Friday, January 31, 2014

Busy day

This weather is so insane. It's kinda warm today. I'm sitting on my back deck and the dogs are running around the yard. Had a good productive day at work. Got lots done today. My Aunt Erika and Uncle Paul who are from Canada stopped by my work this morning to say hi on there way to Florida. It was nice to see them, haven't seen them since last February. Jen stopped by this morning to see me at work. I always love seeing her in the mornings. So our landlord came over for inspection last night. That went good it seems. She said it smelled good in our house. Our house is nice and clean. That had been stressing me out for the past two weeks so I'm glad it's over with. Time for a shower and to warm up. Then I'm going to start laundry and straighten up. Then I think Jen and I will go get dinner. I have to go to the bank before it closes. Lots to do before the evening ends. Since banks close at six this evening. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Body By Vi Diet

The Body By Vi Diet is great. I started the diet on 26 Dec 2013 and have been on it ever since. I really like this diet and plan on continuing it because it is like no other diet I have tried or that's out there. You are guaranteed to lose weight on this diet and you don't even have to exercise but it does help if you exercise but it is not required.



With good nutrition as our foundation and a powerful social network as our mobilizer, we’re committed to working together, as a company and a community, to provide a real solution to the global obesity epidemic.




The biggest threat to our health, and the health of future generations, is hiding in the shadows. It’s time to face it. ViSalus leads the way, providing a platform for people to come together and fight obesity head-on. With good nutrition as our foundation and a powerful social network as our mobilizer, we’re committed to providing a real solution to this growing global epidemic. Big companies helped create this problem; we’ve challenged ourselves to be the company and community that helps solve it.
Why “Taking Weight off the World?"
Making the world healthier starts with making people healthier. Combining good nutrition, education and our passionate Promoter network, ViSalus is committed to fighting the biggest threat to our physical well-being and the fastest-growing cause of preventable death—obesity.
Why “One Person at a Time”?
It’s a mission that starts with one. Then it grows into many—touching and transforming millions more lives by educating, inspiring, motivating and sharing the success of healthy living with others. From our company, throughout our communities, and over borders—a healthy world begins with one.
Why “10 lbs. at a Time?”
Helping millions of people lose millions of pounds has shown us one thing: The secret to success lies in the first 10 lbs. Losing just 10 lbs. makes a noticeable difference and has an immediate impact on a person’s mental and physical health. It’s a key milestone in any weight-loss journey—no one has ever lost 100 lbs. without losing the first 10! Through PROJECT 10™ and PROJECT 10 Kids, ViSalus not only rewards those who accomplish this success, but compounds that success by paying it forward to future generations.

Check out the links above for more information on the Body By Vi Challenge. I took the 90 day challenge and I am on Day 32 of the challenge and so far I have lost 8 pounds. My boss introduced me to Body By Vi and she has been on the diet since before Thanksgiving and she has lost 23 pounds. It is fun, its easy, its healthy and the shakes you drink twice a day are delicious, they taste like cake batter, yeah really. They are delicious and healthy for you. With the Body By Vi Diet they encourage you to snack throughout the day but snack on healthy things such as almonds, cashews, bananas and other healthy things. The shakes are delicious and when you get your starter kit they send you flavor packets with your kit. When you run out of flavor packets you can order more on Ebay or you can use Jello fat free sugar free to add to your shake. I drink my shake for breakfast and normally eat a banana with it. Throughout the day I will snack on trail mix and then have my shake for lunch. Chocolate is my favorite. Its also fun to make your shake in the blender and add bananas and all kinds of different things to it. There are so many options and ways to make your shake. 
Below I am going to add photos for a little inspiration and so you'll have more information about the Body By Vi Diet. If you have any questions about the diet you can email me at or you can check out my Challenge Timeline at Aiden Bean - The Body By Vi Challenge



Monday, January 27, 2014

Paranoid Schizophrenia

I have Paranoid Schizophrenia. I was diagnosed in 2005 while I was in the Army. Even though I was diagnosed with it then I do believe I had it all along even as a child. After being diagnosed with it I was in denial because I thought about all the things I have heard about Schizophrenics. And I thought to myself that is not me at all. The more I learned about my illness I came to terms with it and realized that I do have it. It is a disability, an illness and over the years I have come to accept it. I didn't know too much about Schizophrenia other than what I had heard on TV or from other people. Society as a whole makes Schizophrenia sound bad and those who have it or tagged insane or crazy. I don't think I am insane or crazy at all. I wouldn't say that I am entirely normal but I am not crazy or insane. I guess you could say I am unique, different than others. And I don't mind being different than others. When I was diagnosed with Schizophrenia I looked back on my childhood and thought about things I had done and how I used to think and realized that I obviously had it when I was a child too but was just never diagnosed with it then. I was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Depression as a child but never the Schizophrenia.

