Tuesday, May 24, 2011

May 24th More Madness Of An Bipolar Schizophrenic Insomniac

I still have not been to sleep yet. I didn’t go to sleep last night & was up all day today & I am still up now & have not gone to sleep yet tonight and I will probably be up all night too. I just don’t feel like going to sleep. I do have sleeping pills that my doctor prescribed me to help me sleep though, but I just don’t want to take them tonight & didn’t want to take them last night. I do take them sometimes though, because sometimes I just really do feel like going to sleep that way all the madness can stop in my brain. When the really crazy madness starts in my brain I go to sleep. And I am talking about the really crazy madness that gets to the point where it irritates me & aggravates me & drives me crazy, yeah that really crazy madness. When it gets like that I’m like okay leave me alone because I am going to sleep because I have to go to sleep to stop the crazy madness. LOL. Yep yep. It has gotten like that a couple times in the past two weeks. And if you are asking, yes I have been taking my medicine. Shit, I know I need my medicine and trust me I do want to take it. Sometimes however I do forget to take it. But I don’t forget for long that I have forgotten to take it because I can tell that I have forgotten to take it & I am quick to take it to make everything much much better.

Come to the dark side.. we have cookies! Welcome to the dark side, are you surprised we lied about having cookies? Yeah, I don't give out cookies. I just give out a dose of craziness, madness, pure and total insaneness, you are sure to lose your mind after you have come to my dark side.

Jen L Graves would you like to come to the dark side? If I said we had cookies on the dark side I would be lying. But you are sure to get a dose of crazy, pure insane, madness. You come to the dark side & you will be eventually humming & singing along with the rest of us to the song "Take Me Away To The Funny Farm".

is not going into the enchanted forest with the pink fairies and the neon green polka dot monkeys that are searching for the unicorns because I will be down in the fiery pits of hell trying to take over & most likely ending up slaughtering Satan with a machete or a pitchfork or an ax or the biggest damn knife I can find. Anyone want to come? You can help me take over Hell.

Damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, don't EVER piss off my girlfriend, that would be a big mistake & might possibly lead to your death LOL....my girlfriend Jen L Gravesjust went the hell off on PayPal in an email, she told them EXACTLY what the hell she thought. They made the mistake of pissing her off when she's in a bad mood & has not had any sleep in days. I'm proud of her.

OK, let me get something straight here ... You're calling me crazy, mentally challenged, fruit loop, completely mad, mentally unstable, insane, off my rocker, wacko, and mentally unbalanced like it's a BAD THING?

is sitting in a corner watching my imaginary friends fight the shadows on the wall, they are fighting over which Marilyn Manson song gets played next & I do believe my imaginary friends won cos they've stabbed to death the shadows on the wall because blood is dripping down the wall. Ohhhh how exciting, gotta love a little blood & gore every now & then.

Okay call me crazy, mentally unstable, insane, mad, mentally challenged, off my rocker, & mentally unbalanced if you want but if you don't stop I'm going to send the dead people that I see & my imaginary friends after you to attack you. They will get you for sure. You SHOULD be scared, you will be scared after they get a hold of you!!

For all the people who like to poke me, I have currently lost my mind & I have gone to look for it. I am not sure when I will be back or if I will be back ever. Keep on poking me but I won't be here to poke you back. So sorry. Have currently lost my mind & have to go look for it, not sure if I will ever find it but it will be an adventure looking for it.

Ahhhhh cat hair every where. My hands are sweating & the cat hair is sticking to my damn hands. Ahhh, I'm going to go crazy. Ugh, its going to get on my face & then I will start twitching & itching. I'll try to ignore it right now. OMG, so many pussies every where, hair is uh flying every where. Oh well, I have already gone crazy, it will just make me crazier. LOL.

Someone suggested next time you're in Walmart wear a plastic crown & get someone to push you around in a cart & wave but you would totally look like a dumbass if you did that, I suggest go to the electronics & set all the clocks alarm to a certain time & then go hide & wait for them all to go off at once & listen to loud chiming sound & watch the chaos as the salesperson tries to get them all turned off. LMFAO.

Christy Rockwell Leath You know, I had totally forgotten that you were on my friend's list still because I hadn't seen any updates in my news feed from you & hadn't seen you make any comments or pokes or likes from you, you were like hiding as if you had disappeared. And then all of a sudden out of nowhere you appear. LOL.

I'll tell you like I told Kathryn Spivey. I'm crazy. Why would I want to be normal? That is just no fun & there is no excitement in life to being normal. I tried being normal once but it didn't work out so well for me. So I decided to go back to being crazy. Ever since then life has been pretty exciting & a whole lot less boring then being normal was.

I love you Jen L Graves, and I know you love me even though I am a crazy, insane, bipolar, schizophrenic insomniac. LOL. But, we fit together so perfectly.

I'm sane enough to know the consequences but insane enough to do it!

