Wednesday, December 6, 2006

opoem, nblah

i don't care tonight
i just want to kill myself
forget my problems
forget her
i just want to kill myself
i don't want to wake up today
cos everyday is the same
sick of this town
sick of this place
im so pissed
i don't care
don't want to think about anything
but i cant stop thinking about it
i just want to end it all
fuck it
i just want to kill myself
i cant take it anymore
i just cant take it anymore
all the fucking lies, forget the rest of my life
i don't care
i don't care tonight
im so fucked up
one needle after another
popping one pill after another
i don't care no more
the feeling of numbness if coming over me
i don't care
im a lost cause
what is the point of living
what is the point of living when u have lied to me
my world is falling apart
everything is so hard
i cant deal with it
it just wont go away
i lost my way
fuck it
heroin is the only answer

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