Thursday, March 13, 2014


So yesterday it was warm, it was about 73 degrees. But that all changed come the afternoon. It got really windy and I had to work second shift at work because we have one girl out because she is sick so I worked her shift. I had to chase the trash cans several times and the buckets the windshield washer fluid was in.. The Richmond Times Dispatch paper box got knocked over several times and I had to pick it up and put it back in place. The last time it blew over I struggled to pick it back up and put it back where it was but out of no where one of my customers came and picked it up for me and put it back in place. That was so nice of him and it meant a lot to me to have him help me. He didn't have to but he did. That was nice of him. Yesterday went by pretty quickly and I did a lot. I checked out of dates for the Beef Jerky and I found a lot but I still need to continue that because I wasn't done because well I had to close my drawer so I didn't get to finish checking out of dates. Yesterday I got up later then I had wanted but my alarm didn't go off at 7:30 like I had thought it would. Which reminds me I need to make sure my alarm is on for tomorrow. So I got up at like 9 or around that time and I drank my shake and later on Jennifer and I went to the Dollar Tree and bought some stuff. I drank my shake for lunch when I got to work. I started watching Days Of Our Lives after I took a shower and then I went to work early so April wasn't by herself for the rest of her shift. I did a lot yesterday but I didn't stock the cooler. That is the only thing I didn't get done. I was off Tuesday but I can't remember what I did. That is why it is important to write down what I do everyday which is what I need to start doing. Because well, I don't have the greatest memory at all. So this morning I woke up and went and smoked a cigarette and let the dogs out. Then Jennifer woke up and we went to Starbucks to get coffee. I got a Cafe Mocha like I always get and Jennifer got her White Chocolate Mocha like she always gets then we stopped at the bank so she could deposit money into her account. Then we came home. We got home and I let the dogs out and smoked a cigarette then I came inside. Milo and Cinder and Bella were happy we were back home. Milo was hyper running all around the place. I started exercising but Milo kept getting under my feet so I stopped exercising and I put him in the room with Jennifer. Cinder and I went outside and then I came inside and decided to finish exercising. So I exercised for a total of 32 minutes. The Wii Fit recommends 30 minutes of exercise a day. After I exercised I took Cinder back outside and she had had a bone out there that she had hidden and she was chewing on that. Then we came in and I got on the computer which is what I am doing now. So that is my day so far. I was going to go to Mom and Dad's house but so much needs to be done around here and I didn't have two days off in a row so that kind of messed me up and I didn't get to do as much as I had wanted on Tuesday. I might have to wait to go to Mom and Dad's house until later. I need to do some surveys on Toluna. Toluna is a survey site that you can sign up with and they send you surveys and you get points and with the points you can get cash and prizes and enter sweepstakes. I have been faithfully working with Toluna for a week or more now. I like this site because it is better than all those other survey sites. I haven't gotten paid yet but I do have over 5000 points which is really good. You have to have the time to sit down and do them and some are short and some are not. Jennifer installed the Toluna app on my iPhone. Milo by the way if I haven't mentioned is our new puppy. Jennifer sent me a photo last week of a puppy and said meet Milo. I was like what the fuck. She didn't ask me if we could get another puppy but its okay because now I love the little booger. He is so cute and adorable. And Jennifer dresses him up in cute little outfits. I will have to post some photos of him. He is absolutely adorable and my boss April loves him to death. He has a cold or something which he had when Jennifer got him so I am going to have to take him to the vet so he can get better. He is only like 2 months old. He is a Pug and so cute.

I have had Insomnia here lately. I have been going to bed later but only when I don't have to work the next day. I ran out of my medicine but thankfully it came today. Jennifer had been giving me some of her medicine since I ran out. She takes Adderall too but her pills are a higher milligram then mine are. The VA won't give me 30 milligrams. Even though I have been on that dose before they will only give me 20 milligrams. Oh well because the 20 milligrams work for me. But I like the 30 milligrams better because they work better and last longer. My OCD has gotten worse I have noticed. Of course I don't notice until afterwards but I will post a photo of what I mean. I am very particular about a lot of things and certain things have to be perfect or it irritates the shit out of me. I try not to let it stress me out but it just has to be a certain way for me or I am not happy at all. And I will fix it until it is perfect and the way I like it. I am that way at work and it used to annoy my coworkers but they have learned to live with it. In the long run the way I do things is better because everything is so much more organized. And I have given my coworkers a little bit of my OCD lol meaning like germs and stuff. I always have a bottle of Hand Sanitizer handy at work because well, we work with money and money carries lots of germs. My coworker Peggy came in the other day coughing all over the place and not covering her mouth and it pissed me off because I don't want her germs and I don't want to get sick. Cheryl came in and worked for Peggy so she could go home. Cheryl sprayed everything down with Lysol.

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