Sunday, December 1, 2013

Busy Busy

Staying busy as usual and keeping myself occupied by working on my family tree. And not to forget cleaning the house. Work was busy today, busy for a Sunday anyhow. I did what I could but didn't get everything done.

So unfortunately it seems that deaths in our family happen in two's. Mom called me today at work and my first thought was that someone died. Sure enough someone else had died. Mom said Cousin Steve died. She talked to him on the phone yesterday when she was at Grandpa's house. He had said that he was weak and didn't know why. He had been calling to get Aunt Josephine's number to find out the arrangements about Uncle Harold's funeral. So two deaths within days of each other. It happened like that last year. Grandma Collins died in April and not long after that Aunt Mary died. Its a sad time right now for my family having to deal with two deaths in the family and so clise together. I am praying for my family that they make it through this rough time.

So we started raising money for MS today and I did horrible. But hopefully I will be do better on Wednesday when I go back to work.

Jen is at work and I haven't heard from her at all today. I didn't want to wake her thia morning since ahe was up at 3am this morning. I didn't sleep good last night. I think Jen getting up woke me up abd I thought it was time to go to work. And then I couldn't really go back to sleep I kept tossing and turning. I kept waiting for the alarm to go off. So sleep was horrible last night and I hope to sleep better tonight. Jen is sick and I am sick so we both feel muserable. She has been resting but I haven't really been. I think I had a bad dream and that is what I woke me up but I can't remember what the dream was about but I know I woke up thinking it was time to go to work until I looked at my phone and saw that it was 3am. And at that time I saw that the living room light was on and Jen wasn't in bed. She must have not been able to sleep. She was sleeping on the couch yesterday evening and must have had a bad dream coa she was shaking. I went over to her and she told me my hand stunk, it smelled like cigarettes. I hope Jen is okay it makes me worry when I haven't heard from her all day. I would call her but I don't want to interupt her at work.

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