Thursday, March 1, 2012

Information About the Horoscope Cancer

CANCER is least compatible with: LEO, GEMINI, ARIES AND LIBRA
CANCER is most compatible with: VIRGO and TAURUS
Good thing I consider you a taurus...

9 minutes agoJen L Graves
Cancer is receptive and moody. You are a very sensitive person who is easily influenced by your environment. You are likely to be exceedingly protective of your feelings, as well as the feelings of those to whom you are close. Emotions are strong in your nature. You approach life with many feelings and a strong nurturing tendency. Your moods are varied and changeable. They are synchronized to the Moon, flowing in and out like the tide. You are acutely aware of the atmosphere of feelings surrounding you. You’re skeptical and distrustful of people. It’s not what they say, but simply the way they say it and the way you interpret their meaning.

02. You need to tell your deepest thoughts. When those around you are not receptive, you can become quite difficult to reach. The “crabby” part of Cancer shows up once in awhile, as well. When these moods are in control of your behavior, you can snap someone’s head off for no reason at all. People you live around have to learn that you are not really angry with them. This is just the way Moon children are sometimes. By nature you are quiet and somewhat reserved, frequently retreating or putting up a protective barrier when you feel in any way threatened.

03. You are attuned to the past. You tend to cling to reminders and memorabilia of your family and of earlier times. Many Cancers are attracted to collecting antiques. You may be one of those people who collects just about everything. It’s hard for you to part with something when there may be a chance need some rainy day, no matter how remote that chance may be. Cancers are the original “pack-rats.”

04. You place much importance on the home and family. Your family or your “family of friends” is the center of your life. They provide you your sense of security and belonging. Your role in this environment is the source of your self-esteem and often overshadow your sense of individuality. It’s hard to break away from your early upbringing and depart from the family traditions you have experienced. Cancer is the sign of motherhood. In both sexes, it produces a parenting instinct that is caring, protective, and indulging. Even unmarried Cancers adopt friends, co-workers, and neighbors in an extended family situation.

05. Hardworking and dedicated, you make an excellent employee. You are loyal and respect authority. This makes you supportive and protective of the boss and rarely questioning company policy. You do find it very difficult to handle change and disruption. If you are the boss, you like your employees to be dedicated as you are. Unfortunately, sometimes you may surround yourself with “yes men” who simply reinforce your decisions. You don’t take chances or risk sweeping change.

06. Money is very important to you. Not for what it will buy or for the freedom it provides, but for the sense of security it provides. No matter what else is to be said of Cancer, security and having the protective shell in place, is overriding.

8 minutes agoJen L Graves
Cancer, the fourth sign of the zodiac, is symbolized by the crab and ruled by the Moon. Persons born under this sign are called Moonchildren, and justifiably so. If you really observe the full Moon on a clear night, you will see in it some striking similarities to the Cancer people you know. First, notice the face of the man in the Moon. Is he smiling or frowning? It may be hard to tell, but if you study his countenance long enough you may decide it is a little of both. Or is his visage one of worry? of apprehension? The longer you look the more it seems to change expression, as if seen through a watery looking glass or as the reflected image on a tranquil lake. Drop a dreamlike pebble into the watery glow of its image, and through the ripples of your heartstrings, it will create a thousand emotions, so real you can’t deny them, yet so fleeting they escape your grasp. Just as the Moon may defy all your attempts at analysis, you can still feel the cool steady outpouring of lunar iridescence, like torrents of emotion, beckoning your heart. Indeed many lovers, young and old alike, have found romantic inspiration under its permeative rays, and artists, poets, and musicians have, through the ages, found enchantment under its enigmatic pallor.

