Thursday, December 19, 2013

Update its been awhile

It has been quite awhile since I have written. I have been busy this holiday season. With Christmas Shopping and working and working on my family tree I have been too busy to sit down and write. Today is a nice day the weather is warm so I am sitting outside while the dogs play in the yard.

I was scrolling through my news feed on Facebook and boy that Phil Robertson from Duck Dynasty interview is being talked about alot.

So I got almost all my Christmas shopping done I still haven't bought anything for Karen my best friend but I am going to have to wait until I get paid on the 27th to buy her Birthday and Christmas present unfortunately. I don't have as much money this year as I did last year. My rent wasn't as high last year as it is this year. Hopefully she will understand though.

Jen is at work and I miss her when she is at work. I have to start laundry because I am determined to get caught up on it but that seems like it will never happen. I wear alot of clothes though. So it my fault that the laundry is piled up probably. Gotta sweep and mop the house and get presents ready for the Christmas Party tomorrow at work. And tomorrow I gotta go get the food for the party if April will let me go to Food Lion. I want the food to be fresh. I gotta take Mom and Dad's presents to them sometime too. Well, off to do laundry oh what fun.

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