Thursday, May 19, 2011

More Craziness Of The Bean Without No Sleep For Several Days

Seriously, I think I might be talking too much right now. I should probably shut up and stop talking right now. I don't want to annoy the shit out of Jen L Graves or Faline Jordan. Faline has only been around me a couple times when I am hyper & talkative like this.

One reason I am glad that Faline Jordan is my friend & I'm glad that she is a good friend to me, is because when I am in one of my talkative moods, she actually sits there the whole time & listens to what I say. She not only listens, but she gives me advice & her input on some of the things I am saying.

I don't feel hungry, and I don't feel like I could eat, and I haven't eaten at all except 2 bites of the Mcdouble that Jen L Graves got me way earlier, which since it is after 12am now, that would have been yesterday that she got me the Mcdouble & yesterday that I ate only 2 bites, but anyways, I am not hungry or don't feel hungry right now, YET, my stomach is growling continuously.

I'm not hungry & don't feel hungry right now, but my stomach is growling continuously so that must mean that obviously I am hungry or that my body needs or wants food so, I must force myself to eat even if I don't feel like it at the moment. So whatever Jen L Graves fixes to eat is what I will eat. If I eat, at least I won't have to hear my stomach growl & it won't get on my nerves anymore.

I have been very talkative lately. All I want to do is talk because I have lots to say. I have been talking non stop at certain times. I feel like sometimes me talking so much & talking nonstop has or is getting on people's nerves, even if they say it doesn't. That is just the way I feel. Maybe they say it doesn't get on their nerves just to be nice to me because they don't want to be mean about it. Who knows.

Just a thought, when I am in a talkative/typing mood, why is it when I AM talking/typing so much and I AM talking/typing nonstop no one seems to have a reply or a comment to anything I am saying. Why is it that I feel like people are not listening to what I am saying?

When I'm in a talkative/typing mood & I'm talking/typing nonstop why does it feel like I'm talking/typing to myself? Kind of feels like I don't have anyone to talk too because no one is saying anything back to me. I suppose I may as well just be talking to myself really. Which I admit I have actually been doing lately. Yes, I have been talking to myself & I know how to carry on a conversation with myself.

Honestly, I stopped caring what people thought about me. I didn't really care before what people thought about me & I definitely don't care now what people think of me. With that said, if you read any of my statuses & think I'm crazy then, I just might be crazy. Of course, that would be your opinion. You can think what you want about me. I'm not exactly crazy but I'm not exactly normal either.

Okay, so seriously, I think I might have really lost my mind. LOL. I say this because, seriously I was actually carrying on a conversation with my cat Chloe. At first I was just talking to her like most normal people would do to their cat. But then, I did actually go into a lengthy conversation with her.

I had a conversation with my cat, only to stop to realize what I was doing. I stopped myself because I realized that I was seriously having a conversation with my cat like I would have with an actual person. I realized this means I might actually have lost it. Seriously, is it normal to have a conversation with a cat? I don't think it is normal. I think this might mean that I have lost my mind.

I hate some of the FB Event invites I get. I read ALL the info on the events. Some info just absolutely makes no sense at all. Words in the info are misspelled or they have improper grammar. Anyone who creates a FB Event needs to seriously read the info they write to make sure it makes sense & they need to check their grammar & spelling before posting the event. Its not that hard, pretty simple really.

Well, Jen L Graves, who was the one to fall out first? LOL. It definitely wasn't me this time. That's okay though baby. I still love you even if you fell asleep on me. I actually thought you would be awake all day. I see now that I was totally wrong.

I am once again today, a little hyper you could say. Not exactly bouncing off the walls kind of hyper, at least not yet, but I am hyper.

I have not slept since I don't know when and I don't plan on sleeping any time soon at all. I am not one bit tired, I am not even close to being tired, not even a little bit, not even the slightest bit.

An idea from Rickey Scott. He said I need my own talk show. That's true. I do need my own talk show. I have been in a talkative mood & I have been talking nonstop & I just can't seem to shut up. This is because I have so much to say. Since I have so much to say & so much to talk about, I definitely should have my own talk show. I am sure it would be a hit & it would get lots of ratings & viewers.

I always end up having such a problem wording things right and correctly by my standards. This sucks for me because that means that when I am writing something it takes me so much longer to actually put all the words together.

Damn, seriously like some things take me way too long to do. Even though they shouldn't take me as long as they do.

Damn, why lately am I constantly struggling to focus and pay attention. My attention is lost so damn quickly & easily. I am so very easily distracted lately. This is one reason that it takes me so long to do things.

1 comment:

JenJen said...

LMMFAO, you see who you quoted in this post? LOL