I have found on the Internet. None of them are mine and most of them are from books. But most of them are how I feel...
"Mind over matter and I won't get fatter"
"Don't be weak, do not eat!"
"Nothing matters when I'm thin"
"An imperfect body reflects an imperfect person"
"Nothing is so bad that not eating won't cure"
"Lose everything and what is real will still remain"
"I, the hunger artist, rarely disappoint my audience"
"Like a plant, surely, the body can be trained to exist on nothing: to take it's nourishment from the air"
"We turn skeletons into goddesses, and look to then as if they might teach us how not to need"
"You can learn to love anything, I think, if you need to badly enough. I trained myself to enjoy feeling hungry. If my stomach contracts, or I wake up feeling nauseated, or I'm light-headed, or I have a hunger headache, or better yet, all of the above, it means I'm getting thinner. So it feels good. I feel strong, on top of myself. In control. Thanks to the dictator." ---Second Star To The Right
"It wasn't simply that I chose not to eat; I was forbidden to. Even thinking about forbidden foods brought punishment. How dare you, this voice inside me would say. You greedy pig. And I was grateful to have someone looking out for me, a kind of savior keeping me from being weak and fat, keeping me from hurting. Making me respect myself. Hunger, I thought, is a minuscule price to pay. To be thin, no price is too high. The sky's the limit." ---Second Star To The Right
"Sometimes I even felt I was cheating when someone praised me for my willpower; they don't know I have a little dictator inside forcing me." ---Second Star To The Right
"Once I set my heart on something, I just won't quit until I get it. Even if it starts looking like the wrong thing to go after, you know? I don't stop to question it; I just go for it, figuring once I've got it, I'll worry about the rest." ---Second Star To The Right
"How many pounds till I'm happy, how many pounds till I'm thin? Three more pounds till I'm skinny, three more pounds and I win!" ---Second Star To The Right
" Nothing, nothing's wrong, and asking is against the rules. Crying is against the rules too. You're strong, don't let them break you. They're trying to destroy you." ---Second Star To The Right
"My head is like a little courtroom. I'm the accused, the defendant, the attorney for the defense, the prosecuting attorney and the judge is a great big scale." ---Second Star To The Right
"Utterly refuse to consume an over-powering food temptation.
This is how drug problems are solved.
This is how alcoholism is beaten.
This is how smoking cessation works.
This is how addictions in general are cured."
"We all know that drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and addictions are harmful. Calories are harmful in the same way. If you eat extra calories, you are for sure killing yourself in the same way that any harmful substance kills. Suppose that we can train our minds to remember that "calories are killers". With this thought firmly and indelibly implanted in both our conscious and subconscious minds, this sobering realization can help us gain sufficient fortitude, will-power, and self-control to allow limited consumption of calories within firmly controlled bounds."
"An ordinary girl, an ordinary waist. But ordinary's just not good enough today." ---Our Lady Peace Superman's Dead
"The difference between want and need is self-control."
"Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming." ---John R. Wooden
"The eyes are not responsible when the mind does the seeing." ---Publilius Syrus
"I definitely don't go by the standard 'eat a balanced diet, use moderation, and include all food groups' approach to food. For most people, this approach is fine, but when extreme definition, shocking thinness, and the pleasure that comes with these goals is the aim, this 'balanced, moderate lifestyle' has got to go."
"The only easy day was yesterday and that's because it is over." ---U.S. Navy Seals
"The draw of weightloss is quite powerful. It is something that I crave. It is like an addiction for me..." ---Astrid
"A full belly is the mother of all evil." ---Thomas Edison
"A fat kitchen, a lean will." ---Thomas Edison
"Sleep without supping, and you'll rise without owing for it." ---Thomas Edison
"A full belly makes a dull brain." ---Thomas Edison
"...even though I am sick of living, even though I know that my head will never make me look thin..." ---Tashi
" felt horrible but tasted so good." ---Julie
"Anorexia is not a disease-it's a lifestyle." ---Glamour Kat
"The great law of culture: Let each become all that he was created capable of being." ---Thomas Carlyle
"You've made a decision: you will NOT stop. The pain is necessary, especially the pain of hunger. It reassures you that you are strong, can withstand anything, that you are NOT a slave to your body, that you don't have to give in to its whining."
"I've freed myself from this compulsion of eating. When I wake, I am empty, light, light-headed; I like to stay this way, free and pure, light on my feet, traveling light. For me, food's only interest lies in how little I need, how strong I am, how well I can resist -each time achieving another small victory of the will: one carrot instead of two, half a cracker, no more peas. Each gain makes me stronger, purer, larger in my exercise of power, until eventually I see no reason to eat at all."
"I hear horror stories about girls who don't eat - how their hair turns white and their gums bleed. But I feel beautiful, perfect. I am all pale and bone-pale flesh and pale hair and I am light. I am like some fairy thing. I dream about fairies dancing around the house with rib cages showing like baskets under their flesh. I could drift up and away from here. I am so light. Bound by nothing. Not even time. And I am pure now." -- The Hanged Man
"Fat on your girth depletes your self worth."
"Eating fat will ruin your mood."
"Not eating light makes your clothes too tight."
"It's not hocus pocus, just keep your focus."
"A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips."
"Somewhere in the back of my brain there exists this certainty: the body is no more than a costume, and it can be changed at will. That the changing of bodies, like costumes, would make me into a different character, a character who might, finally, be all right." ---Wasted
"Well, I don't want to eat this now because there might be something I'd rather eat later."
"Most women live their lives in a state of starvation. Why should I be any different?"
"It's simple. You decide once and for all that you're not going to eat and then there aren't any further decisions to make."
"I needed to discover what was left when excess was stripped away. When nothing survived but the self in its minimal form."
"One day I will be thin enough. Just the bones, no disfiguring flesh. Just the pure, clear shape of me. Bones. That is, after all, what we're made up of, and everything else is just storage, deposit, waste. Strip it away, use it up. No deposit, no return."
"I can get thinner. I can cut it all off. I can wear low slung Levi's and crop tops and long straight dresses like willowy models, and I gasp with the breathlessness of being airborne. I can fly and be free. Jesus! I never realized how easy it was."
"This is forever. I will do whatever it takes. I want to be thin more than anything, even food."
"You're not gonna make me eat that. You're not gonna make me taste that. I can't."
"I control everything by my food-it's my way of being in charge of myself."
"You know what I really hate, well the fact that the minute you eat, is the minute you gain weight. You know what I mean?"
"Let your bones define the beauty of your body."
"A flat stomach is nice, but a concave stomach is perfect."
"Eat to live, but don't live to eat."
"They always say they are concerned about me, about my health, when all they want to do is pin me down and force-feed me: with lies, with what they call love. Like prisoners everywhere, all I have left is the power to refuse."
"I have a rule when I weigh myself: if I've gained, I starve myself for the rest of the day, but if I've lost, I starve too."
"I see myself very clearly. Somewhere between fat and thin, but not yet perfect."
"After a couple of weeks, my clothes started to breathe a bit on my hips. I felt high, as if I were in an altered, excited state of mind. I can do this! I was taking control, making a change, getting sexy, becoming a woman."
"I wrapped my whole body around the excuse that I couldn't socialize because I wasn't thin enough. Once I got thin enough, I would be a calm, sexy, popular girl. If I could only lose a little more weight, if I could only flatten my stomach, then I would be welcomed into that world. After all, I was losing weight - I was doing something that all the other girls were trying to do. So of course I would be socially accepted and comfortable soon, very soon. Change my body and I'll change my life."