Cancer natives can be just as enchanting. Looking into their sensitive, aqueous eyes is like gazing into deep, limpid pools of ceaseless emotion. Most often you will notice in their expression an appealing softness, a look of tenderness or a sentimental longing for times past, but, as if from some unseen cue, their mood can suddenly turn to cynicism, surprise, or hurtfulness. Cancers’ emotions are as changeable as the Moon itself, waxing and waning with the prevailing emotional atmosphere around them, and sometimes as moonbeams, which break through passing clouds and are blocked again from view, their moods can fluctuate from moment to moment. They’ll have their share of emotional ups and downs, but underneath it all is the Cancerian emotional fortitude, which can be as enduring as the Moon’s perpetual gaze upon us.

In physical appearance, Cancerians will fall into one of two types: the Moon or the crab. The first is easiest to recognize and will give every indication of the Moon’s appearance. The catchword for this type is “round.” They’ll have large, round eyes, round face, round body, even rounded limbs. Just think of the man in the moon, and you can easily recognize the wide-eyed impressionability of this classical Cancerian type. The second is a little harder to recognize, but with a little practice, you’ll spot him in a crowd, too. This type exemplifies many of the physical characteristics of the crab. They’ll have a rather broad cranium, bony in appearance, with a large, overhanging brow. The eyes will be somewhat smaller than the first type, usually set far apart, but still very round. They’ll have a large or wide mouth which seems to be grinning even when their face is completely relaxed. The jaw may be prominent in some way, sometimes resembling the mandibles of the crab, and the teeth may appear loosely joined in the mouth or irregularly spaced. Both types are usually short with rather wide shoulders, and many Cancerians will tend to be plump, though pleasingly, remaining true to the image of their ruling planet, the Moon, or of their zodiacal mascot, the crab. The crab type, however, much like his namesake, will have a more rugged exterior than the Moon type whose appearance will be more delicate.

The Cancerian temperament is a veritable kaleidoscope of ever-changing emotion. During the course of a conversation, you may notice passing fleetingly across the faces of July-born, scores of distinctively different emotions, no two ever repeating themselves or being expressed in exactly the same way. Quite simply, Cancers exude emotion. Upon meeting one of these Moonchildren, you immediately get the sense of a strong emotional aura or presence about them which reflects their mood at the moment. If they feel ecstatic, you can’t help but feel ecstatic yourself, sometimes without knowing why. Many Cancerians, when they are happy, can have a shrieking, almost hysterical laughter, and only the coldest of hearts could resist its charm. When they are depressed, however, you had better be careful not to get dragged into the doldrums yourself. Don’t invite your Cancer friend to your party if he’s sounding a little depressed over the phone. He’ll soon have your whole merry affair turned upside down with his Cancerian blues. No other zodiacal native has so permeative an emotional aura as to either lift your spirits to ecstatic heights or to fill you with clouds of gloom, depending on their mood.

Cancerians are incurable romantics. You’ll often find them buried dreamily in a romantic novel or a good book of poetry or classical romantic literature. They’ll find it hard to resist a good movie classic, a period film, reruns of nostalgic shows from their childhood, or a love story. Some of them will go through their TV guide religiously each week, marking off selections they don’t want to miss. Don’t be surprised when your Cancer friend comes into work a little bleary-eyed one morning from having stayed up the night before watching a tearjerker on the late, late show. They love to dream of far away places and times past and will talk about historical events as if they were actually there. Most Cancerians, in fact have a special reverence for the past, and if you ask them to tell you whom of all people they admire most, they’ll most often rattle off names of several prominent historical figures. Nearly every Cancerian has a treasured collection of nostalgic bric-a-brac, old letters, or sentimental keepsakes which he’ll guard as if they were the crown jewels. A tattered remnant of clothing from the high school prom, a pair of worn-out sneakers, or a flower carefully preserved between the pages of a Bible might be considered old junk to other signs, but the Cancerian holds them as treasures dear to his heart.