I was diagnosed wit Paranoid Schizophrenia, which is one of the many different types of Schizophrenia. Paranoid Schizophrenia is a chronic mental illness in which a person loses touch with reality (pyschosis). I am still somewhat in denial about that, I don't think I lose touch with reality but I guess if you were around me you could say otherwise. The classic features of Paranoid Schizophrenia are having delusions and hearing things that aren't real. I see things and I hear things that others cannot see or hear but they are real to me. And I believe those things are there because I can see them with my eyes even if no one else can see what I see or hear what I hear. Sometimes when I go into a Schizophrenic Episode depending on who I am around it freaks the person out. But most of the time as long as I take my medicine I am okay. However if I don't take my medicine on time and its late at night the delusions appear. My Schizophrenia is worse at night that is why I try to go to bed at the same time every night and make sure I take my medicine and don't stay up too late. The longer I stay up usually the worse it gets until I take my medicine and go to sleep. It doesn't help that on top of that I have Manic Depressive Bipolar Disorder. And at night my mania comes out and I can't sleep which leads me to having insomnia. Which I used to have really bad until I was put on one regular shift at work and now I go to bed at least by 10pm and get up early in the morning. Before I was working shift work and I never went to bed at the same time and most of the time I would stay up late because I had insomnia and couldn't sleep and didn't take my medicine like I should have been taking it. That was years ago and I am doing much better with sleeping now and taking my medicine on time.

With Paranoid Schizophrenia, your ability to think and function in daily life may be better than with other types of Schizophrenia. You may not have as many problems with memory, concentration or dulled emotions. However since I have ADHD I have a huge problem with concentration, have since I was a kid. I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was in elementary school and put on Ritalin and Wellbutrin. Paranoid Schizophrenia is a serious, lifelong condition that can lead to many complications, including suicidal behavior. And I have experienced this most of my life being that I have had suicidal thoughts many times even trying to attempt suicide and never succeeding, obviously. I was always depressed growing up my whole life but I had a good home life and my parents love me and treated me good it was just a battle within my head. A battle that I felt like I kept losing and I did lose the battle several times but I have always fought back.

Here are some signs and symptoms of Paranoid Schizophrenia:
Signs and symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia may include:
  • Auditory hallucinations, such as hearing voices
  • Delusions, such as believing a co-worker wants to poison you
  • Anxiety
  • Anger
  • Emotional distance
  • Violence
  • Argumentativeness
  • Self-important or condescending manner
  • Suicidal thoughts and behavior

As I mentioned above I hear things; voices, noises, things others do not hear but I can hear them. I have a big problem with having delusions as they call it. I am a very paranoid person, it used to be very extreme but with taking my medicine its not as bad anymore thankfully. Sometimes it gets on my nerves being this paranoid and I feel sometimes like I get on others nerves. Thankfully my girlfriend is very understanding of my illness and has learned to cope with it and knows how to handle it. I have always had anxiety that seems like it will never go away. I am on medicine for my anxiety and it helps especially when I am having a panic attack. And in case you've never had one of those I will tell you it feels like an elephant is standing on your chest and you get chest pains. The anger part has always been with me, even since I was a child. I don't know why I am angry but I have always been like that. I was an angry child growing up and I hate to admit it but I am still an angry person. Sometimes I go into anger fits of rage. I don't know why I am an angry person, I don't guess I have a reason to be angry but at the time when my anger shows I do at that moment have a reason to be angry. I took anger management classes but that didn't help too well, really just kind of made me angrier because I felt like it wasn't helping me but I did listen. The emotional distance is something I face, I don't like getting close to people and even my good friends or my best friend for example I distance myself from. I have season depression and in the Winter I stay to myself, my best friend however probably wonders what is wrong with me but I am like a hermit and just don't go out much if I don't have too. And I don't talk really about what's wrong with me because I feel like no one will understand me. Ask anyone that knows me I am very argumentative. I used to argue with my parents when I was a child. I gave them such a fit always arguing with them and being in my mind a bad child. Maybe I wasn't a bad child I just had behaviorial problems or maybe it was because of my mental illnesses but I used to cuss my parents a lot. Now that I am an adult I feel so bad for the way I acted as a child, if I could go back and do it all over I definitely would have been a better child for my parents. But when I became an adult I started treating my parents a lot better and stopped arguing with them, stopped cussing them and I started appreciating them more and acting better for them. I love my parents very much and I can only imagine what it was like raising me. It was a task for sure because I was a handful for them. No wonder my mom and dad have high blood pressure with the way I acted. Like I said before, growing up especially in my teens I was suicidal and I used to cut myself with anything I could. I was a cutter yes, I didn't do it for attention because I mostly hid it from everyone. I did it because it released the pain I was feeling inside and it made me feel better.

