Wednesday, February 19, 2014

A relaxing day so far

I woke up this morning around 9:30 and went outside with the dogs and smoked a cigarette. I came inside and ate Chobani Blended Pineapple Yogurt and drank my first bottle of water. After that I drank my breakfast Vi Shake. I took some photos of Connor and Cole which I would upload later. I spent some time with Cinder in the living room. I was about to go take a shower when Faline texted me and told me that I needed to call Mom and Dad and check on them. I texted her back and asked her why then she called me and told me there was a standoff on mom and dad's street. So I got off the phone with her and then called Mom. Mom was in bed asleep when I called and she got out of bed and went and looked out the window and said there were police everywhere. She said one was parked in the driveway and most of them were parked in front of Louie's house which is the next door neighbor. Mom said the SWAT Team was out there too. She said the police had guns drawn. She said she couldn't see which house they were targeting but she thought it was Dolly's house. Dolly is the neighbor a couple house's down that is a cop. It turned out that they were targeting the house that is 2 houses down from Mom and Dad's which is next to Dolly's house. That is the house that Will's grandma used to live in. She died and the house got sold and it was recently remodeled. I didn't know anyone was living in that house yet. I haven't seen cars or anything in the driveway, it still looked empty but apparently people are living in the house. The neighborhood is a great place to live, the neighbors are nice and friendly and the neighborhood is quiet. Those new people have apparently brought drama to the neighborhood because everyone in the neighborhood has lived there since I was a kid except for those new people who just apparently moved in. Anyways I heard that it was a shooting from a customer and Mom said that she saw on the news that it was a domestic dispute which turned into a standoff. I read online on the News Leader Facebook page that it was a domestic dispute which turned into a standoff because the guy wouldn't come out of the house and that they were investigating whether there were actually shots fired. Apparently someone in the house managed to get out of the house and run to a neighbor's house to call the police. So that's why there were cops everywhere. It was craziness in our neighborhood for 2 hours.

So after I got off the phone with Mom I went and took a shower. When I got off the phone with her the cops were still there and that was around 10 something. I went and took a shower and after the shower I turned on the Wii and did the body test. It said I hadn't gained any weight or lost any weight since yesterday. It said I weighed 137.1 which was what I weighed in at yesterday. After I did the body test I got dressed and then took Cinder outside while I smoked a cigarette. After that I went to my store to get some Juva Roast Coffee. April had just made the coffee, it had just got done brewing when I walked in. So it was nice and hot and fresh which is the way I like it. I hung around for awhile talking to April and while I was in there talking to her my phone went off and scared the crap out of me. The reason it scared the crap out of me was because it was an emergency amber alert and the alert tone I had never heard before and it was an emergency tone alert and it scared the crap out of me and I jumped. April laughed and said that all Iphone's get emergency alerts like that. April got it but her phone was on silent so she didn't hear it. I went outside with April as she changed the outside trash and then I came back home. I got home and took my medicine and drank my lunch Vi Shake. After drinking my Vi Shake I went outside with Cinder to smoke a cigarette. I got done smoking and Cinder wouldn't come in so I got on the Wii Fit and ran for 10 minutes. I ran 1.501 mile today. After I ran I called for Cinder and she came inside. Then I did Aerobics on the Wii Fit and did the soccer exercise and Torso Twists and other exercises until I had exercised for 30 minutes. The Wii Fit wants you to exercise for 30 minutes a day. Yesterday I believe it was I exercised for 42 minutes which is good. So after I exercised I got on the computer and I drank my second bottle of water. Now I am drinking my coffee and about to go to bed.

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