‘Home is where the heart is,’ and this idiom has no greater ring of truth than when describing how the Cancer feels about his abode. Home is where he dreams, lives, plays, loves, and it is the only place he truly feels secure. Though they may travel extensively or have to spend extended periods away from home, all Cancerians needs a berth to call their own. No one is more adept than they at making a home feel like a home. With a special knack for creating an air of comfort, coziness, quaintness and charm, July-born will decorate and furnish their homes as if they plan to spend a lot of time there, and they usually do. Like the real crab who builds his watery burrow beneath the protective ocean depths, human crabs will tend to make their homes a restful sanctuary from the real world. Upon entering a Cancerian’s home, you can immediately get the feeling of a time and place past, when life moved at a slower pace and there was more time for intimacy and family life. You will notice more than a few antiques which your host will expect you to praise lavishly, and there will usually be some handmade articles or wall decorations from family members, relatives, or grandchildren. Furnishings of real wood, pewter, or brass (never plastic or contemporary materials!) which the Cancerian has gathered in his many travels, will tastefully accent each room. Just as the real crab, who peers from his underwater burrow to view the rays of sunshine penetrating his aquamarine environment, Cancerians are fascinated by the interplay of light and color, and stained glass, crystal, or an aquarium are likely to be figured prominently in their home decor. Once he has furnished his abode to his liking, and has surrounded himself with all the accouterments of domestic life, the Cancer native is quite content to let the rest of the world go by.

Cancerians have a special knack for creating a “homey” atmosphere no matter where they happen to be. Even at work their engaging conversation and folksy humor tend to create an atmosphere of ‘down home’ comfort and familial camaraderie among fellow employees. Some of them will remind you of your Uncle Lou or Aunt Martha, and it is amazing to discover how many July-born have acquired the nickname ‘good ole’ in front of their names. In their jovial moods, they’ll be cutups and practical jokers to no end. No one enjoys a good joke more than a Cancer, and if he’s not laughing hysterically over someone else’s antics, he’ll be performing some of his own. Their innate understanding of human emotion allows them to see through the pretenses of other signs and find the underlying humor in almost any situation. Not particularly given to role playing or social dictates, but preferring to remain true to themselves, Cancerians can exhibit all the playfulness and capriciousness of a child.

As happy-go-lucky as Cancerian natives can be, there is always lurking in the background of their personalities, fears of some unknown dangers or forebodings of disaster in the future. As if from some hidden cue, these crabs can suddenly retreat into the watery burrows of their inner consciousness and not be seen for days. Just when you begin thinking you may never see them again or that they’ve taken an unannounced trip to Alaska, up pops the crab from his hovel beneath the sand as if he had never been gone. Try and question him about his absence and he’ll probably not know what you’re talking about or remark non-committally that he’s been here and there. There is a private, reclusive part to every Cancerian you’ll never know. Because of their extreme emotional sensitivity, they secretly fear ridicule, and would rather retreat than defend themselves. As with real crabs, whose soft insides are protected by a hard outer shell, there is an emotional vulnerability within all Cancerians which they try to mask by a tough exterior. Sometimes expressed as crabbiness (the derivative for this word is no accident), their attempts at coldness are never completely successful, for the Cancerian warmth of heart always manages to come through.

Cancerians are never truly happy unless they have someone or something to care for. There’s a strong maternal instinct in both sexes, and if not looking after children, they’ll be babying their friends or loved ones. They’ll act as if you’re forever starving, trying to stuff you with lots of good wholesome food or tempt you with piping hot bowls of minestrone soup. Of course you’ll oblige. The Cancerian domestic charm is irresistible. As hosts they’ll reawaken in you childhood memories of mother’s homemade chicken soup, Sunday afternoon get-togethers with relatives, or grandma’s apple pie. Food somehow represents security to Cancerians, and they won’t rest easy if they think you’re not getting proper nourishment.

