Saturday, October 31, 2015

Where will life take me?

You know, I always wonder what life has in store for me. I have decided to let God take control & lead me in the right direction. God knows what's best for me. And I trust in him.

In the past couple weeks I have been doing a lot of soul searching, some heavy thinking. I've been thinking about my life & how I've lived it so far. I have made a lot of mistakes & have a lot of regrets but I have decided to start living life with no regrets. 

Life is short but sweet & I intend to make the rest of my life the best of my life. You can't live your life holding onto the past. What is done is done & you must move forward with your life. You have to pick yourself up and the pieces of your broken heart & move forward. It's hard to move on from the one you love but you have to sometimes in life because they have already moved on without you. 

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