Thursday, March 1, 2012

Cancer Horoscope

Have you met a Cancerian woman recently? Are you a little confused as to what she really is – chirpy or somber or distant? She is all of these and still, she is none of these. More confused? A Cancerian woman has mood swings every now and then and these are some of her mood swings only. However, her basic personality traits remain the same. She is very sensitive, emotional, kind and caring. Now’s the catch! Most of her traits will be hidden behind a shell of indifference and aloofness.

This is because of two reasons, her shyness and the fear of being rejected. She loves her mother, so you better learn to love as well as respect her too.
She is very insecure and will need your constant reassurance.
It is your attention and appreciation she is the most concerned about. A Cancer female is a great cook and makes better food than a five-star hotel chef.
However, you will have to learn to live with her mood swings, which is not so difficult since she is so good in every other way. She is extremely loyal and will keep you happy with her warm and rich humor. Once she is committed to you, she will remain yours forever and ever. Adultery is not one of the traits of her characteristics profile. With a Cancerian woman, you will always have to be careful with words. She is very sentimental and can get hurt very easily. Then, she can cry like a two-year old baby.
Don’t forget to pay your Cancer girl extra attention when she is depressed, otherwise she may retreat deeper into her shell. Then, it will be very difficult to bring her back to her normal self.
She will want to be told time and again that she is still desirable and you still need her.

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