"Foods have no power of their own. They can't hypnotize you. They can't mesmerize you. They can't pull a gun on you and force you to devour them. Any hypnotic power that foods hold over you is the power that you have given them." ---Thin Tastes Better
"I don't take the first little taste. I don't begin. I don't have any problem." ---Thin Tastes Better
"I've come too far to take orders from a cookie." ---Thin Tastes Better
"I don't negotiate with food." ---Thin Tastes Better
"Hunger is a feeling, not a command." ---Thin Tastes Better
"It's just a feeling. I'm not bleeding. I don't need to call 911." ---Thin Tastes Better
"Cravings only last a few minutes. Thin is worth a few minutes." ---Thin Tastes Better
"Stop looking at it. What are you looking at? You already see it every day on your thighs." ---Thin Tastes Better
"Umm, excuse me, don't you remember what happened the last time you had that food?" ---Thin Tastes Better
"Get over it. Move on. It's just a glob of calories." ---Thin Tastes Better
"My greatest strength is to not begin to eat at all." ---Thin Tastes Better
"There is a collision between food and my critical life goals. We don't throw out the goals. We throw out the food. They are not in the same league...they are not even CLOSE." ---Thin Tastes Better
"I deserve something better than a handful of calories and a few grams of fat." ---Thin Tastes Better
"How can this be my 'favorite' food if it has made me fat, unhealthy, and miserable?" ---Thin Tastes Better
"These 'favorite' foods are not free-you have to wear them for years to come." ---Thin Tastes Better
"You cannot eat it all and still be thin." ---Thin Tastes Better
"Deprivation doesn't just happen, it's something that is done to you. The dictionary tells us so. A person who is deprived has been stripped of some 'necessity of life or healthful environmental influence by an external person or force.'" ---Thin Tastes Better
"Children living in poverty are deprived. Families trapped in war-town cities are deprived. Prisoners are deprived. They have no choice, no control over their situation. We have control. We make the choice. We are not deprived!" ---Thin Tastes Better
"Sure, I CAN eat, but I choose not to. It's not worth it-it's not worth being fat." ---Thin Tastes Better
"When you are eating these "yummy" foods, you were not happy-you were miserable. The more you ate, the worse you felt and the worse you looked. That life (of being fat and out of control) was not some mythological paradise." ---Thin Tastes Better
"This food is not for me. It is not worth the chaos and the weight gain that it will bring into my life." ---Thin Tastes Better
"The foods that this society considers to vital-the sweets and snack foods that so many people live for-did not even exist for most of human history. There are entire societies that live perfectly well without the "benefits" of chips, dips, double cheeseburgers, French fries, cookies or M&Ms. Indeed, for almost all of human history, the overwhelming majority has never seen, tasted, or wanted these foods." ---Thin Tastes Better
"When you say 'no' to food you aren't saying 'no' to happiness-you're saying YES to a thinner you, YES to all the clothes you want to fit into, YES to all the jealous stares and swooning guys." ---Thin Tastes Better
"Food is an enemy, not a treat. The real deprivation is never being thin." ---Thin Tastes Better
"It will NOT be delicious in the long run-it will only be fattening." ---Thin Tastes Better
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Quotes [Aug. 15th, 2004|07:03 am]
More Quotes
"Food fascinated me, repulsed and attracted me. It was my obsession."
"While they were feasting, I was smelling the aromas and watching food go into people's mouths. I had to flex the muscles in my jaw and gut to stop myself from taking more food and feeling the hunger that was eating my stomach."
"Invest in child size blues clues or powerpuff girls. Not only will your servings be smaller, you'll be reminded that you're trying to look like you're in 4th grade again."
"I have a gum philosophy...
cinnamon = when you are craving warm food
peppermint = comfort food
wintergreen = cold food
fruity gum = sugar attack."
"I want to do more than be thin, I want to be possessed by thin. As Marya said in Wasted, 'You wish to carry Thinness on your arm, with her cool smile'. That's how I feel, like I want to be more than just thin. Like I want to be smooth and long and empty. Like I want to be perfect." ---Kristy
"But I won't eat all that candy that Hansel and Gretel ate. I will be thin and pure like a glass cup. Empty. Pure as light. Music."
"Food is just to be looked at, not to be eaten!"
"I guess it's the pain I'm tired of dealing with. But I wouldn't give up my anorexia for anything. It's too much a part of me, intertwined into my daily life, 24/7. I eat, sleep, and breath anorexia and thinness. Living is, indeed, painful..." ---musicalace
"I always want to be the prettiest and the skinniest. The prettiest I can't always control-the skinniest I can." -- Emily
"Bones are beautiful!"
"Don't let anybody patronize you to gain weight. If you are going to gain, it's nobody's decision to do so but yours!"
"If people don't like your skinniness it's their problem!"
"A superskinny body with no fat-just skin and bones, is the perfection of a female body. Let it be our goal-we can all get there and stay there!"
"Let us take pride in every bone that shows-let our stomachs be empty and concave-let us eat as little as possible!"
"...people often dismiss eating disorders as manifestations of vanity, immaturity, madness. It is, in some ways, all of these things. But it is also an addiction. It is a response, albeit a rather twisted one, to a culture, a family, a self." ---Wasted
"I would not wish my journey through a shimery, fun house mirror-covered hell on anyone." ---Wasted
"Funny how we think the key to happiness is being thin, so we throw our happiness away in search of the key."
"Okay, so I have always been able to stop eating....whenever I want for however long I want....a week...a month...whatever....but now I can't stop eating and it scares the shit outta me, I need help...I need ideas on how to get back on schedule...please someone...." ---Diane
"Where do I go from here? I'm like a clock just spinning around. I feel it, tearing at my soul while I'm asleep. I feel it driving me to something I can't reach. I feel it pounding at my head like a drum. If it doesn’t stop I'll go insane."
" brain isn't exactly the safest place to be locked right now..." ---Janay
"...and the end result is the same...weakness. A thing to be despised. I can't stand seeing it in myself. If I want to do something (or not do something) I should be able to do it right?" ---Janay
"...and if you run hard enough you almost think you can go fast enough to get away from the darkness that is following you, and you press harder, faster, if you do more then it'll go away...but it never does." ---Janay
"...your mind fogs up, you open your eyes and you are surrounded, what you can't see, only sense. I'm choking when I try to inhale. My throat constricts, I can't swallow the pain, I think I bit off more than I could chew..." ---Janay
" if my heart got bigger simply so the hole could be dug deeper and it aches so bad." ---Janay
"Complain, complain, complain, that's all I do. And then I think that maybe if I do this or that, I'll feel better. But all that results in is a sore wrist, an aching head and belly, tears, midnight runs to escape from what so ardently pursues me, ending all, with me on my knees in some corner, crying, trying to understand something I can't possibly understand. ---Janay
"...I can't do it! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! We can only go downhill from here. There's no one left to catch me and pull me back up..." ---Janay
"I'm sitting here thinking, trying to piece things together, but I think I've got pieces from another puzzle mixed in, they don’t fit...I force it and it just looks odd." ---Janay
"Oh god you guys...I need help. I'm so scared. I don’t know what to do. I feel like everything inside is bubbling up to the surface, and it hurts. It hurts so much and I don’t know what to do. I want to cut, to scream, to cry and I...oh god. Please somebody help me." ---Janay
"Isn't there supposed to be an end point where everything flattens out and it's ok again? I'm hoping, I'm praying, but I haven't reached that point yet. I'm still stuck here-wherever here is-and I hurt. I hurt, I hurt and I can't make it go away. I'm trying but I can't. I don't want to be alone and I'm scared..." ---Janay
"...but I feel like I'm falling down a deep hole and I can't breath, and everything just hurts so bad. Please somebody help me. I don't know what to do. What do I do?..." ---Janay
"I need to find a weight I'm happy with. Right now, it seems no matter how much I lose, I am still fat." ---Kat
"Something had opened up in me like a funnel, and the only possible appeasement was to fill my mouth. This has nothing to do with hunger. It has to do with filling the mouth so the howl can't make it's way out." ---Life Size
"Anorexia means never having to say you're skinny."
