Friday, April 9, 2010

Thoughts & Blah

I'm feeling blah today. My internet got cut off a couple days ago because my VA check hasn't come yet. My VA check was supposed to be deposited into my Wachovia account but it wasn't so I figured it would come in the mail and it never did. I tried to call 2 days in a row but couldn't get thru because the volume of calls that were coming in. When I finally got ahold of them they said they were going to send me a replacement check. I called them yesterday so I'm waiting for my check to come in. I doubt it will come tomorrow cos it didn't come today. I'm thinkin Monday or Tuesday. I have class work to do. I could go to mom and dads but that is far when you have no gas. I hate relying on my check. Oh well. It will come soon hopefully. I've been feeling blah. I woke up today and went to smoke a cigarette outside cos I don't smoke inside anymore at least not around the animals. I got some orange juice and came back in the bedroom. Well, I created a video but it was taking forever to create so I came in the bedroom. I'm watching something about Oakland gangs. I was watching something before about Miami Dade Jail. It showed inmates in jail in the Miami Dade jail. It was pretty interesting. It showed a guy who used to be a Marine and he was in jail for Cocaine possession. That must carry a heavy sentance. I wouldn't know because I don't do drugs anymore and I don't hang out with people who have been arrested. I just watch it on TV. Pretty interesting. Today is a blah day. I don't feel like doing anything today but I'm sick. I thought I had strep throat because I had a sore throat but I don't have a sore throat anymore so I don't think I have that anymore. Maybe just a cold or something. I'm congested and cough a lot. My nose is either runny or stopped up. Blah. Oh well. Deborah aint feeling good either. She's been laÝing on the couch all day. Today is a lazy day for sure.

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