As great and numerous as they may be, Cancerians’ accomplishments may sometimes go unnoticed. Their efforts are certainly no less worthy of praise than those of other signs, but July-born are generally too unsure of themselves before large numbers of people to actually seek after the raves and admiration of others. Just as the Moon has no luminescent capability of its own, but must depend on the Sun for its reflected brilliance, Moonchildren would rather bask in the reflected glow of their loved one’s accomplishments than seek the limelight themselves. No parent feels greater satisfaction at his son’s or daughter’s graduation than a Cancerian, and no sign shows more interest in developing their children’s talents and abilities. As mates they’ll be more supportive of their spouses’ careers than any talent agent, business partner or promoter ever could be. The idiom, “Behind every great man, there’s a great woman,” could probably be more correctly written, “Behind every great soul there’s a son or daughter of the Moon.” Like the ebb and flow of ageless waters, the crab’s emotions run true and deep, lending encouragement, support or sympathy when needed. They’ll give much, asking only your appreciation in return. Looking into the tender eyes of July-born, you may feel compelled to say “I love you.” After all, it’s what these natives need to hear.

8 minutes agoJen L Graves
Are you the proud parent of a Cancerian child? If yes, then it’s better to be get used to his extreme mood swings. At times, his moods change with the changing hours. A Cancer child is very observant and whatever he sees, will remain etched in his memory forever. He is very emotional and lives in a world of his own, which may make him lonely at times. His face will always reflect myriad of emotions, some of which you will not be able to understand also. Home environment deeply affects a Cancerian baby.

He wants lots of emotional nurturing from his family. Infact, his personality will be very much influenced by the reactions of his family members to his traits. He is extremely shy to ask for your attention and love, so be sure to give him plenty without of hugs waiting for him to ask. Disapproval will hurt him deeply. In the initial years of their life, Cancer children are quite easy to manage as well as discipline. However, in adolescence, their characteristics profile may show a little bit of rebellion.

They have a vivid imagination and can keep themselves busy with imaginary people and things. Don’t stop a Cancerian child from letting his imagination run loose. It is one of his ways of getting over the wounds given by others. He is quite emotional, but he is also very independent and will hardly be one of the followers. If you ignore a Cancer baby for too long or say harsh words to him, he may go into the gloomy spell. Then, he will turn into a crybaby, who will keep to himself and find it difficult to form friendships and get close to people.

Never ever make the mistake of ignoring the sensitivity of a Cancerian child; it may hamper his emotional development. It is better to help him get over his numerous fears, with your love and care. Otherwise, he may turn into a snappy, brooding and bitter individual. The opposite can make him a tolerant, kind, self-assured and caring adult. Rain will make a Cancerian nostalgic and he might suddenly become a poet. However, thunder may frighten him. He is very creative and will need your appreciation to develop his potential in this field.

You will have to make him feel secure and loved every now an then, or else he may imagine that you are apathetic towards him. However, don’t give in to his each and every demand, else he may become extremely pampered and spoilt. Do give him a healthy spanking when he really needs it. As Cancer children grow older, they realize that world is not what they thought it to be. People are not like Mom and Dad at all, infact they are entirely opposite.

They realize that no one can care like the family and will become extremely devoted towards it. The creativity of a Cancer child may result in a trifle fight being described as a life or death situation. However, when a Cancer child is really hurt, he will most probably keep quiet and brood within. Even the slightest of teasing can make him feel miserable and force him to go deep inside that protective shell, which no one can pierce.

He is not the one to use his pocket money on useless things and then, demand more money. In fact, he will try to earn his own money by doing odd jobs, like babysitting, cutting the neighbor’s grass, etc. Cancerian child will always try to help people and will be kind towards animals too. He is always full of humor and has a contagious laugh. He may leave the home at a very tender age, but remember he will come back soon. After all, he still needs the love and care of his Mommy and Daddy!

8 minutes agoJen L Graves
Have you met a Cancerian woman recently? Are you a little confused as to what she really is – chirpy or somber or distant? She is all of these and still, she is none of these. More confused? A Cancerian woman has mood swings every now and then and these are some of her mood swings only. However, her basic personality traits remain the same. She is very sensitive, emotional, kind and caring. Now’s the catch! Most of her traits will be hidden behind a shell of indifference and aloofness.

You will have to gently coerce a Cancerian girl to get out of that shell and come into the big bad world without it. The best time to do this is in the moonlight, when there are maximum changes of catching her in her true emotions. When in love, she will be tender, womanly, timid and modest. She dislikes criticisms, can’t stand rejection and gets deeply hurt by harsh words. Too much aggressiveness on your part may make her a little hesitant. A Cancer woman will never make the first move in a relationship; she only knows how to move backwards or sideways.