"One day I talked to God but the sky wept on me and the ground opened up and welcomed me to climb inside and fade away like a decaying flower that I am with the greyest of opinions I agreed to a man I K"---Manics
"You're only popular with anorexia..." ---Tori Amos
"I'm half alive but I feel mostly dead." ---Jewel
"I don't want the world to see me, cause I don't think that they'd understand." ---Iris, The Goo Goo Dolls
"If you don't eat, you don't get hungry."
"Pain is only weakness leaving the body."
Food can cause many physical and mental health problems. Physical side effects associated with food are high blood pressure, high blood sugar, heart problems, and the most serious of all, FATNESS!!!!!! If the food consumption and FATNESS are ignored, it turns to OBESITY!!!!! FATNESS is a TURNOFF to EVERYONE around you!!!! Being FAT makes you UGLY! NO ONE LIKES A FAT UGLY SLOPPY BITCH!!! AND IF YOU ARE -FAT- NO ONE WILL LIKE -YOU-!!!!! If no one likes you, you get LONELY and DEPRESSED!!! See how much trouble FOOD causes? Say NO to the most common street drug, FOOD!!! If you have eaten today, YOU ARE FAT!!!!
"I'm sick. I'm sick in my mind. I'm a walking contradiction, trying to be perfect with a HUGE skeleton in my closet. I can't go on like this, I don't think. I could never get rid of ana. I don't know what to do. I'm sorry I'm whining...I just need to get it out." ---Meggies
"I will control my emotions, not let my emotions control me. Every time I am tempted to use food to satisfy my frustrated desires, build up my injured ego, or dull my senses, I will remember, even though I overeat in private, my excess poundage is there for the world to see. HOW FOOLISH I HAVE BEEN!!!"
"Every bite is another step towards misery."
"The greasy fry, it cannot lie, its truth is written on your thigh." ---Quinn from Daria
"So you're walking on the edge
and you wait your turn to fall
but you're so far gone
that you don't see the hands upheld to catch you
and you could find the fault
in the heart that you've been handed
for though you cannot fly
you're not content to crawl...
and it's always too late when you've got nothing
so you say."
" matter how much I fight to get better I am just in remission, and in all actuality, no matter how much I fight, I have no control over it anyway." ---Naked Eye
"I try to do everything I can to be the perfect girl with the perfect life with the perfect eating disorder as a sort of 'side effect'." ---Naked Eye
"I also believe that I'll never be in recovery. That I will always be fighting, and believing that I'll never be ok because I don't want to be ok. I want to struggle and to achieve that status of a beautiful waif." ---Naked Eye
So I leave now, with no answers, only words scribbled that made some sense, probably to only me. ---Naked Eye
"Things change, but they aren't really different." ---Naked Eye
"Your mind should always be on your diet."
"The more they give me, the less I'll eat."
"Why can't the realize my strength? How much it's taken to make so little of myself."
"The less I swallowed, the more I declined, the more I hope to pare things down to the essentials."
"In the body, as in art, perfection is attained not when there's nothing left to add, but when there's nothing left to take away."
"Perfection was equaled not being fat."
"Remeasure, reweigh, try harder."
"When you coast without eating for a significant period of time and you are still alive, you begin to scoff at those fools who believe they must eat to live. It is blatantly obvious that this is not true."
"Eating disorders are a 24-hour-a-day fixation. They are with you from the moment you awake to the moment you fall asleep. Counting those calories, fear of getting fat, that's all you think about." ---Randi E. Wirth, Ph.D.
"Whatever you want in life, you must give up something to get it. The greater the value, the greater the sacrifice required of you. There's a price to pay if you want to make things better, and a price you'll pay for just leaving things as they are. Nothing worthwhile comes easily to anyone. Work, continuous work and hard work, is the only way to accomplish results that last."
"In Sparta, Greece, people ate at the common table where the diet was strict. Those who gained weight over their ideal-prime weight were separated from society." ---Indro Montanelli (History of The Greeks)
"I swear on my grandpa's grave that I will not eat solid food for the next seven days. I deserve more punishment than that for my gluttony, but that will do for now. If it's not good enough after the seven days I'll do more." ---Jenni
"There is such a thing as perfection...and our purpose for living is to find that perfection and show it forth." ---Richard Bach
"Fasting is the greatest remedy-the physician within!" ---Philippus Paracelsus
"Fasting is a valid experience. It can benefit any otherwise healthy person whose calories now have the upper hand in his or her life." ---The New England Journal of Medicine
"Humans live on one-quarter of what they eat; on the other three-quarters lives their doctor." ---Egyptian pyramid inscription, 3800 B.C.
"The sufferings which overtake beings are the fruit of their desires." ---Gautama Buddha
"When you fast, anoint your head and wash your face so that you do not appear to others to be fasting, but to your Father, who is in the secret place; and your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you openly." ---Jesus Christ
"She or he who does good of her or his own accord shall be rewarded, but to fast is better for you, if you but knew it." ---Mohammed
"...I'd like to stay a secret,
Like walking in the dark,
If no one knows you, no one cares
So no one breaks your heart."
---"Spacey" by Nick Traina
Dying is an art, like everything else.
I do it exceptionally well.
I do it so it feels like hell.
I do it so it feels real.
I guess you could say I've a call.
---Lady Lazarus by Sylvia Plath
"...and I'm so terrified of no one else but me
I'm here all the time
I won't go away
It's me, yeah I can't get myself to go away..."
---Matchbox 20
"Let me be empty and weightless and maybe I'll find some peace tonight..." ---Sarah McLachlan
“They are trying to fatten you up like a fucking prize-winning heifer.”
"The word fat assumed a meaning as deadly as cancer. Getting fat was worse than losing your job, worse than being jilted at the altar, worse than living in a trailer park and growing up without shoes. You need to start watching yourself, my Mom said, before it’s too late."
"People don’t see me. No one sees me. It’s like being fat. No one takes you seriously. You just don’t exist – you’re so big, you’re not even there."
"You will be tempted quite frequently, and you will have to choose whether you will enjoy your self hugely in the twenty minutes or so that you will be consuming the excess calories, or whether you will dislike yourself cordially for two or three days, for your lack of willpower"
"...For every pang of hunger we feel, we can have a double joy, that of knowing we are saving worse pangs in some little children, and that or knowing that for every pang we feel we lose a pound. A pangs a pound the world around we'll say."
"Every supposed pleasure in sin [eating] will furnish more than it's equivalent of pain [dieting]"
"Those 4:00 hunger pains are striking you hard. It's the *fat time* of the day when you're starving and you appetite is telling you to over eat. But whatever you do RESIST THE TEMPTATION!!!"
"Hunger hurts but starving works" -- Fiona Apple
"cravings last only a few minutes. thin is worth a few minutes"
"food is an enemy, not a treat. the real deprivation is never being thin!"