Key symptoms

Delusions and hallucinations are the symptoms that make paranoid schizophrenia most distinct from other types of schizophrenia.
  • Delusions. In paranoid schizophrenia, a common delusion is that you're being singled out for harm. For instance, you may believe that the government is monitoring every move you make or that a co-worker is poisoning your lunch. You may also have delusions of grandeur — the belief that you can fly, that you're famous or that you have a relationship with a famous person, for example. You hold on to these false beliefs despite evidence to the contrary. Delusions can result in aggression or violence if you believe you must act in self-defense against those who want to harm you.
  • Auditory hallucinations. An auditory hallucination is the perception of sound — usually voices — that no one else hears. The sounds may be a single voice or many voices. These voices may talk either to you or to each other. The voices are usually unpleasant. They may make ongoing criticisms of what you're thinking or doing, or make cruel comments about your real or imagined faults. Voices may also command you to do things that can be harmful to yourself or to others. When you have paranoid schizophrenia, these voices seem real. You may talk to or shout at the voices.

I always seem to think the worst of people when I first meet them. I don't trust a lot of people therefore I don't have a lot of friends. I most of the time think people are just wanting to be my friends because they want something from me and that they're using me for something. I have over the years learned to live with the voices and things I see and mostly ignore them the best I can. As a teenager the voices were unpleasant and they would say things like I was fat and that I am ugly. They would point out all of my insecurities which just made me feel even worse about myself. I have built up my self confidence and I am not as insecure about myself as I used to be. One time when I was a teenager one of the voices told me to put a spell on my mom. So my best friend and I put a spell on my mom to make her have nightmares. Years later we reversed that spell and my mom said she didn't have nightmares anymore. My best friend and I were into witchcraft.

Paranoid schizophrenia and other forms of schizophrenia are brain disorders. Genetics and environment likely both play a role in causing schizophrenia.

Although the precise cause of paranoid schizophrenia isn't known, certain factors seem to increase the risk of developing or triggering paranoid schizophrenia, including:
  • Having a family history of schizophrenia
  • Exposure to viruses while in the womb
  • Poor nutrition while in the womb
  • Stressful life circumstances
  • Older paternal age
  • Taking psychoactive drugs during adolescence
Signs and symptoms of schizophrenia typically develop between the teenage years and the mid-30s.

Left untreated, paranoid schizophrenia can result in severe emotional, behavioral, health, and even legal and financial problems that affect every area of your life. Complications that paranoid schizophrenia may cause or be associated with include:
  • Suicidal thoughts and behavior
  • Self-destructive behavior
  • Depression
  • Abuse of alcohol, drugs or prescription medications
  • Poverty
  • Homelessness
  • Incarceration
  • Family conflicts
  • Inability to work or attend school
  • Health problems from antipsychotic medications
  • Being a victim or perpetrator of violent crime
  • Heart and lung disease related to smoking

Delicious Shake

Drinking my shake. I'm having a Chocolate Vi Shake for lunch. I had a Banana Vi Shake for breakfast. I love how the shake makes me feel like I have more energy and feel better. Not to mention it tastes good. 
Still haven't gotten it should I say found the Nutrtion Facts for my Juva Roast Coffee. S&D Coffee Company sent me stuff but it didn't have the Nutrtion Facts with it. Makes me annoyed kind if cos they didn't send me what I wanted. Oh well I'm going to try to Google it. 
I Googled information on Home Remedies for a cats cold. I put Connor and Cole in the bathroom with me last night and turned on the shower for about 15 minutes. It seemed to help them. I'm going to have to do that every day. 

