Sunday, January 5, 2014

A Rainy Sunday

It started raining this morning when I got to work. It's been raining all day. We're supposed to have freezing rain tonight unfortunately. It's still raining and will probably rain all evening and night. I bet the creeks are flooding. 

At home now with my babies. Kali was laying on my lap, I love her, she's my baby. Jen is asleep so she worked last night and she's not feeling good. Her back has been hurting her. She went to the hospital to see about her back but I can't remember what she said they told her was wrong with her. I think it was something to do with her muscles. But she is sleeping now so I am going to try to be quiet this evening and not disturb her. 

Today was a productive day for me. I got lots done and did fe out of dates today which weren't much but 2 bags of stuff is more than enough. I have decided to start checking them on Sunday before April does the order. 

I drank a Banana Vi Shake for breakfast and ate a Banana. I also drank a bottle of water before I got to work. Then I drank 2 cups of Juva Roast. I also ate Almonds as a snack that Jen had gotten me. Almonds are supposed to be good for you. Around 12 I drank another Vi Shake and drank my 2nd bottle of water. As a snack after lunch I ate some Gluten Free Tuscany Chips we sell at work. And I started on my 3rd bottle of water which I haven't finished yet but am almost done with. I have been eating healthier since I started this diet. I got my kit on Friday so I started my diet then. Well technically I started I think it was Thursday that April gave me a shake for breakfast. So I started my diet Thursday because that is when I started eating healthier and stopped eating crap food. So I am on Day 4 of the Body By Vi Diet. Thursday I went to the VA for an appointment and when they weighed me I was 145. I haven't weighed myself because I don't have a scale so I don't know what I currently weigh. I really need to get a scale or see if Mom can get me one. Not sure how much they cost. But having one is important in my dieting process. So that is next on my list to get. And I still haven't taken a before photo and I really don't want to but I know it's important to take one while doing this diet so I can see the change and progress. So I am going to have to suck it up and take one. I don't like my body, hence why I am doing this diet. That's why I don't want to take a photo of myself. 

So I am off The next couple days, gotta work tomorrow though then I'm off yay. Man yesterday I was so busy at work. I did over $5000 in sales yesterday. Needless to say I was slammed. A transformer at a substation in Dooms caught on fire causing around 30,000 people to lose power. So that's why I was so busy because everyone was coming in. I haven't been that busy in quite awhile. In fact I can't remember the last time I did over or even close to $5000 in sales. It was a good day for business for sure. 

Since I have been home I have sat on the couch petting Cinder as she fell asleep. I need to do laundry, it must be done. Jen did laundry last time so it's my turn now. Man Jen made the house look nice, she did a good job at cleaning. Now I just got to keep this house as clean as she made it. If only I could get some motivation and energy to clean and do laundry now. Laundry will get done because I know o need clothes for work tomorrow. 

So I have been family research on the Ancestry . Com website. I have the app for it on my tablet so I use that. And since I got an iPhone I downloaded the app on there so I can use on both now. I kind of gave up on researching the Kirchner side of the family. I repeatedly kept coming to a dead end and it go me nowhere so I decided to move on to other parts of my family tree. I added Jen as my Spouse on there and so now I can research her side of he family tree which I have been doingn. And to be honest it's quite interesting and fun really. Jen is related to General Turner Ashby of the Confederate States of America. I know that because it's on her Grandma Nancy's side of the family but I haven't gotten that far up the family tree yet but I'm close, real close. Nancy also told me that she is related to Robert E Lee also of the CSA. I haven't discovered that yet. But it's obvious that she's related to Turner Ashby because I have a Turner Ashby on he family tree, not the General Turner Ashby but a Turner born after him. And most of them have Turner as their middle name probably named after him. I'm excited to add him to the family tree, I can't wait. I will be researching the Ashby's this evening. Hopefully I can make a connection this evening. I can't remember who I stopped on but I think it was John Ashby. Who if I can remember right has a son named Turner Ashby. I love researching my family history and learning new things. Most but not all of the Census Record tell the person's occupation during that time and the highest grade they completed and if they lived on a farm or not. You can learn so much about a person in your family that you've never even met it's just so interesting to discover everything you never knew. I share my discoveries with Dad and Jen and Mom. My Uncle Larry also is a member of Ancestry and he researches our family too. Sometimes I am able to get information I am missing from Uncle Larry's tree because on there it allows you to connect to a member's tree which is also very helpful sometimes but sometimes it could also be very confusing because sometimes aome people have the wrong information. I know that because the information doesn't make sense or it's just not correct. Not sure where some people get their information from but they should probably correct it because they would get a lot farther in their research if they did so. There used to be an option on there that would let you find out what famous people you are related to but I will be damn if I can find out how to do that again or if I can do it or maybe they took it off the website. Who knows but when I did Ishtar it said I always related to George bus the President, we were distant relatives several times removed. And it also said I was related to Henry Lightfoot Lee which is someone famous, I think he was a Gerlneral or something, I don't know. I've heard his name before from Dad, I think he was in the Military maybe the Civil war or something. And I believe he is related to the Lee's as in Robert E Lee possibly. I don't know though like I said I can't figure out how to find that again or even how I did it the first time because it was so long ago. But I am interested in finding what famous people I am related too so I will not give up in fact I may just email Ancestry and ask them how to do it because I can't find the link. Of course I have been on my Kindle Fire Ancestry App so I may not be able to do it on my tablet and might have to get on my laptop to do it. I think I'm going to email them because I really want to know. The suspense is killing me lol. Well time to hop off here and get on my tablet to do some research. Hopefully the freaking website is working today because yesterday I couldn't crap because the website was down and nothing was working. It was very fray testing for me because that is my hobby, but not only that it's how I occupy my time when I am bored. I hope it's working today so I will have something to do. I could get on Facebook but there's only so much to do on there and sometimes it gets boring on there. With Ancestry I never get bored because there is always something new to do and learn and discover. The possibilities are endless on there. 

We'll, I believe I have written my page for the day. I didn't write anything yesterday because I wasn't in the mood really to write. And I was tired, exhausted and worn out really from the busy day I had at work. I ended up going to bed earlier then I normally do because I was so tired.  I talked to Mom and Dad several times yesterday. Their power went out yesterday too but it finally came back on. Dad had to wake up because he sleeps with a Cpap Machine and we'll since the power went out his machine wasn't working. I be the was tired, he probably went to bed early too. Well Connor is laying on my lap now trying tp get comfortable and wanting me to pet him so I am done writing for the day or at least for now. 

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