Thursday, May 27, 2010

Busy Day, Busy Life

Well, its been awhile since I last wrote a blog. I have made some changes to my life recently. The biggest change I have made is that I quit smoking. Life without a cigarette sure isn’t easy at all. Let me tell ya, I thought it would be easy just quitting but it hasn’t been at all. Deborah quit smoking too. I woke up this morning wanting a cigarette. I always had routines that I would go through and cigarettes were always involved in that routine. Bear called this morning and wanted me to pick him up from Bank of America and wanted me to take him to run some errands. So that kept me busy for most of the day. I picked Bear up from Bank of America and then he wanted me to take him to the cab company that he used to work for because he had to pay his cab tab. Then he was hungry but I wanted to go get has before we got something to eat so he put in 10 bucks into my gas tank and then I told him he should try Kathy’s restaurant because he had never eaten there before. Well, since we were eating at Kathy’s I didn’t want to exclude Deborah. Deborah loves eating at Kathy’s and it was always our thing to eat there. So we went and hurried up and got Deborah. Deborah had I’m guessing just mowed the lawn or been working in the yard because she was all hot and sweaty and her face was red. She changed her shirt and hopped in the car with us and we headed to Kathy’s restaurant to eat. We got to Kathy’s and Bear was impressed by the menu. He was really hungry. He had sounded like he was hungry from the beginning. I had two eggs, some home fried potatoes, some bacon and of course had it all with ranch dressing. I love the ranch dressing they have there. Its really good. Deborah ate pancakes as usual. She loves the pancakes at Kathy’s. Bear had an omelet and pancakes. He was very impressed by the food. I didn’t eat all mine so I had to take a carry out. That’s me though, always taking a carry out. I like to enjoy my food and don’t like to waste any, I like taking it home and eating the rest of it. After we ate at Kathy’s Bear had more errands he had to run. We had seen a yard sale which was near our house and we went and took him to the yard sale. They had lots of books for sale so Bear bought a bunch of good books to read. Then after the yard sale we went to Walmart. We dropped Bear off at Walmart and we went to Woodrow because Deborah needed to go talk to Joe Fangman. We went to Woodrow but Joe had taken a lunch break so we were unable to see him but she did stop to Mrs. Brown. Mrs. Brown is cool, she is one of the best teachers there at Woodrow. Deborah was telling Mrs. Brown how I was taking a math class and Mrs. Brown suggested asking Mrs. Gold if she had something that could teach me how to do fractions so we went and saw Mrs. Gold. Mrs. Gold printed off some stuff for me to learn and then we left Woodrow and went back to Walmart. Bear wasn’t outside waiting for us so we parked and went inside and I called him. He said he was getting laundry bags so I assumed he was in the laundry aisle. I had to explain to Deborah what Bear said so she could figure out where he was at. I don’t always feel so smart. I felt kind of dumb not knowing where he was. Walmart is a big store though. We eventually found him and he was getting ready to check out. After Walmart we took Bear to the bank so he could get some money. Then after the bank we took him home. Deborah and I came home and decided to go take a nap. We slept for a little bit then we woke up and I called dad to ask him if he wanted to go to the park which he did, which was cool and I was glad. We both took a shower then headed over to mom and dads house. We picked dad up and then we headed to Staunton. I stopped at Burger King to get me something to eat then I went to Taco Bell so Deborah could get something to eat and then we stopped at Hardees to get dad something to eat and then we headed to the park. We ate our food at the park and then went back to mom and dads. I let Zeus out to go pee and poop and to play in the yard and we waited for mom to get home. Deborah raked the driveway, mind you the driveway is pavement but there were leaves on the driveway. Deborah tried to install a screen window into the window in my living room but the thing wouldn’t go in. She eventually gave up and I let Zeus go pee and poop outside again and then I said goodbye to mom and dad and we left. We came home and we decided to watch the movie Dear John. That was a good movie. It was a great love story. It had a lot of surprises in the movie yet it was still a good movie. I can’t wait to see the new Twilight movie. I think it comes out June 30th. I wonder if we will be able to go see it in theaters. Hum. I think we can get up the money for that lol. Now I’m just laying in bed with Deborah and she is playing on her laptop. She is playing on Facebook of course and I am sitting here typing this blog. I’m going to bed in a little bit though. I think we are going to get up and go walking in the morning. We are trying to get in shape and be healthier so we are going to start exercising. Well this is the end of the blog. I’m out for the night. Goodnight all and to all a good night.

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