“thin is a skill”
“happy or sad; rich or poor, it’s always better being thin”
“to be appreciated, you better be tall and thin. if you aren’t tall, you better at least be able to keep your weight below 100 pounds”
“anorexia is like a game, you play, you win, and then it’s over…or you keep playing”
“quod me nutruit, me destruit (what nourishes me destroys me)"
“…finding myself, always, excessive. taking up more than my fair share of space”- Wasted
“the problem in your life is your body. it is defined and has a beginning and an end. the problem will be solved by shrinking the body. contain yourself”- Wasted
“slim is such a strange, grinning sort of word, sliding out of the mouth, ending in the labial hum of immm”- Wasted
“my body was wrong-breasts poking through my shirts, butt jutting-all curvaceous and terribly wrong. everything was wrong” - Wasted
“i’d rather starve than spit blood” - Wasted
“the anorexic body says: i do not need. it says: power over the body” - Wasted
“a lady will eat like a bird. a lady will look like a bird, fragile boned and powerful when in flight, lifting weightless into the air” - Wasted
“what is my problem? am i such a cow that i cant live without a fucking sundae? no self-control, none. pig” - Wasted
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Monday, November 5, 2007
Exam day
Today i got my certification in microsoft word. G passed. I got an 853 which is good and on the first try. Excel took me 2 times. But its all good. Im very paranoid about my car. Its driving funny. I think i need a new transmission and new shocks. I know i need new front tires. My car has been making a funny noise and when im driving, the steering wheel shakes. Who knows. I dont cos i dont know anything about vehicles at all....
Monday, October 8, 2007
Last Night
Well, Laura & Brittany had been trying to get Sara & I to hang out with them. It wasn't Sara's fault that we hadn't hung out with them, it was my fault because I hadn't told her that I wanted them to hang out with us. Well, last night we went out to eat with them. I realized a LOT last night. After eating chinese food with them, we went back to their apartment & had a long drawn out conversation. It wasn't mean to be so drawn out but, I seem to have a problem communicating & opening up to people. Well, it was crazy, and very emotional. I opened up a little bit to Sara. I need to start communicating more with her. Brittany yelled at me a lot but that is a good thing because last night I realized, and I was told, that I am an arrogant, cocky, asshole. Yeah, that makes sense, I can see where she got that from. And to be honest, that is what I have been lately. I thought and thought about it last night a lot, and she was right, and Laura was right, and Sara was right about the way I have been acting. So I have decided that I need to make some changes about myself. So there is going to be a new me.
From An Annoying Mind
So, I was looking online and was made aware that Three Days Grace is coming to The Norva which is in Norfolk. Sara would enjoy going. Definitely. I haven't been to a concert in a long time. I want to get tickets and go. I asked Aaron & Kourtnee if they wanted to go. I want Sara to go also. Sara & Ronnie are retarded when their together lol. They act so goofy. But they are so cute together. I'm starting to get tired for some reason. Ronnie, Sara & I are on our way to Charlottesville. He's listening to dance music. The kind of music they'd play in Club 216. That might be contributing to me about to fall to sleep. If i was listening to my music i wouldn't be falling asleep. It may be the music. I don't know. Of course i listen to rock music. Emo music. Punk rock. All rock mostly. And i listen to oldies. 60s music. Stuff like that. They both listen to that rap and dance club music. It makes me fall asleep. I think if i was driving i probably wouldn't be falling asleep. If Sara was driving i might not be about to fall asleep. You know, I wasn't the only one getting tired. Ronnie said he was getting tired on the way over to Charlottesville also. Actually I think we're in Charlottesville now. I think i'm getting tired because Ronnie is driving.
I love Sara but damnit. She don't listen to me. Maybe she listens but she don't respond and it seems like she's ignoring me. I feel like i have no one to talk to. I could tell Sara but she'd only get upset with me or mad at me. You know, I feel like I only have my blog to talk to. Or should i say, this is the only place I have to get my feelings out. Like she has to show off, let everyone know her car is better than theirs. Play her music all loud. She's going to tear her car up. You know, i thought Sara was more mature. It seems when she's on the avenue she becomes immature. I guess that's one thing that Sara doesn't realize. I'm older than her. I'm starting to get tired. I have to start going to bed earlier. I can't keep going to bed so late. Its tiring me out. I'm getting old. I'm going to start writing everything down. Such as, information about my friends my girlfriend, everything. This way i won't forget.
I have eaten so much this weekend. I'm going to have to work out or something. Get the gained weight off. It's not that I think i'm fat or anything like that. I've eaten so much today. I guess i'm making up for all the times I didn't eat. I'm going to definitely gain weight now.
I love Sara but damnit. She don't listen to me. Maybe she listens but she don't respond and it seems like she's ignoring me. I feel like i have no one to talk to. I could tell Sara but she'd only get upset with me or mad at me. You know, I feel like I only have my blog to talk to. Or should i say, this is the only place I have to get my feelings out. Like she has to show off, let everyone know her car is better than theirs. Play her music all loud. She's going to tear her car up. You know, i thought Sara was more mature. It seems when she's on the avenue she becomes immature. I guess that's one thing that Sara doesn't realize. I'm older than her. I'm starting to get tired. I have to start going to bed earlier. I can't keep going to bed so late. Its tiring me out. I'm getting old. I'm going to start writing everything down. Such as, information about my friends my girlfriend, everything. This way i won't forget.
I have eaten so much this weekend. I'm going to have to work out or something. Get the gained weight off. It's not that I think i'm fat or anything like that. I've eaten so much today. I guess i'm making up for all the times I didn't eat. I'm going to definitely gain weight now.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Thoughts From Last Night
These are some of my thoughts from last night. I've had a lot on my mind lately. I suppose I just needed to get them out there. Not really get them out there for the whole world to know about, but the reason would be, to get them out of my mind. It's good for me to remember later on what I was thinking.
October 5th, 2007 Friday
My hands & wrists are hurting. I have a killer headache. Today wasn't a bad day but it wasn't such a great day either. Besides my head hurting, after first break I felt like I was going to throw up. All day I was shaking & freezing cold. For some reason I thought it was really cold in the classroom. I sat in class all day with my long sleeve Abercrombie shirt on. To me it felt cold this morning. I'm cold almost all the time though. I'm cold blooded. I'm a cold natured person. I've always been that way though. Grandma Collins has always said onething though & that is that everytime I give her a kiss on the cheek my nose is always cold. It could be hot outside & my nose will still be cold. But thats's normal because my nose has always been like that since i was a little kid. But, today wasn't so bad. I mean it wasn't terrible. It could've been better though. It would've been better if i wasn't sick. I've been sick, because i have bronchitis but for some reason today i didn't feel well. I felt like i was going to vomit & myneck was hurting all day. I think my neck was hurting because I was basically sitting in the same position all day long. I was freezing cold all day long. What is the point of staying in a conversation when your only going to get cut off. I have learned a few things & realized a few things over the past couple weeks. You know, I've realized that I talk to myself a lot. And the reason I say that is because you may as well say that I talk to myself a lot. Most of the time I am talking to myself because it seems like no one is listening to me. Sometimes I just get so irritated. It's almost as if its pointless to even speak sometimes. It's pointless because i'm not being listened to. I suppose I keep mentioning the topic of not being listened to because it's on my mind. & if I forget about it, it just comes back up.