This is because of two reasons, her shyness and the fear of being rejected. She loves her mother, so you better learn to love as well as respect her too. This female has some secrets and she won’t like your prying around her personal diary. She is very insecure and will need your constant reassurance. It doesn’t matter if she is the current ‘Miss Universe’ or has men drooling over her all the time. It is your attention and appreciation she is the most concerned about. A Cancer female is a great cook and makes better food than a five-star hotel chef.

However, you will have to learn to live with her mood swings, which is not so difficult since she is so good in every other way. She is extremely loyal and will keep you happy with her warm and rich humor. Once she is committed to you, she will remain yours forever and ever. Adultery is not one of the traits of her characteristics profile. With a Cancerian woman, you will always have to be careful with words. She is very sentimental and can get hurt very easily. Then, she can cry like a two-year old baby.

You will be expected to console her and wipe her tears. Cancerian women are quite careful with money. Neither will they be stingy, not totally extravagant. They have a habit of saving everything that is usable, be it money or old buttons or empty jars. They also carefully save things that have a sentimental value attached to them, like the sweater grandmother knitted on their fifth birthday. A Cancer female fiercely guards what is hers and that includes you too! However, she is not too possessive or jealous. But, she does not like sharing her love too.

She is one of those people who do not crib about bad luck. She will get depressed and may shed a few tears alone, but she will be patient and wait for the time to change again, this time in her favor. Almost all the Cancerians have the desire of being pampered like a child, especially when they feel low. Don’t forget to pay your Cancer girl extra attention when she is depressed, otherwise she may retreat deeper into her shell. Then, it will be very difficult to bring her back to her normal self.

She will want to be told time and again that she is still desirable and you still need her. However, she is not weak and is completely capable of looking after herself. Infact, she is one of those who sacrifice all that they have, for their loved ones. She just needs some spoiling after every few days. A Cancerian woman may be fragile as far as her feelings are concerned, but when you need her, she will be as strong as the ‘Rock of Gibraltar’. She will also be very protective of her children and make them feel completely secure.

They will be the center of her universe and she will pamper them with her love, affection and care. The children will also be very close to her and no matter how much far they go from home, they will come back to her and she knows this. A Cancer female always needs you, but she will never get too aggressive. She knows that you may leave for a while, to follow your dreams, but in the end, she is the one you will come back to. Then, you will find her as charming as before, waiting for you with freshly baked break and hot soup. She will feed you, listen to your worries and make you smile again!

7 minutes agoJen L Graves
01. Like the Crab, Cancer people go through life with a strong shell around them that is not easily broken.

02. The Crab is influenced by the Moon. In ancient times, the Moon, which represents fertility and instinct, was perceived as the Great Mother, responsible for nurturing all life. The Moon controls the tides and all water on Earth, and it has a strong effect on human emotions.

6 minutes agoJen L Graves
01. Nurturing

6 minutes agoJen L Graves
Kind, emotional, romantic, imaginative, sympathetic, nurturing, intuitive, introverted, reserved, sensitive, moody, security-conscious, prudent, retentive, domestic, maternal, protective, quiet, calm, imaginative, conscientious, protective, traditional, understanding, caring, tenacious.

5 minutes agoJen L Graves
Changeability, hypersensitive, depression, Self pity, moody, clinging, manipulative, overly-emotional, insecure

5 minutes agoJen L Graves
01. Family, home and tradition

5 minutes agoJen L Graves
Basic Trait: I Feel
02. The Crab is influenced by the Moon. In ancient times, the Moon, which represents fertility and instinct, was perceived as the Great Mother, responsible for nurturing all life. The Moon controls the tides and all water on Earth, and it has a strong effect on human emotions.
They have an excellent memory and are very observant and can read people very well.
Never dupe a Cancer, they can see your motives.

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