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Connor and Cole

Stuck Connor and Cole in the bathroom with me and turned on the shower for about 12 to 15 minutes. It was pretty steamy in there. But since they have colds it's supposed to be good for them. While we were in there I rubbed petroleum jelly on their noses and cleaned their faces. They were playing the whole time while we were in there. They love each other so much. 

Cats Cold - Home Remedies

Saline nasal sprays may be used on your cat to help relieve congestion. Use on your cat twice a day.

  • Saline nose drops may be used to help treat stuffy noses. Place one drop in each nostril once a day.
Maybe a humidifier in the room.

Heat your cats food up

Make sure they have plenty of water and are drinking the water so they don't get dehydrated

The vet suggested keeping her in the bathroom with a nice hot shower going. DON"T PUT THE CAT IN THE SHOWER BTW!!!!! But the steam in the bathroom will help to clear up the congestion. I have used the same technique with another cat since then and it worked just fine, the congestion cleared up with a couple of days. 

You can rub a bit of petroleum jelly on her nose to help ease the discomfort. 

It is safe to give your cat Afrin Children’s Strength Nose Drops. 
You’ll give him one drop in one nostril one day and one drop in the other nostril the next day. Continue the process for five to seven days.

If you don’t have a vaporizer, turn on a hot shower and put your cat in the bathroom for 10 to 15 minutes where the steam may help to loosen any mucus.

You might even give your cat a heating pad while he is ill. Ensure the heating pad is on its lowest setting and that it is covered with a towel. Also be sure your cat can get off the heating pad if he gets too warm.

You might also try offering her chicken broth. The broth can be warmed in the microwave to bring out its aroma.

Humidification of the nasal passages may also help your cat, you can do this by purchasing a humidifier for the room or bringing your kitty in with you for a nice steaming in the bathroom.

Keep your home above 70 degrees and if your cat gets wet either dry him off or make sure he stays warm while he dries off. 

Provide your little one with a comfy bed to rest out her symptoms and place a vaporizer next to this area to help open her airways and relieve her congestion. 

A few drops of children's saline nasal drops placed in her nose can also help to open up your kitty's nasal passages when given one to two times each day, if she'll let you.

Her runny nose may become raw and red from her rubbing it so apply a bit of sesame or olive oil to it with your finger to moisturize it.

To help speed your furry friend's recovery, give her some l-lysine if she has a virus. This amino acid helps to speed recovery from viral infections and reduce symptoms as well, recommends the Manhattan Cat Specialists. The Holisticat website suggests giving your kitty 250 to 500 mg of l-lysine to your kitty daily during the time she is ill. 

Vitamin C can also help your furry buddy fight off a cold. Give your kitty 1/4 of a 250 mg tablet daily, placing the piece of pill directly into her mouth as far back as possible. If you don't see improvement, you may administer up to 1000 mg of vitamin C to your kitty daily while she's experiencing her illness, recommends VetInfo. Once you see she's feeling better, you can stop the vitamin C.

One of the time tested remedies for cat colds is Vitamin C. In many cats this works as wonder and a quarter of a Vitamin C tablet every day for four days will totally cure the cold. Vitamin C is often advised to humans as a preventive measure against colds. With cats it is different and should not be given regularly as a preventative treatment.

 Licorice and antiviral herbs like elderberry are effective herbal remedies for cat colds

An air vaporizer or humidifier can help to increase the moisture levels in a room. This usually assists in clearing up your pet's nasal passageways, allowing him to breathe with greater ease. You can also run a hot shower in a bathroom where your cat is located, but be careful not to allow him to get wet.

Run a soft towel or sponge under warm water and gently wipe away any discharge from your pet's face. 

The best thing you can do for now, is help your cat decongest a little by running a humidifier in your home, or in the room he spends most time in, and also run a hot shower to steam up your bathroom and sit in there with him for 15 minutes at a time, every few hours. Make sure he doesn't get a chill upon coming out, and wrap him in a towel, if he'll allow. 

One thing you can try is a l-lysine supplement.  Most cat colds are caused by either the calici virus or the feline herpes virus.  L-lysine is very helpful at battling the herpes virus.  Lots of fluids is something my vet always recommends for a cold too. 

