Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Get Rich Schemes

I know you have all seen those get rich quick schemes online. They promise that you will make tons of money and become rich, maybe even millionaires. They simply just want you to pay for something so they can get your money and then when you get the stuff they are selling you never really make money anyway. If I could have a dime for every get rich quick scheme I’ve ever tried I’d probably have a lot of money right now. Anything that asks you for money most likely isn’t worth it. However, my wife recently paid for Anthony Morrison’s two books and DVD’s. I think what he has to say in his books is true and maybe paying a price to learn it isn’t so bad at all. If I can make some extra money then why not. You can do it too. It isn’t hard and all you need is a computer and the internet. The power of the internet today is so great with the vast amounts of information that you can find online these days. The money is in the internet but you juts have to figure out how to make money using it. In Anthony’s book it tells you how to do so. Once I learn how to make money online I will share my knowledge with you. I have to see whether this works or if this is just another get rich quick scheme. It could work, there is potential to make money advertising and doing affiliate marketing on the internet. I’ve heard of affiliate marketing before but just never knew what it was and now I’m going to learn and then share my knowledge with you.

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