October 5th, 2007 Friday
My hands & wrists are hurting. I have a killer headache. Today wasn't a bad day but it wasn't such a great day either. Besides my head hurting, after first break I felt like I was going to throw up. All day I was shaking & freezing cold. For some reason I thought it was really cold in the classroom. I sat in class all day with my long sleeve Abercrombie shirt on. To me it felt cold this morning. I'm cold almost all the time though. I'm cold blooded. I'm a cold natured person. I've always been that way though. Grandma Collins has always said onething though & that is that everytime I give her a kiss on the cheek my nose is always cold. It could be hot outside & my nose will still be cold. But thats's normal because my nose has always been like that since i was a little kid. But, today wasn't so bad. I mean it wasn't terrible. It could've been better though. It would've been better if i wasn't sick. I've been sick, because i have bronchitis but for some reason today i didn't feel well. I felt like i was going to vomit & myneck was hurting all day. I think my neck was hurting because I was basically sitting in the same position all day long. I was freezing cold all day long. What is the point of staying in a conversation when your only going to get cut off. I have learned a few things & realized a few things over the past couple weeks. You know, I've realized that I talk to myself a lot. And the reason I say that is because you may as well say that I talk to myself a lot. Most of the time I am talking to myself because it seems like no one is listening to me. Sometimes I just get so irritated. It's almost as if its pointless to even speak sometimes. It's pointless because i'm not being listened to. I suppose I keep mentioning the topic of not being listened to because it's on my mind. & if I forget about it, it just comes back up.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
How To Get A Sticker
Per a recent comment, here's where you go to get an HRC sticker:
HRC Sticker
= HRC's MySpace Team =
HRC Sticker
= HRC's MySpace Team =
A History of National Coming Out Day
A History of National Coming Out DayEvery Oct. 11, thousands of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people and allies celebrate National Coming Out Day. They hold workshops, speak-outs, rallies and other kinds of events all aimed at showing the public that GLBT people are everywhere. But what's so special about Oct. 11? How did that become a day aimed at encouraging GLBT people to come out and be honest about themselves?In the Beginning, There Was a March: 1987 On Oct. 11, 1987, half a million people participated in the March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights. This was the second such demonstration in our nation's capital and the first display of the NAMES Project Quilt, remembering those who have died from AIDS. One measure of the march's success was the number of organizations that were founded as a result — including the National Latino/a Gay & Lesbian Organization (LLEG..) and AT&T's GLBT employee group, LEAGUE. The momentum continued four months after this extraordinary march as more than 100 gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender activists from around the country gathered in Manassas, Va., about 25 miles outside Washington, D.C. Recognizing that the GLBT community often reacted defNCOD materialsensively to anti-gay actions, they came up with the idea of a national day to celebrate coming out and chose the anniversary of that second march on Washington to mark it. The originators of the idea were Rob Eichberg, a founder of the personal growth workshop, The Experience, and Jean O'Leary, then head of National Gay Rights Advocates. National Coming Out Day was born.O'Leary expanded the West Hollywood, Calif., office of NGRA to give National Coming Out Day its first headquarters. She hired staff and began preparations for the big day. And, activist Sean Strub got Keith Haring to donate his now-famous image of a person fairly dancing out of a closet. The first National Coming Out Day was celebrated with events in 18 states, and national media attention including The Oprah Winfrey Show, CNN, USA Today and National Public Radio.Lynn Shepodd, who later became a member of HRC's board of governors, was part of that first year's organizing and remembers that the concept wasn't universally popular in the gay community. "There were some who opined that NCOD was an invasion of privacy because the movement had been based on respecting gay peoples' private lives," she says. "It was clear, though, that the community was ready to take its next step and be out. You cannot have an invisible movement."
The next year, National Coming Out Day headquarters moved to Santa Fe, N.M., where Eichberg could oversee it. Pilo Bueno was hired as national coordinator and expanded events marking the day to 21 states — no mean feat without a computer and relying on a mailing list that was handwritten on a lavender pad.
1990: Combining Forces
In 1990, Shepodd was hired as executive director and among her first actions was to obtain tax-exempt status for the organization. In an effort to make the Haring coming out image a universal symbol, Shepodd began requesting free ad space in the gay press to run it. A total of 150 publications eventually agreed. Her innovations resulted in the expansion of National Coming Out Day to all 50 states and seven foreign countries.
Over the next three years, National Coming Out Day continued to grow and thrive.
In 1993, late author and activist Marvin Liebman joins Lynn Shepodd, then National Coming Out Day's executive director, and Tim McFeeley, then HRCF's executive director.
In 1991, Geraldo Rivera hosted a coming out day TV program that featured Dick Sargent, a gay actor famous for playing Darren on Bewitched, openly gay California Assemblywoman Sheila Kuehl and Eichberg. A turning point came in 1993 when National Coming Out Day merged with the then-Human Rights Campaign Fund.
"I wanted to kick this project up to the next level and HRCF had the muscle to do it," Shepodd says. Tim McFeeley, then executive director of HRCF, also understood the impact the merger could have, and saw it as a missing piece of the movement. "There were so many activists who were still afraid of being truthful about their own lives," remembers Shepodd "Tim saw NCOD as a way to make a bigger impact on public policy issues."
1994: Star Power
Wes Combs was named HRCF's project director for National Coming Out Day, and one of his first — and smartest — innovations was to add celebrities to the program. Actress Amanda Bearse of Fox-TV's Married… With Children agreed to be chairperson for National Coming Out Day 1994. At the time, Bearse was the only nationally known actress who was open about her lesbianism, and her participation in community events across the country drew a new and larger audience to the day. She appeared in a public service announcement with the message: "I'm not a straight woman but I play one on TV. And that's where acting belongs — on television or in the movies. Not in real life. That's why I stopped acting and came out."

Wes Combs was named HRCF's project director for National Coming Out Day, and one of his first — and smartest — innovations was to add celebrities to the program. Actress Amanda Bearse of Fox-TV's Married… With Children agreed to be chairperson for National Coming Out Day 1994. At the time, Bearse was the only nationally known actress who was open about her lesbianism, and her participation in community events across the country drew a new and larger audience to the day. She appeared in a public service announcement with the message: "I'm not a straight woman but I play one on TV. And that's where acting belongs — on television or in the movies. Not in real life. That's why I stopped acting and came out."
Actors, straight allies and parents of Ben Stiller, Anne Meara and Jerry Stiller, flank then NCOP Manager Wes Combs at the NYC Gay and Lesbian Business Expo in 1994.
Under Executive Director Elizabeth Birch, HRC grew National Coming Out Day into a year-round program that promotes honesty and openness about being gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender on campus, in the workplace and at home. HRC named this new effort the National Coming Out Project, with yearlong activities that culminate in the observation of National Coming Out Day every Oct. 11.
Under Executive Director Elizabeth Birch, HRC grew National Coming Out Day into a year-round program that promotes honesty and openness about being gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender on campus, in the workplace and at home. HRC named this new effort the National Coming Out Project, with yearlong activities that culminate in the observation of National Coming Out Day every Oct. 11.
Then NCOP Manager Wes Combs, actor Amanda Bearse and Albert Williams, partner of late actor Dick Sargent, at the Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Community Center celebrating National Coming Out Day 1994.
1995: One Sister, A Bulldog and Two Coasts
In 1995, Candace Gingrich (half-sister of then-House Speaker Newt Gingrich) become a National Coming Out Project spokesperson and full-time activist. That year, she traveled to 52 cities in six months, delivering the message, "Your brother doesn't have to be speaker of the House for your voice to be heard." The other project spokesperson that year was Dan Butler, who plays the character Bulldog on NBC-TV's Frasier. Butler appeared in broadcast and print public service announcements with the message "I'm not a straight man, but I play one on television." Rock musician Melissa Etheridge did a radio public service announcement, reminding people that "Labels belong on records, not on people." More than 100 radio stations aired Etheridge's message.
National Coming Out Day was celebrated that year on both coasts — at a morning news conference with Butler, Gingrich, Birch and the staff of HRC at the U.S. Capitol, and an evening reception at the Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Community Center.
Birch, Butler and Gingrich participated in that event as well, along with California Assemblywoman Kuehl, National Coming Out Day co-founder Jean O'Leary, and Frasier co-stars Jane Leeves and Peri Gilpin. The event was bittersweet, however, because co-founder Rob Eichberg had died just two months before.
1995: One Sister, A Bulldog and Two Coasts
In 1995, Candace Gingrich (half-sister of then-House Speaker Newt Gingrich) become a National Coming Out Project spokesperson and full-time activist. That year, she traveled to 52 cities in six months, delivering the message, "Your brother doesn't have to be speaker of the House for your voice to be heard." The other project spokesperson that year was Dan Butler, who plays the character Bulldog on NBC-TV's Frasier. Butler appeared in broadcast and print public service announcements with the message "I'm not a straight man, but I play one on television." Rock musician Melissa Etheridge did a radio public service announcement, reminding people that "Labels belong on records, not on people." More than 100 radio stations aired Etheridge's message.