You should be able to purchase the l-lysine at a pharmacy or health food store.  I've seen discussions on here about making sure they don't have added ingredients that aren't good for cats.  I'm not sure what those added ingredients are (since we buy one made for cats), but read the labels and if there are added ingredients you could google them or ask your vet.  I know there are plenty of folks who use the one sold for humans.

FCV Protect is an FDA-registered natural remedy for cats to help them with cold symptoms. This product contains 100% homeopathic ingredients and is safe for kittens and pregnant cats as well.It is said to relieve sneezing, nasal congestion, weepy eyes, blocked nose, and fever. I am including a link that has more information and seems to sell a lot of great herbal/natural medications/remedies for pets. You can find more information here:

L-lysine capsules can be easily found at health food stores and at Wal Mart in tablet form. Wherever you buy it, read the label. Do not purchase any product which contains any "glycol" ingredient, which is toxic to cats. Dosage is 250 to 500 mg per day for kittens, and 500 to 1,000 mg for adults.

If the URI symptoms are severe enough to cause your cat to refuse food due to mucus buildup in the sinuses, a single drop of Afrin Children's Strength Nose Drops (.025 percent Oxymetazoline hydrochloride) can be administered to one nostril per day, but use it no longer than five days in a row, switching nostrils for each drop.

Natural Treatment for a Common Cold Infection in Cats

Just like people, kitties can suffer from colds too, leading to sneezing, coughing and runny noses. These upper respiratory infections are caused by viruses or bacteria. For viral infections, antibiotics won't help, so you need to give your furry friend some supportive care and supplements to make him feel better.
Homeopathic Remedy for Cat Upper Respiratory Health & Wellness.​/​PetAlive

Proper Diagnosis

Before giving your furry friend any natural supplements, bring him to the vet for a proper diagnosis. Your vet will perform a physical exam, along with blood and urine tests to determine the cause of your furry friend's cold symptoms. Most likely a virus or bacterial infection is to blame, but feline allergies or a nasal obstruction could produce similar symptoms. The tests can also help determine if an underlying condition like feline leukemia or the feline immunodeficiency virus could be affecting your kitty and opening her up to infection. Consult with your doctor regarding the use of holistic medication to see if it is appropriate for your kitty's case, depending on the severity of her symptoms.

Supportive Care

If your furry friend is suffering from a virus, there aren't really any treatments to rid her of it. She'll need to heal on her own with some supportive care to make her feel better and alleviate her symptoms. Provide your little one with a comfy bed to rest out her symptoms and place a vaporizer next to this area to help open her airways and relieve her congestion. Make sure she has a quiet spot to nap with no disturbances because it's important she gets plenty of rest as she recovers.

Runny Nose

A few drops of children's saline nasal drops placed in her nose can also help to open up your kitty's nasal passages when given one to two times each day, if she'll let you. Wipe her nose and eyes with a soft tissue dampened with warm water to clean away mucous several time per day as well. Her runny nose may become raw and red from her rubbing it so apply a bit of sesame or olive oil to it with your finger to moisturize it.


To help speed your furry friend's recovery, give her some l-lysine if she has a virus. This amino acid helps to speed recovery from viral infections and reduce symptoms as well, recommends the Manhattan Cat Specialists. The Holisticat website suggests giving your kitty 250 to 500 mg of l-lysine to your kitty daily during the time she is ill. Vitamin C can also help your furry buddy fight off a cold. Give your kitty 1/4 of a 250 mg tablet daily, placing the piece of pill directly into her mouth as far back as possible. If you don't see improvement, you may administer up to 1000 mg of vitamin C to your kitty daily while she's experiencing her illness, recommends VetInfo. Once you see she's feeling better, you can stop the vitamin C.


When treating your kitty for a cold, always consult with your vet before giving her any medications, even natural ones. You may also want to consult with a holistic veterinarian to determine a course of treatment for her using natural supplements and herbs. To treat a bacterial infection, antibiotics may be necessary to prevent the infection from worsening into something like pneumonia. Upper respiratory infections that cause severe symptoms may need hospitalization by your vet rather than simply supportive, natural care.



