Monday, October 25, 2010

Terrible Two’s

My wife’s granddaughter Deana is going through the terrible two’s. Now they don’t call it the terrible two’s for nothing, when they say terrible two’s they mean it. However, I have heard that being 3 is worse then the terrible two’s. Kids are great, I love kids yet handling a child going through the terrible two’s is something else let me tell you. Deana isn’t really a bad kid, she is just very curious and likes to get into everything. Sometimes I find that things are missing around the house because Deana has ran off with them and they are not to be found. Like this morning I lost the dust pan and little small handled broom that goes with the dust pan. My wife Deborah’s son Eugene told me to ask Deana where the small handled broom was. Funny that he should tell me to ask the 2 year old where its at. As if she would actually tell me. So in an attempt to find the broom I asked her, she acted like she didn’t understand what I was saying. Stupid of me to ask a 2 year old where something is. Funny thing is that when you tell Deana that her baba is in the trash can she actually goes to the trash can to look for it but when you are missing something she acts like she don’t know what you are saying. Now I have to remember that she is only 2 years old and her vocabulary hasn’t developed because she is only 2 years old. So she doesn’t understand everything that I say. She is also at the stage where she likes to repeat things and this is bad for me because I cuss like a sailor and she likes to repeat everything that everyone says. Her favorite word is ass. She likes to call everyone an ass when they are bothering her or when she doesn’t get her way. This would be my fault. I say ass a lot and she copied me in saying it. The bad thing is that when we went into social services and Deana was being bad and wouldn’t listen to me and I tried to discipline her she called me an ass 3 times. That was kind of embarrassing because people around me were looking at me and were shocked that Deana was cussing. Some things I shouldn’t teach a 2 year old. I was joking with Deana and told her to crawl into the dryer, she wouldn’t do it. Good thing she didn’t do it but I just wanted to see if she would or not. She probably would have if no one else was around. LOL. I was told I shouldn’t be around kids or watch kids because I teach them bad things. I just like to have fun really. I love Deana a lot and would never do anything to hurt her, I have fun with her. We take her to the park a lot and I get on the slide and go down the slide with her on my lap sometimes. She likes the slide. We have fun though for the most part. When Deana has a fit though its never good. She is loud and obnoxious and acts all crazy and screams and kicks. When she doesn’t get her way its never good, she acts totally crazy like an insane child or something. We don’t always let her get her way but we try to accommodate her needs with whatever she wants unless it is something that could hurt her. The terrible two’s let me tell you is nothing fun to go through. Deana is a perfect angel when she is asleep. She takes naps a lot in the car. When we are driving a lot she seems to go to sleep in the car and is passed out like a quiet sleeping angel. It doesn’t help that Deana has to be separated from her father either. She sees Clint sometimes but he doesn’t watch her as much as Melissa watches her. She is a daddy’s girl for sure. She loves Clint a lot but sometimes being with him isn’t the best thing for her because he is sort of a trouble maker. Well the terrible two’s is here to stay for another whole year because she just turned 2. So we have another whole year of her being two. This should be interesting.

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