Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Update Since I Need One

Decided it was time to write in my blog. Haven't written in my blog in awhile, or any of my blogs actually. And I figured I needed to get some thoughts out of my head and into my blog. Yep, writing time... You know, I used to be a VERY negative person. I was taught to be negative from my father and other people that were around me. See the thing is, when you hang out with negative people that is who you will become. But in 2015 I decided to change who I was as a person & I changed the people I hung around with. I actually left some people back in 2014. Unfortunate that I had to do that especially since some were friends of mine for years but, you have to change the circle of people you hang out with or you will become just like them. When your circle is negative you too will become a negative person. I got tired of being a negative person, I got tired of complaining all the time. And I got tired of hearing the complaining all the time and hearing all the negativity so I just blocked it out and those people out of my life. However, there are a select few negative people that I cannot get out of my life though, not yet anyways.

Anyway, so I exercised this morning for over an hour. I ran over 5 miles, got over 10,000 steps which is my goal for the day so I already beat that. I haven't exercised since this morning. BUT, I had already met my goal by this morning however that doesn't mean that I am not going to exercise anymore today. Nope nope. I like to exceed my goals if at all possible and even though I did meet my goal I as far as I know haven't exceeded it yet. So I gotta get moving on the exercise after the team meeting.

So I haven't been keeping up with my blogs, either of them. Cinder is over there laying in her bed whining guess I gotta take her out again. She is always in out in out in out. LOL. She interrupts me a lot. Lol. I would take my laptop outside but its dying yikes. Guess its time to take a break. I am sure I have more to say because what I wanted to say hasn't even come out yet. So more to come later.

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