Cats can get upper respiratory infections or what we call the common cold or flu. However you can not pass a human cold on to your cat and vice versa. The cat ‘cold’ is a completely different cup of tea. If your cat has any of the below symptoms for more than a day or two he/she probably has an upper respiratory infection.
Upper respiratory infections are extremely contagious (infection can be passed through an airborne contagion or through casual contact) and it is very common for all cats within a household to become infected quickly. Although most of the agents that cause URI do not survive very long (from a few hours to a few weeks) in the environment, they can last a very long time in the cat’s respiratory tract in a latent or potent form. Many cats actually will carry the agent in their body for the duration of life. In such a case your cat may suffer from occasional flare-ups when stressed or when the immune system is weak. Such a cat may also pass the agent on to other cats (even if that cat isn’t actively sick). Cats can get URI’s for a variety of reasons just as people do. These reasons can range from:
  • A bacteria or virus (Chlamydia, Feline Calicivirus, Feline Herpes virus also known as Feline Rhinotracheitis Virus) a majority of UTI’s are caused by a virus
  • A parasitic worm infection
  • An allergic reaction


  • Sneezing
  • Runny nose
  • Coughing
  • Wheezing
  • Discharge from the nose or mouth
  • Respiratory problems
  • Oral ulcers
  • Conjunctivitis (discharge from the eye)


If you suspect any sort of “cold” take your cat to the vet immediately for an examination. Although URI’s are not terribly serious, your cat can get secondary infections during this time period which could be more serious and can lead to chronic illnesses. Many cats with a cold will also have their appetites suppressed. Cats who do not eat for even just a day or two can be at risk for hepatic lipidosis, which can be a very serious illness. The bottom line is that although a cold in and of itself is not terribly serious, that left untreated, it can turn into a serious illness.
Most cases of URI are taken care of with a course of drug therapy (antibiotics, decongestants, antivirals), rest, lots of food and liquids. Humidification of the nasal passages may also help your cat, you can do this by purchasing a humidifier for the room or bringing your kitty in with you for a nice steaming in the bathroom. However, do not allow your cat to catch a ‘chill’ if you do get him/her wet.
If you do have a cat that has been on therapy for a few weeks and is still not feeling better, or if your pet has finished his/her course of medication and is still ill your vet may have him/her in for another visit to do some more tests. These may include X-rays of the skull which allow you to see the nasal cavity and frontal sinuses. This can help you determine what, if any damage the infection has done to the nasal passages. A nasal flush can also be performed to collect matter from the nasal cavity. This matter can then be analyzed to better determine what is causing your cat to be ill.


Keep your cat indoors and away from other sick animals. Keep your pet in a clean environment which includes clean food and water bowls and a clean home. Keep your home above 70 degrees and if your cat gets wet either dry him off or make sure he stays warm while he dries off. You can also talk to your vet about yearly vaccinations to ward off such infections.

Cat Cold Symptoms & Remedies

Here's How To Help

      Remember, cat cold symptoms are very similar to human colds. Common cat cold symptoms include: excess mucous, sneezing, and wheezing. Oddly enough, cat colds are more common in the warmer months than in the colder ones. Cats catch colds from other cats at places like the vet, kennels, and groomers. Cats can catch colds anyplace where they come into contact with other cats.
      You can expect your cats cold symptoms to last about a week on average. Some home remedies for cats may help shorten the severity and length of colds. Similar to humans, cats have an immune system that will fight off colds and infections. The worst thing you cat do is to try to relieve cat cold symptoms by giving your cat human medications. You may do your cat more harm than good. Cat colds are not dangerous unless the cold progresses into an upper resperitory infection.
      If your cat has a cold that lasts longer than a week and cold symptoms are not improving, call your veterinarian. If you think at any time that your cats cold may be developing into an infection call your veterinarian immediately.
      One of the most obvious symptoms of a cat cold is excessive sneezing. All cats sneeze regularly but if your cats sneezing increases suddenly it's probably a cold. Keep a watchful eye on your cat and recognize cat cold symptoms that will be similar to your own cold symptoms. Loss of appetite will often accompany a cat cold. If your cat starts eating dangerously small amounts it would be a wise idea to again, call your veterinarian.
      An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure when it comes to cat colds and sever cat cold symptoms.
      You can get your cat vaccinated against two common viruses at your veterinarian. Ask your vet about getting your cat a vaccination for feline herpes virus as well as feline calicivirus. Indoor cats are also less susceptible to colds since they are exposed less to other cats. If at all possible keep your cat indoors to prevent colds.