National Coming Out Day was celebrated that year on both coasts — at a morning news conference with Butler, Gingrich, Birch and the staff of HRC at the U.S. Capitol, and an evening reception at the Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Community Center.
Birch, Butler and Gingrich participated in that event as well, along with California Assemblywoman Kuehl, National Coming Out Day co-founder Jean O'Leary, and Frasier co-stars Jane Leeves and Peri Gilpin. The event was bittersweet, however, because co-founder Rob Eichberg had died just two months before.
National Coming Out Day, Oct. 11, 1995
Top: Wes Combs, then NCOP manager, Candace Gingrich, Dan Butler and Elizabeth Birch, HRC's executive director, in front of the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C.
Bottom: Then California Assemblywoman Sheila Kuehl, Frazier stars Jane Leeves and Peri Gilpin join NCOD spokespeople Candace Gingrich and Dan Butler.
Come Out Voting: 1996
HRC ratcheted up the project's profile in 1996 because it was a presidential election year, and a very important one for the GLBT community. The theme was, "You've got the Power. Register. Vote." HRC brought together a stable of spokespeople to pose for a print ad with that message. Fashion photographer Don Flood shot past spokespeople Bearse, Butler and Gingrich, along with Olympic diver Greg Louganis, actor Mitchell Anderson, newly minted gay activist Chastity Bono and Sean Sasser, who had appeared in MTV's The Real World. That photo became the image on posters, public service announcements and the cover of the HRC Quarterly that was spread across the nation.
Top: Wes Combs, then NCOP manager, Candace Gingrich, Dan Butler and Elizabeth Birch, HRC's executive director, in front of the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C.
Bottom: Then California Assemblywoman Sheila Kuehl, Frazier stars Jane Leeves and Peri Gilpin join NCOD spokespeople Candace Gingrich and Dan Butler.
Come Out Voting: 1996
HRC ratcheted up the project's profile in 1996 because it was a presidential election year, and a very important one for the GLBT community. The theme was, "You've got the Power. Register. Vote." HRC brought together a stable of spokespeople to pose for a print ad with that message. Fashion photographer Don Flood shot past spokespeople Bearse, Butler and Gingrich, along with Olympic diver Greg Louganis, actor Mitchell Anderson, newly minted gay activist Chastity Bono and Sean Sasser, who had appeared in MTV's The Real World. That photo became the image on posters, public service announcements and the cover of the HRC Quarterly that was spread across the nation.
Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton, D-D.C., speaking at the "Come Out Voting" rally in Washington, D.C., Oct. 11, 1996.
Bono, Sasser and Gingrich traveled the country that year, speaking at gay prides, HRC dinners and other events as part of their roles as National Coming Out Project spokespeople. The year's activities peaked at a huge "Come Out Voting" rally in Washington, on the Ellipse behind the White House. More than 1,000 supporters attended, and heard speeches from actress Judith Light, pro golfer Muffin Spencer-Devlin and, in her first appearance at a gay rights event, Cher. The rally was carried live by C-SPAN, and rerun several times, so that millions of Americans could be part of National Coming Out Day.
Straight-ally and performer Cher speaking as a proud mother of lesbian daughter Chastity Bono on Oct. 11, 1996.
1997: Super Mom
In September 1997 the project brought in its first straight spokesperson - Betty DeGeneres, mother of actress/comedian Ellen DeGeneres. The message she delivered and continues to spread is perhaps the most powerful of all. "The fact that I'm a mom advocating equal rights for my daughter and her partner underscores the point that ending discrimination based on sexual orientation is not just important to gay people, it's important to their families and the people who love them," she told HRC Quarterly in 1997.
Fall 1996 HRC Quarterly cover featuring Betty DeGeneres and daughter Ellen. (Photo by Annie Leibovitz)
Betty DeGeneres traveled the country with this message, and also made a television public service announcement for HRC entitled "For Our Families." In it, she said: "For too long, gay Americans have suffered discrimination. As long as our sons and daughters are excluded from the basic protection of law, we must share that burden as a family." HRC and the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation co-hosted a celebrity reception in Los Angeles to mark National Coming Out Day 1997. The event featured past project spokespeople, as well as Ellen DeGeneres and her then-partner, actress Anne Heche.
Happy Anniversary to NCOD: 1998
The following year, 1998, was National Coming Out Day's 10th anniversary. The project's public service campaign focused on the image of a birthday cake decorated with the Keith Haring artwork. The 10th anniversary was featured that year as a cover story in the HRC Quarterly. Because this was also an election year, the coming out message emphasized that the GLBT community cannot achieve equality from the closet and encouraged political involvement.
HRC hosted National Coming Out Day festivities in San Francisco, beginning with a black-tie dinner Oct. 10, which featured emcee Joan Rivers. Since Oct. 11 fell on a Sunday that year, there was a morning interdenominational service held to reaffirm the support people of faith have for honesty and equality. HRC's official NCOD event was held in San Francisco's Delores Park and featured a who's who of openly gay and supportive politicians, actors and activists, including Patrick Bristow (formerly of the Ellen TV show), Dan Butler, San Francisco Supervisor Mark Leno, longtime activist Donna Red Wing, Betty DeGeneres, emcee Candace Gingrich andMayor Willie Brown. That year, HRC produced a Spanish translation of the Resource Guide to Coming Out, including a foreword by the "Latina Oprah," Univision TV talk show host Christina Seralegui.
Vick To Plead Guilty
Vick has finally admitted his guilt! Michael Vick has reportedly accepted a plea deal—and a likely prison sentence—to avoid additional federal charges related to a professional dogfighting operation, one of his attorneys had told The Virginia-Pilot newspaper.
We're still waiting on the details, but we're happy knowing that if a celebrity with Vick's amount of money and his team of lawyers can't get out of legal trouble (and hopefully can't get out of serving jail time) then anyone else who fights dogs had better head for the hills.
On a more somber note, when Vicks co-defendants entered their plea agreements on Friday some details came out about the dogs being hung. It is pretty chilling stuff, so I give kudos to the media outlets who covered it.
PETA is again calling on the NFL to add cruelty to animals— in all its forms— to its "Personal Conduct Policy." This case has clearly shown that NFL fans are just as outraged by cruelty to animals as any of the other antisocial behaviors outlined in the policy. Click here to contact the NFL now!
Thai government considers new trans rights
Some promising news from
15th August 2007
Gemma Pritchard
Thailand, one of the world's most tolerant countries towards transvestites and transsexuals, may soon allow people who have had a sex change to officially alter their title.
A proposal which would allow transgender men or women to choose how they are addressed is being considered by the country's National Legislative Assembly, to support an anti-discrimination provision in the draft constitution, according to AP.
Wiroon Tangcharoen, an assembly member who is also rector of Srinakharinwirot University, said he supported the move and did not believe it would affect room assignments in university dormitories, where students are segregated by sex, The Nation newspaper reported.
Students wishing to live with members of their adopted gender would have to produce medical certificates proving they had undergone sex-change operations.
"The university has nothing against male transsexual students staying in female dormitories on the campus," he said.
Even though Thailand is widely tolerant of gays, transvestites and transsexuals, who have regular presence on TV, in movies and the entertainment business, many face family pressure, social prejudice and domestic violence.
Three years ago, a college in the northern province of Chiang Mai designated a bathroom for the exclusive use of the school's 15 cross-dressing students.
Dubbed the Pink Lotus Bathroom, the facility at the Chiang Mai Technology School featured four stalls, but no urinals. On the door was a sign with intertwined male and female symbols.
