Tuesday, February 18, 2014

My day so far and it has been a strange day

So I had my alarm set this morning for 7am but Jennifer woke me up at 5:42 this morning. I turned my alarm off and got out of bed. Jennifer woke me up because she had cooked and wanted me to eat her food. She didn't cook breakfast though, she cooked Hamburger Helper with corn, bread and applesauce. Well, she knows I love her cooking so that is why she woke me up. She wanted me to eat it while it was nice and hot. So I sat down and ate my food and gave some of it to the dogs. It was good but I was expecting to eat breakfast food not dinner food for breakfast but it was okay. So I ate and went and smoked a cigarette and then Jennifer and I went to Steller One to check my account to see if my tax return had went into my account which it hadn't. So then we stopped by my store to get coffee and I got Jennifer a cappuccino. After that we went back home and I tried to get into my routine. I exercised on the Wii for 15 minutes and did the body test and then decided that was enough exercise for the moment. I decided not to do the while 30 minutes at one time today. I had decided to come back to it later on. I took my medicine and drank my first bottle of water and then made my shake and drank it. After that I got on the computer, that was around 8am and then I realized I had to Jim who is Billie's brother to take his drug test. So I hurried up and got my clothes together and went and took a shower quickly and then got dressed as quick as I could. Then I took Cinder outside with me while I went to smoke. April called about that time and asked if I was ready because Jim was at the store waiting for me. I told her I had let Cinder out and I was smoking and then I would be there. So I finished smoking and headed to my store to pick him up. When I was pulling up April was headed to the bank. He got in and I took him to the Clinic to take his drug test. He wasn't in there long which is good that he didn't have to wait too long. After that I dropped him off at Rite Aid and I headed back to my store because I needed a refill on my coffee. That would be my second cup of coffee for the day. I stood there talking to Tabitha as I drank my coffee and then I went outside and smoked with her. After that I headed home and I got here and got on the computer for a bit. It was about 12 pm and I took my afternoon medicine.  Then before I knew it time had flown by and it was time to drink my shake. So I drank my shake and since Laney spilled my coffee I went and got some more coffee which would make that my 3rd cup of Juva Roast. I came home and Jennifer was getting ready for work. She was sitting on the bed for a moment because she was tired and she started her period so she wasn't feeling good. Jennifer since I have been with her has not had a period so its strange for her to all of a sudden have a period. Note that we have been together since December 2010. She had something wrong as to why she never had a period but here lately she has been getting a period. I am not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing but she doesn't like it very much. I don't blame her though because having a period is horrible. I got put on the Depo shot so I wouldn't have a period anymore and boy am I thankful for that. Anyways Jennifer went to work and I decided to go take a shower and warm up and after that went outside with the dogs and I smoked a cigarette and took my 3rd dose of medicine. I started laundry and put a load in the dryer and thankfully the house has warmed up since I started laundry. Now I am sitting here writing which is one of the things I love to do. I am a natural born writer and poet at heart. I got back on the Wii after I smoked, I forgot that part. Yeah I turned on the Wii Fit and did the Soccer exercise for 5 minutes then I did some strength exercises for 5 minutes and then I ran for 10 minutes. The Wii Fit said I ran 1.342 miles or something like that, it was over 1 mile at 10 minutes. I did pretty good considering I think. I have exercised a total of 42 minutes today. I only did 15 minutes this morning and had decided I would come back to the Wii Fit later which is what I did.

I checked my Facebook earlier and had some notifications from Jennifer Wimer who was one of my best friends in high school. She is on my friend's list on Facebook. It seems as if Karen and I who is my other best friend that we have drifted apart or so it seems. And it seems as if Jennifer and I have gotten closer. I doubt Karen will ever read this because well she doesn't read what I write or at least I doubt she does. She probably doesn't even know about this blog or comes to read it but if she does oh well, I only speak what's on my mind and the truth. But seriously, it seems if Karen and I have drifted apart. Jennifer and I are getting closer or maybe its that Jennifer and I have always been close. We went through a lot together in high school because we were both a target for bullying and had to deal with people being mean to us and making fun of us. And we always stood up for each other no matter what. It seems kinda like me and Karen don't have that much in common anymore. We had the love of writing and poetry but Karen doesn't write or do poetry anymore. At least one of the times we hung out recently she wasn't into writing anymore. We always shared that together but I guess not anymore. I'm not sure what we have in common if anything at all. But Jennifer and I have a lot in common. Our love of animals and our right to stand up for what we believe in and speak the truth and no bullshit or lies. Jennifer is a great person and I am glad she is my friend. I am glad Karen is my friend but I hope that we can reconnect our friendship to what it once was like when we were kids. Then again, I know things change and we grow up and so things might not be the same but I hope we can rekindle our friendship and be close like we once were. But I don't blame Karen because she has been trying to hang out with me and I guess I have had my head up my ass. I don't know its Winter and I have seasonal depression and during the Winter I don't feel like going anywhere really. And well Karen works now so its finding time to hang out. Sometimes I feel like when I hang out with Karen that I have to have money to hang out with her. I don't know why I feel that way but I do. Who knows but hopefully Karen and I will hang out soon but not sure what we will do. Hopefully we can find something that we both have in common and can do together. Anyways the dogs are wanting back inside. I let them out because Cinder was distracting me from writing. She wanted me to pay attention to her and her only and I was in the middle of writing. Guess I will go outside with them then I need to clean the house. I didn't my goals accomplished like I had hoped but I guess you could say I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Lol.

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