I have Adhd, Schizophrenia, Borderline personality disorder, Obsessive–compulsive disorder, Bipolar disorder, and Paranoid schizophrenia. Its not like I'm going to hide it. Its sometimes hard to hide anyway. Everyone already thinks I am crazy & insane & yet most people still seem to love me anyway. LOL.

people always ask me "Do you know what you are" & I always say "Yep, I'm crazy, funny, with a pinch of insane & just happen to have Adhd, Schizophrenia,Borderline personality disorder, Obsessive–compulsive disorder, Bipolar disorder, and Paranoid schizophrenia but everyone loves me anyway"

4 out of 5 voices are telling me to do it. The other one is yelling at me in German! Just because my dad was born in Ulm, Germany does not mean that I can speak German or understand German. Damn you voice, speak in ENGLISH!!!


That awkward moment when you're sitting in your toilet cubical minding your own business and BAM the dead people & your imaginary friends busts in trying to sell you weed...

Tell me why one of the suggestions on the right side of the screen that is "related to my post" said pink fairies? Hum, I don't ever recall writing anything about pink fairies, ever. They seriously have the "Related To Your Post" words messed up. Never would I write about pink fairies. Idiots.

Facebook must be messed up tonight. It said I had one new message in my inbox & I went to it & there was no new messages in my inbox. Facebook needs to stop lying to me. LOL. I don't have any new messages. Maybe they are trying to make me think I am going crazy. Hum, yeah, that is a good possibility.

HAHA. I just have to LMFAO because that last status I posted was about Facebook messing up. However, it now says on the right side of the screen "Related To Your Post" is Coca-Cola & Justin Bieber. Seriously, re-read my message, I didn't mention either one in that status message. Facebooks words that are related to my post is definitely wrong.

I'm that crazy lesbian that will drive u insane ...but you will love every minute of it!!!

I love "me" so much, my doctor gave me a nice jacket that helps me hug myself!

well yesterday was another hard day, my imaginary friends were running with scissors towards the dead people that I see whom were running towards my imaginary friends with machetes, & the voices in my head where fighting with themselves & I just couldn't get no peace & quiet, & I'm still missing my helmet & crayons

I'm going to start listening to the voices in my head. Be afraid. Be very afraid. lol

They say that when you dream about somebody, they went to sleep thinking about you. Quick! everybody think about me and we will have a big party in my dreams!!

One of the voices called me weird, so I started cussing it out in English, British English, Redneckology, American Slang and Ebonics.

I do believe that the cats think the recliner is a trampoline because all day they were jumping back and forth on it & constantly knocking off the ash tray on Jen L Graves lap & kept knocking her mouse onto the floor. This of course irritated Jen, shit, it would irritate me to if the ash tray got dumped in my lap & if the mouse kept getting thrown on the floor.

Who the hell would want to be sane? They don't prescribe drugs for that!

Psycho is just another way of saying "adorable with knives". And oh how I do love my knife collection.

1. Talks to self
2. Argues with self
3. Loses argument with self
4. Is no longer talking with self
Yep I have gone through all these stages and when I am done with number 4 I move on and
1. Have a conversation with my cats
2. Arguing with the cats
3. Losing an argument with the cats
4. No longer having a conversation with the cats.

I have multiple personalities, can you figure out which one I am right now?

The voices in my head were arguing again, they been arguing all day, so I told them that if they didn't shut up I was gonna shove cotton balls in my ears.

Sometimes things are better left unsaid, sometimes it is better not to talk about some things. Of course I am not sure I know what those things that should be left unsaid are sometimes. And sometimes it is better not to talk about some things but some times I don't know what those things are. BUT, sometimes I do know what things should be left unsaid & I know when it is better not to talk about some things.

is busy zoning out. please leave a brief message & one of my personalities will get back to you as soon as possible. thanks again & have a great day! BEEEEEEEEP

Just for the record, I would NEVER hide anything from my girlfriend Jen L Graves. I tell her EVERYTHING & I plan on telling her anything & everything. I have no secrets from her & never have.

Some things I just don't like talking about. Some things are in the past & I don't like bringing them up. Some things are just better left in the past. Just saying.

I'm now kind of in a blah mood. Yeah blah.

Time for me to leave the world of Facebook for awhile. I need a break from it before my head explodes.


And then I got off Facebook. I figured it was time to get off of Facebook. I wasn’t exactly done posting messages and being my crazy self but my mood had totally got ruined by a certain someone. And then other things made it worse. Now I’m not in my crazy, funny, insane kind of mood anymore. My mood got totally ruined real quick. I tried not to let it be ruined but well, I lost that battle for sure. Oh well. It got ruined anyway. Well, now at this point I feel like I have caused problems. OR, no no no I got it, maybe “I” am the problem. I mean, the problems did finally leave, and they were thought to be gone, but then a whole bunch more problems took their place. This is probably because I am the problem. Yeah, maybe I am the problem.


msjengraves said...

Hell yeah, I love your bi-polar schizophrenia ass so much <3

JenJen said...

May 24th More Madness Of An Bipolar Schizophrenic Insomniac : Can this be re-posted for March 1st. LMAO