Monday, May 23, 2011

May 23rd More Ramblings Of An Insomniac

No, I will not click LIKE on air conditioning. Stupid thing popped up on the side of my screen. I will NOT click like on that. I HATE air conditioning. LOL. I am cold natured. Air conditioning and me = freezing to death. LOL.

Jen L Graves and I are waiting for the mail to come. We are praying that what we want to come in the mail will come in the mail. We can always hope & pray. LOL. Things don't always seem to go our way. Maybe it will this time. Who knows.

I am glad that my girlfriend Jen L Graves loves music as much as I do. She is ripping music to her laptop right now. This means we will have more music to listen too. Hell yeah.

The Light Within, hummm that sounds like a good title for a poem, maybe a good title for a song, maybe not a song but definitely a good title for a poem. It might already be a title for a poem. Who knows.

I see the soul as the center of my existence.

At the center of my being & in the center of my heart there is light, love & divine spirit.

I know & feel that I am tapped into an infinite source of spiritual energy.

It allows me to see life as more then just a collection of random circumstances.

When I turn my back on this energy of light, I live in relative darkness.

Life seems meaningless and uninspired. It is light that gives definition, shape and form.

It allows me to see the beauty that surrounds me. I have divine light within me.

Okay so that was some random philosophical status messages for you below

Chloe & Daphne have been up most of the night too, they took catnaps a little part of the night but they didn't sleep real long. And they are still awake. Of course they have bathed themselves & now they are just sitting around. Oh wait, I was wrong, Daphne has fallen to sleep. LOL. Chloe is wide awake however. She don't miss a thing. LOL.

Well damn, I haven't posted a status in an hour? LOL. I was busy posting blogs onJen L Graves blog page. Trying to help her with her Listia & help her get credits. I didn't post all the items she has for auction but I posted like over 10 items so that should get her going for now. She has at least 10 blogs up now.

Jen's Blog

I seriously think not having a cigarette is making my head hurt. I mean I know I haven't been to sleep yet but my head don't normally hurt if I haven't had sleep. I think my head hurts because I haven't had a cigarette in awhile. PLUS I haven't been smoking like my body is used too. WOW. I'm so going to try not to think about it right now. My body isn't forgetting it though.

Seriously, Listia can be a fun website & its great that you get free stuff. But really, I don't think its really worth all the headache posting auctions & giving away free stuff because people bitch about shipping costs being too high & items not having free shipping. I think I'm going to seriously delete all the stuff I have up for auction that hasn't been bid on yet.

You know I try to be nice to people but then they are rude & that pisses me off & that only causes me to be rude back. If people weren't such a smartass & didn't ask stupid questions then I wouldn't be so rude to them.

And, for the record, NO, I have not yet been to sleep. Don't feel like going to sleep.

You know I have been trying to be nice to people on Listia yet they are still rude to me. I have been trying to be nice & work with people. Yet they want to be mean & rude & difficult. I'm thinking bout saying fuck Listia & be done with the website. For real.

Going to meet Sara Moats in the park. Peace out for now.

What do you do when you got stuff to do, there's stuff you need to do but you just don't have the energy to do it. You just don't feel like doing it. Even if you try to make yourself do it you just can't seem to get it done? I'm tired of not having any energy. I got so much to do but can't up the energy to do it. I don't know what is wrong with me. Ugh. Blah.

Life is blah right now to me. So much is just crazy for me right now. I feel like I am in a funk. Hopefully this will all change very soon. Tired of feeling the way I have been feeling lately.

Okay I got some food in me & I got some cigarettes. I feel better now. Now all I need to do is focus & concentrate & get what I need to get done finished. I can do this.

If you are asking yourself if I have gone to sleep yet then the answer is NO. I have not been to sleep at all. Didn't sleep last night and didn't sleep today.

Jen L Graves How much clearer do I have to make it that nothing is your fault. I haven't been feeling the way I been feeling because of you. If I would take my medicine EVERY night like I am supposed too then I just might be okay. This is MY fault.

Wow, it really is 10:56om. WOW. I didn't realize it was quite that late. Well, maybe that's not late but it definitely didn't feel like no 11 o'clock. Damn today sure has gone by fast.

‎9 out of 10 voices in my head say i am insane, the tenth is having a severe ADHD moment & isn't quite paying attention because it is too busy singing Marilyn Manson's Beautiful People.

The evil demons under my bed argued with the monsters in my closet until the voices in my head made them stop...WHAT A NIGHT

I think i would know if i was insane! My cats would have told me by now if i was. They tell me everything you know? I talk to them, shoot, I actually have conversations with them. Here's a secret, they actually talk back to me. They don't think I'm insane.

slight irregularities in my personality are NOT to be considered flaws, but show that I am hand-made and of the highest quality. Yes I am a little weirder & stranger then most but I like to just say I am unique.

Yes, I talk to myself...YES, I answer myself... Yes, I might be insane, BUT, at least my answers are NEVER wrong! And thankfully, I have never gotten in an argument with myself. I am already confused enough & if I got in an argument with myself boy would I be confused, not to mention the headache I would have.

Dun-dee-dun. Being psycho's fun.
Dun-dee-dun. I think you'd better run.
Doo-bee-doo. I'm coming for you.
Doo-bee-doo. With a sledge hammer, too.

tried to go to my happy place today..but ended up having a case of ADHD & I got totally distracted then forgot what I was doing & then ended up getting lost and ended up here on Facebook. oh well at least yall know me here.

i'm insane in the membrane

i went to apply for a job at a mental asylum and they told me i have to spend 5 hours with a crazy person. i told them that i've spent 30 years with myself & don't you know, they handed me an application to fill out & asked when I'd like to do an interview.

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