Sunday, April 25, 2010

Kevin's Knife Business

Well, I am helping my friend Kevin with his knife business. Deborah and I are going to help him promote his business. He wants to do the festival in Waynesboro that they have in July. I told him about it and he's excited about it. We are going to need to get a table to put his knives on, one of those long ones that you can get from Roses. He will need a canopy as well just in case it rains. He will need a cash box and a receipt book. He will also need business cards and maybe some signs to post on the table. Deborah will make the business cards. She's good at that. I used to make business cards but I don't want to compete with her so I let her do all that now. He wants to set up a fund for a wheelchair van. So we will see about that. I'm going to have to talk to Deborah about that. I'm not sure if they will allow that, they might but I don't know. Its going to be a good event this year cos Kevin will be there.

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