Thursday, February 13, 2014

Snow Day

Well here in Verona we got 16 inches of snow. It started snowing yesterday around 6pm and it snowed all throughout the night and all day today. It stopped snowing around 6pm today. I couldn't get my truck out this morning so I told April I wasn't coming in to work and she was stuck too so she didn't come into work. BUT, Jen's boss Sarah her husband came and got me and took me to work. I was kind of actually hoping that I could take a snow day off from work today. I was kind of excited about it snowing because I was hoping I would be able to stay home with Bella and Cinder but well, that didn't happen. Cheryl made it into work because Robert dug her vehicle out and he brought me home from work. Tomorrow I won't have an excuse not to go to work because well, I dug the driveway out enough so my truck would get out. I only did that because Jen woke up an hour ago and said that Sarah has been stuck at her store all day and she doesn't want Sarah to have to work 24 hours since everyone at their store called in because of the snow. I didn't sleep good last night and I was actually hoping that Jennifer would be here tonight with me so I would sleep better. Cinder kept pawing at me last night. Every time I would close my eyes and fall asleep Cinder would paw at me and wake me up. I eventually had to close her out of the bedroom so I could go to sleep. I felt bad making her sleep out in the living room but I knew I had to go to work and I needed sleep. I didn't function very well at work today because I didn't go to bed until after 12am because I couldn't get to sleep because well, Cinder wasn't allowing me to go to sleep. I don't know what was wrong with her unless she has separation anxiety and was missing Jennifer because she was at work. I don't know what it was but she was not going to sleep at all. I know it wasn't because she had to go to the bathroom because I let her out and she used the bathroom and came back inside. So since Jennifer will be working tonight I am hoping I will be able to get some sleep because I am so tired and these last 2 days I haven't slept good at all. Tuesday night I went to bed later then I normally do because I couldn't sleep. Normally I go to bed at 9pm or a little after that but Tuesday I went to bed way later and last night was even later than that. I need sleep, I can't function without sleep. I need my beauty rest as they say because well if I don't get sleep I feel tired and feel like I have no energy at all. I did okay today at work but I wasn't functioning very well. I got the paperwork done and some side work done but didn't much else because I was exhausted. I am hoping I can sleep tonight, well, I am hoping Cinder allows me to sleep tonight. I don't want to have to lock her out of the bedroom again. I went out earlier and shoveled a path in the driveway so my truck could get out of it and after that I was sweating up a storm. I took a shower when I got home so I could warm, might have to take another shower so I'm not sitting here in sweat because of shoveling snow. But I need to make sure Jennifer has hot water so she can take a shower so she can go to work. If I take another shower that would make it my 3rd shower of the day. I hate Winter, i hate being cold and during the Winter I am always cold and so I take a shower to warm up in the evening. Bella and Cinder are in the bedroom with Jennifer sleeping right now. I think Cinder missed Jennifer or it could be that she was having anxiety about the snow storm that we got. Wish she could talk so I could have asked her what was wrong. My poor doggie. Last night Jennifer called me and I was crying because well, like a baby does when its tired and can't go to sleep I was tired and to the point of tears because I wasn't able to go to sleep. Jennifer felt bad and told me she loved me and told me to lock Cinder out of the bedroom so finally that is what I did and I was able to go to sleep. I don't know if Cinder even slept last night but she's sleeping now. She whined at the bedroom door for awhile and I felt bad because I love having Cinder sleep in bed with me and cuddle. Bella cuddled with me last night and laid next to me all night. Hopefully all of us are able to sleep peacefully tonight. I really hope Cinder doesn't act like she did last night. I just want sleep, peaceful, restful sleep. So I worked out on the Wii earlier on Wii Fit. I did Aerobics for 10 minutes on Wii Fit. Normally I work out for 20 minutes but Cinder was wanting attention so I turned off the Wii and played with her and gave her attention. After last night I am all about giving her attention because well I don't know what was wrong with her last night so its all about her right now. I hope she's not in pain or something but I don't know why she would be unless like Jennifer suggested, she has arthritis. Who knows. Cole was laying on my lap a little while ago and I was petting her and rubbing under her chin. That is the first time she has let me hold her for more than 5 minutes. By the way Jennifer and I discovered that Cole is a girl, we had always thought Cole was a boy hence why we named him Cole but now we have come to realize Cole is a girl. So instead of saying he we have had to start saying she lol. It gets kind of confusing and sometimes we still say he. Cole is my baby and Connor loves Cole a lot. They're best buds and are always playing together.
Here is is almost 8pm and I go to bed at 9pm, man where did the evening go? It seems to have flown by quickly unfortunately. It will be time for bed soon and Mom and Dad should be calling here soon. I talked to Mom through text message earlier when she asked me if I made it to work and then she texted me and asked me if I made it home. I love my mom, she is always checking on me to make sure I am okay. I have great parents whom I love so very much. I really appreciate Robert and Cheryl bringing me home because I was kind of wondering how I was going to get home because Rodney brought me to work this morning and I didn't know if he was going to take me home or not but thankfully Robert took me home. Seems like a lot of people were not happy that we had to work today. A couple people thought we shouldn't have had to work today and that the store should have been closed. Which I agree, its pretty stupid making people work when we are under a state of emergency because of the snow. Even freaking Mcdonalds was closed today and so was Hardees and so was Burger King. Food Lion was open and we were open and well of course stupid 711 was open. They can't let us get all the business of course.
Cole is laying on the couch sleep, she looks so cute and adorable. And Lilly is laying next to her sleeping. I love my babies so much. I can't imagine my life without them.
I wish Jennifer would stay at home with me tonight. I sleep so much better when she is at home. I am restless and toss and turn when she isn't home sleeping with me. I like having her next to me and like knowing that she is next to me sleeping. I sleep so much better when she is home but she's going to work so oh well I guess I will have to sleep another night without her. It sucks sleeping without her. I hate her working third shift, its bullshit. I wish she would be put on daylight or at least 2nd shift so she could be at home after 11pm with me. They should close the store down when employees can't get into work, Sarah shouldn't have to work all those hours by herself but at the same time Jennifer shouldn't have to risk her life to get to work. And I am sure as hell not risking my life to get to work, my job is not worth risking my life for. Now if I was still in the Army I couldn't say that but I'm not in the Army anymore.

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