Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Westboro Baptist Church

As you all might know I am a YouTubber. I am subscribed to the OMFGitsjustin YouTube channel. Justin has three videos on there of protesters from the Westboro Baptist Church. If you are GLBT than I'm sure you know who they are. First I would like to say, what is wrong with those people? They say we aren't teaching our children the truth because we aren't teaching them whats in the bible. Okay so they are teaching their children to hate everyone? Does that make sense to you? It doesn't to me. And another thing I want to know. Did God tell them that he hates everyone? I had never heard that God hates everyone until tonight when I heard it out of their mouths. That is absurd. I mean come on now, if God hated everyone than why would he create them? Doesn't make sense to me. And their website is and until tonight I thought that just meant that God supposedly just hated GLBT people. Apparently according to one of the members from Westboro, anyone can be a "fag" which is known as a bundle of sticks and has some reference to going to hell. Those people look like idiots, they are foolish, they are much hated by many many people. I mean what I want to know is why are they telling everyone that God hates everyone? Wouldn't that mean that God hates them too? So if God hates everyone and that would include them than why are they out there holding signs speaking up for God if he hates them? Does that make sense? Not to me. Maybe they are just bored. I wonder what they do for a living. Maybe they just go around the country preaching the fact that God supposedly hates everyone. On another note, tonight is the first time I have ever heard of President Obama being referred to as the Antichrist. I wonder why they consider him the Antichrist. Humm. That is a good question.

Well, I checked out their website and I found that they are preaching hate really. It seems like they are a cult or something. I mean teaching hate and prejudice. In my honest opinion, I think they are the Antichrist. I mean come on, really. Where have you ever heard that God preached about hating others? I've never heard of it until now. What I've been told by my parents and what I've read in the bible is that God loved all. God preached about love and taught love among his children.

After watching the video I would really love to go to one of there protests or pickets as they call it. I'm going to have to pick up my bible and find in there where it says God hates fags. I'll probably be looking forever because I'm pretty sure it doesn't say that in there anywhere.

What I want to know is what are your thoughts on Westboro Baptist Church and do you agree with what they are teaching? Send me a comment, e-mail, a video response, anything. Let me know what you think.


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