Friday, April 16, 2010

Thoughts From A Rambling Idiot

I woke up at like 4 AM this morning. Deborah had left the TV on and that woke me up. Unsolved Mysteries was on TV. It went off and I went to smoke a cigarette. Then I came back to bed and Deborah was awake. She normally wakes up around 4 AM anyway. I fell back to sleep then I woke up again around 10 AM. Elizabeth is here with her dog who is a dachshund named Max. Max and Mollee get along great. They are the best of friends. Mollee is sad when Max and Elizabeth leave because Max and her play together. Deborah thinks we need to get another dog so Mollee will have someone to play with but I think we have enough animals.


12:47 PM

Well, we have to take Midnite to the vet because she has 3 sores on her neck. She must’ve gotten into a fight or something. She has a spot on her neck that’s swelled up. I called mom to ask mom if I could use her check card to pay for the vet visit because the Care Credit Card which is the credit card we use just for the vet needs to be paid on and we can’t use that. Mom said she was going to pay on it today but Deborah wants to take Midnite to the vet today. So we’re going to take Midnite to the vet today. We are still waiting on the mail to come to see if my check is in the mail but it hasn’t come yet. The mail is running late today, which isn’t normal. It must be a different mail person or something because the mail woman that normally comes usually delivers the mail around 10 or 11 and it’s almost 1 and the mail still hasn’t come yet. Which is weird because our mail is normally delivered earlier then this. Oh well. Eugene and Elizabeth made macaroni. They must’ve been hungry. lol.


12:51 PM

I have added so many different words to the dictionary on my computer. Words like LOL and other words that I use in my vocabulary. LOL. Funny. It’s not like Ebonics though. I have my own vocabulary. Even if some people may think it's not proper English. Oh well. Its all good. I’ve been doing a lot of Plurking. Plurk is a website that is like Twitter except for it has a timeline and you can send messages on it and write to people and reply to peoples Plurks. Its pretty cool. I like it better than Twitter. The good thing about it is that if I post a Plurk then it goes straight to my Twitter account and my Facebook wall. Its pretty cool. I think I already said that though. LOL.


2:35 PM

We took Midnite to the vet and they fixed her wounds.


6:00 PM

Went to Walmart and ordered my cake. April came over. April and Elizabeth went to Walmart and then to the mall because April is looking for a bathing suit to take to Florida with her.


8:00 PM

April and Elizabeth are here and we’re all hanging out.


11:00 PM

I ordered pizza from Domino’s. Cheese pizza. April and Elizabeth and I are all hanging out on the front porch.

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