Sunday, April 25, 2010

Road Trip

We are headed to Hopewell to see Deborah's kids. They don't know we are coming lol. Deborah decided that she wanted to surprise them. They will be surprised, I think. I hate the interstate sometimes. Its so boring and dull. Its like there is nothing to see but trees and cars. No buildings or anything like that except when you pass rest stops or your occasional building that is used for electric or whatever its called. If you take other roads to get to your destination at least you see buildings and businesses and all kinds of cool things. But the interstate does have one advantage, it doesn't take as long to get where your going. Its much faster than taking a back road. That's what sucks about back roads, it takes forever to get there and its not guranteed that you will see anything interesting. It could be just a bunch of trees and cars too. So basically you are damned if you do and damned if you don't. Lol. Its foggy today, it rained last night and the weather outside sucks. I think the sun is trying to come out which is good because the sun makes me be in a better, happier mood. I have the bed weather blues a lot. Lol.

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