The transvestites — who had to wear male attire at school but were allowed to sport feminine hairdos — had annoyed female students when using the women's bathrooms, and faced harassment in the men's facilities.
15th August 2007
Gemma Pritchard
Thailand, one of the world's most tolerant countries towards transvestites and transsexuals, may soon allow people who have had a sex change to officially alter their title.
A proposal which would allow transgender men or women to choose how they are addressed is being considered by the country's National Legislative Assembly, to support an anti-discrimination provision in the draft constitution, according to AP.
Wiroon Tangcharoen, an assembly member who is also rector of Srinakharinwirot University, said he supported the move and did not believe it would affect room assignments in university dormitories, where students are segregated by sex, The Nation newspaper reported.
Students wishing to live with members of their adopted gender would have to produce medical certificates proving they had undergone sex-change operations.
"The university has nothing against male transsexual students staying in female dormitories on the campus," he said.
Even though Thailand is widely tolerant of gays, transvestites and transsexuals, who have regular presence on TV, in movies and the entertainment business, many face family pressure, social prejudice and domestic violence.
Three years ago, a college in the northern province of Chiang Mai designated a bathroom for the exclusive use of the school's 15 cross-dressing students.
Dubbed the Pink Lotus Bathroom, the facility at the Chiang Mai Technology School featured four stalls, but no urinals. On the door was a sign with intertwined male and female symbols.
The transvestites — who had to wear male attire at school but were allowed to sport feminine hairdos — had annoyed female students when using the women's bathrooms, and faced harassment in the men's facilities.
Videos, for or own iSupport channel!
*with LGBT related subjects of course*
Chatroom moderators to help people in a large group, and one on one. (We're going to need people to be able to schedule an hour out of their day every other day on a time schedule to help people. Or on days/times you can.)
and we're trying to set up a hotline for people
who need to talk on the phone with us.
More info soon.
Keep up all the support!
and please remember:
AIDS is out there,
and you can help prevent it.
Shawn Harris of The Matches
The Matches have been busy. Since recording their new album, Decomposer, with punk icons Tim Armstrong, Mark Hoppus, and peta2's good friend John Feldmann, the band has conquered The Bamboozle and is hitting up Warped Tour all summer long.
We got a chance to catch up with The Matches' vocalist/guitarist, Shawn Harris, backstage at The Bamboozle and found out that playing with The Matches isn't the only thing on his plate; he also has veggie burgers, riblets, and tofu on it too! That's right, kids—Shawn is vegan, and we found out why. Let's just say it has a lil' something to do with maggots…

Even if you haven't had a life-changing maggot-related experience, you can still see that eating animals is just plain wrong! All you have to do is watch "Meet Your Meat" and you'll see what we mean.
So why wait another minute to do something that'll have a huge impact on your life and the lives of animals? Get to it! Take the Veg Pledge. We can't promise that you will automatically become as cool as Shawn Harris, but we do promise that you'll be one step closer.
We got a chance to catch up with The Matches' vocalist/guitarist, Shawn Harris, backstage at The Bamboozle and found out that playing with The Matches isn't the only thing on his plate; he also has veggie burgers, riblets, and tofu on it too! That's right, kids—Shawn is vegan, and we found out why. Let's just say it has a lil' something to do with maggots…
Even if you haven't had a life-changing maggot-related experience, you can still see that eating animals is just plain wrong! All you have to do is watch "Meet Your Meat" and you'll see what we mean.
So why wait another minute to do something that'll have a huge impact on your life and the lives of animals? Get to it! Take the Veg Pledge. We can't promise that you will automatically become as cool as Shawn Harris, but we do promise that you'll be one step closer.
Together in life, apart in illness
SUMMARY: Brett Conrad and Patrick Atkins met in college and were together for 25 years, until Patrick had an incapacitating stroke and his parents stepped in.
The horrifying case of an Indiana gay couple separated after one partner's incapacitating illness makes clear the necessity of partners obtaining legal directives for each other to the extent the law allows.
Brett Conrad and Patrick Atkins, both 47, met in college and were together for 25 years. Atkins was CEO of his family's company, Atkins Elegant Desserts; Conrad, a waiter. They shared a house and bank accounts; both men's names were on their home's deed. In March 2005, traveling on business, Atkins suffered an aneurysm and then a stroke that rendered him unable to care for himself.
Atkins' deeply religious parents took over, refusing to recognize the men's relationship or even to let Conrad see him. Conrad has spent two years trying to win guardianship of his partner.
On June 27, an Indiana appellate court ruled that Conrad could have visitation rights. The Atkinses have petitioned the court to reconsider its ruling.
"Unmarried couples -- it doesn't matter whether straight or gay -- ought to have documents in place that address whom they want to make health care decisions, generally a durable power of attorney and an advance health care directive," Conrad's lawyer, Jeffrey Dible of Indianapolis, told
"If you don't have them, you are at the mercy of state law, which usually favors blood relatives."
Indiana courts have so far sided with the Atkins family, even while noting that "it is in Patrick's best interest to continue to have contact with Brett, his life partner of 25 years."
"Given the Atkinses' lack of support of their son's personal life through the years and given his mother's astonishing statement that she would rather that he never recover than see him return to his relationship with Brett, we are extraordinarily skeptical that the Atkinses are able to take care of Patrick's emotional needs," wrote Chief Judge John G. Baker in the appellate court's ruling.
At one point, the court noted, sympathetic hospital staffers were sneaking Conrad onto the premises to see his partner.
Jeanne Atkins, Patrick's mother, "testified that no amount of evidence could convince her that Brett and Patrick were happy together," the opinion read.
The case's growing publicity "just seems to inflame things," Dible told
"I hope that you will share this story with your friends and encourage them to avoid purchasing Atkins products," wrote Karen Celestino-Horseman, a former Indianapolis city councilwoman, on
The Atkinses -- who run regular Christian prayer meetings at their dessert company -- have the right as guardians to dispose of his and Conrad's house, even though it is owned jointly. A lower court gave Conrad one third of the pair's checking account, but gave the parents most of the other assets, which were in Patrick's name.
Atkins, meanwhile, now lives at his parents' home. He is "able to walk, dress, bathe and feed himself with some help, to read accurately but understand only 25 percent of what he read, and to engage in simple conversations," according to the court. (Barbara Wilcox, The Advocate) If you'd like to know more, you can find stories related to Together in life, apart in illness.
-originally posted by Activist Queer Folk. com
The horrifying case of an Indiana gay couple separated after one partner's incapacitating illness makes clear the necessity of partners obtaining legal directives for each other to the extent the law allows.
Brett Conrad and Patrick Atkins, both 47, met in college and were together for 25 years. Atkins was CEO of his family's company, Atkins Elegant Desserts; Conrad, a waiter. They shared a house and bank accounts; both men's names were on their home's deed. In March 2005, traveling on business, Atkins suffered an aneurysm and then a stroke that rendered him unable to care for himself.
Atkins' deeply religious parents took over, refusing to recognize the men's relationship or even to let Conrad see him. Conrad has spent two years trying to win guardianship of his partner.
On June 27, an Indiana appellate court ruled that Conrad could have visitation rights. The Atkinses have petitioned the court to reconsider its ruling.
"Unmarried couples -- it doesn't matter whether straight or gay -- ought to have documents in place that address whom they want to make health care decisions, generally a durable power of attorney and an advance health care directive," Conrad's lawyer, Jeffrey Dible of Indianapolis, told
"If you don't have them, you are at the mercy of state law, which usually favors blood relatives."
Indiana courts have so far sided with the Atkins family, even while noting that "it is in Patrick's best interest to continue to have contact with Brett, his life partner of 25 years."
"Given the Atkinses' lack of support of their son's personal life through the years and given his mother's astonishing statement that she would rather that he never recover than see him return to his relationship with Brett, we are extraordinarily skeptical that the Atkinses are able to take care of Patrick's emotional needs," wrote Chief Judge John G. Baker in the appellate court's ruling.
At one point, the court noted, sympathetic hospital staffers were sneaking Conrad onto the premises to see his partner.
Jeanne Atkins, Patrick's mother, "testified that no amount of evidence could convince her that Brett and Patrick were happy together," the opinion read.
The case's growing publicity "just seems to inflame things," Dible told
"I hope that you will share this story with your friends and encourage them to avoid purchasing Atkins products," wrote Karen Celestino-Horseman, a former Indianapolis city councilwoman, on
The Atkinses -- who run regular Christian prayer meetings at their dessert company -- have the right as guardians to dispose of his and Conrad's house, even though it is owned jointly. A lower court gave Conrad one third of the pair's checking account, but gave the parents most of the other assets, which were in Patrick's name.
Atkins, meanwhile, now lives at his parents' home. He is "able to walk, dress, bathe and feed himself with some help, to read accurately but understand only 25 percent of what he read, and to engage in simple conversations," according to the court. (Barbara Wilcox, The Advocate) If you'd like to know more, you can find stories related to Together in life, apart in illness.
-originally posted by Activist Queer Folk. com
If I Died Tonight
if i died tonight, and
you would never get a
chance to see me again.
[be honest]
01. What are 5 things you
would want me to
know before I died?
02. What would 5 questions be
that you have been wanting to ask me?
03. If I died, would you
come to my funeral?
04. If I died, would you cry?
05. If I died, would you
forget me eventually?
06. If I died, what would
be going through your head?
07. Would you tell me you
loved me before I died?
08. Would you mean it?
09. If I died, would you
regret anything you said to me?
10. If I died, would you be wishing
you told me something that you
haven't already told me?
11. If I died, what would be
your last memory of me?
12. If I died, what would you
remember me by?
13. If I died tonight,
I would want to know your
true feelings about me.
What are your complete
feelings about me, u to this day?
You will find out who
truly cares about you
when they message
you back..
you would never get a
chance to see me again.
[be honest]
01. What are 5 things you
would want me to
know before I died?
02. What would 5 questions be
that you have been wanting to ask me?
03. If I died, would you
come to my funeral?
04. If I died, would you cry?
05. If I died, would you
forget me eventually?
06. If I died, what would
be going through your head?
07. Would you tell me you
loved me before I died?
08. Would you mean it?
09. If I died, would you
regret anything you said to me?
10. If I died, would you be wishing
you told me something that you
haven't already told me?
11. If I died, what would be
your last memory of me?
12. If I died, what would you
remember me by?
13. If I died tonight,
I would want to know your
true feelings about me.
What are your complete
feelings about me, u to this day?
You will find out who
truly cares about you
when they message
you back..
Save Fish, Eat Chips!
Well it's summer time again and there's nothing better in between floods and torrential downpours than to go out and get active for animals. For our UK friends, especially, we've come up with something really fun by asking you to Save Fish, Eat Chips and take a photo!
It's good to remember that billions of our fishy friends are living, feeling beings that communicate with each other and feel pain, too! Please take part in our photo mission by clicking here and get the message out to people that animals (whether they live on land or under water!) are not ours to abuse.

Remember to join the Street Team (if you haven't already). When you are a signed up, we will sort you out with some Street Team points (for helping animals, of course!) that you can swap for peta2 merchandise.
Fin (that's like 'the end' in French and it's part of a fish, get it?)
It's good to remember that billions of our fishy friends are living, feeling beings that communicate with each other and feel pain, too! Please take part in our photo mission by clicking here and get the message out to people that animals (whether they live on land or under water!) are not ours to abuse.
Remember to join the Street Team (if you haven't already). When you are a signed up, we will sort you out with some Street Team points (for helping animals, of course!) that you can swap for peta2 merchandise.
Fin (that's like 'the end' in French and it's part of a fish, get it?)
I don’t care how many friends I lose over this
Month One
I am only 4 inches long
but I have all my organs.
I love the sound of your voice.
The sound of your heart beat
is my favorite lullaby.
Month Two
today I learned how to suck my thumb.
If you could see me
you could definitely tell that I am a baby.
I'm not big enough to survive outside my home though.
It is so nice and warm in here.
Month Three
You know what Mommy
I'm a boy!!
I hope that makes you happy.
I always want you to be happy.
I don't like it when you cry.
You sound so sad.
It makes me sad too
and I cry with you even though
you can't hear me.
Month Four
my hair is starting to grow.
It is very short and fine
but I will have a lot of it.
I spend a lot of my time exercising.
I can turn my head and curl my fingers and toes
and stretch my arms and legs.
I am becoming quite good at it too.
Month Five
You went to the doctor today.
Mommy, he lied to you.
He said that I'm not a baby.
I am a baby Mommy, your baby.
I think and feel.
Mommy, what's abortion?
Month Six
I can hear that doctor again.
I don't like him.
He seems cold and heartless.
Something is intruding my home.
The doctor called it a needle.
Mommy what is it? It burns!
Please make him stop!
I can't get away from it!
Mommy! HELP me!
Month Seven
I am okay.
I am in Jesus's arms.
He is holding me.
He told me about abortion.
Why didn't you want me Mommy?
Every Abortion Is Just . . .
One more heart that was stopped.
Two more eyes that will never see.
Two more hands that will never touch.
Two more legs that will never run.
One more mouth that will never speak..........?
If you're against abortion, post this as...
i dont care how many friends i lose over this
I am only 4 inches long
but I have all my organs.
I love the sound of your voice.
The sound of your heart beat
is my favorite lullaby.
Month Two
today I learned how to suck my thumb.
If you could see me
you could definitely tell that I am a baby.
I'm not big enough to survive outside my home though.
It is so nice and warm in here.
Month Three
You know what Mommy
I'm a boy!!
I hope that makes you happy.
I always want you to be happy.
I don't like it when you cry.
You sound so sad.
It makes me sad too
and I cry with you even though
you can't hear me.
Month Four
my hair is starting to grow.
It is very short and fine
but I will have a lot of it.
I spend a lot of my time exercising.
I can turn my head and curl my fingers and toes
and stretch my arms and legs.
I am becoming quite good at it too.
Month Five
You went to the doctor today.
Mommy, he lied to you.
He said that I'm not a baby.
I am a baby Mommy, your baby.
I think and feel.
Mommy, what's abortion?
Month Six
I can hear that doctor again.
I don't like him.
He seems cold and heartless.
Something is intruding my home.
The doctor called it a needle.
Mommy what is it? It burns!
Please make him stop!
I can't get away from it!
Mommy! HELP me!
Month Seven
I am okay.
I am in Jesus's arms.
He is holding me.
He told me about abortion.
Why didn't you want me Mommy?
Every Abortion Is Just . . .
One more heart that was stopped.
Two more eyes that will never see.
Two more hands that will never touch.
Two more legs that will never run.
One more mouth that will never speak..........?
If you're against abortion, post this as...
i dont care how many friends i lose over this
Help To Bring A Face To Gay Marriage
Join Us & Be Counted!
Help to bring a Face to Gay Marriage! Join our new, national 'Commitment Photo Album' to show that all American citizens deserve the right to legalize their committed relationships. Couples all across the nation are invited to submit their Wedding or Engagement Photo or Family Portrait to join these archived pages.
Our goal is to compile 5000 entries by December 31, 2008.
Take a moment and enjoy the Album! It is located under Inter-Activism. Then simply add your photo.
We believe you'll agree that whether gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered... Love Shines Through.
gay marriage,
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