Monday, February 17, 2014

Had a pretty good day

Woke up this morning and took the dogs out and while they were out running around I smoked a cigarette and checked my phone for any messages or notifications. Then we came inside and I took my medicine and drank my first bottle of water for the day. With my diet they say to drink your body weight in ounces which mine is 4 bottles of water a day. After that I turned on the Wii to Wii Fit and did the body test. It said I had lost 3 pounds since yesterday. I weighed in at 136.8 and my Wii Fit age said 33. I did the soccer exercise on there for 5 minutes and then did some Aerobics and then for 15 minutes I ran long distance on the Wii Fit. I exercised a total of 30 minutes. Apparently according to the Wii Fit you're supposed to exercise 30 minutes a day at least if not more. So since yesterday I have been exercising for 30 minutes a day. It gets excited when you exercise for 30 minutes lol. After I exercised I went outside with Cinder and then we came in and I went and took a shower and got dressed. I did a little photo session with Cinder this morning lol. I think by the 20th photo she was done taking photos haha. I haven't uploaded them yet though.

The dogs want outside right now so I will come back and write more about my day. Time for a potty break for the dogs. Lol. I love my babies, my children. <3 p="">
Checked the H&R Block website and signed on and then clicked on the button to check the status of my federal return and it says my return has been accepted and it has also says my return has been approved. Unfortunately the Refund Sent is not highlighted like the other two are. So that means my refund hasn't been sent yet. Oh I hope I get it soon. It says I should get it by 20 February 2014.

So back to my day. After I took a ton of photos with Cinder and of Cinder I gave Cinder a hug and kiss goodbye and gave Bella a hug and kiss goodbye and told Jen bye and then I left and headed to my store. I stopped by my store and got another refill of Juva Roast Coffee. I talked to April for a few minutes and talked to Tabitha for a few and smoked a cigarette with her and then I left and headed to Mom and Dad's house. Normally I stick around and talk for a bit but it was like 10:30 or so and I didn't want to waste any time so I headed to Mom and Dad's house instead of hanging around for awhile talking like I normally do. I got to Mom and Dad's house and Mom was already dressed and waiting for me. I had brought my bag in and made my shake and drank it for lunch. While I drank my shake I got on their computer and checked the status of my federal tax return and it finally said it had been approved which it hadn't said the last time I checked it. So one more step forward, now I just need it to say refund sent. I sat at the computer drinking my shake and I got drinking my shake and gave Mom my blender bottle to wash. Then I took Zeus outside while I smoked a cigarette. After that I came inside and took my medicine and then Mom and I headed out. We went to Staunton so she could apply for her two jobs that she needed. She is on unemployment so each week she needs to apply for 2 jobs to keep her unemployment. She got her two jobs so we headed to Verona because I wanted another refill on my coffee and I had gotten the case for my phone in and I couldn't figure it out so I wanted April to help me put it on. When we got to my store I had to pee so I went to the bathroom while April tried to figure out my phone case. April said the phone case I got was cheap and she couldn't get it off. She suggested that I send it back which I am going to have to figure out how to do. I will have to check the email they sent me.

Cinder wants to go back outside wow she's an in and out kind of dog lol.

Back inside where its warm, boy its cold outside. It wasn't that cold today, I mean it was chilly at like 40 some degrees. I was pretty warm most of the day of course I did take my Iron pill today like I'm supposed to which haven't done in awhile. So back to the great day I had today.

So April tried to take the phone case apart so she could put it on my phone and it broke. She suggested I send it back. I told her I would have to find the email receipt they sent me and figure out how to send it back but I just checked my email and I don't have that email anymore. I'm not worried about it, it was only $4.99. I guess you get what you pay for which apparently I got a crappy phone case which April said was a knockoff Otter Box. Oh well, hopefully the 2nd phone case I ordered isn't a piece of crap like the first one was. I am hoping it isn't especially now that I know the first one was crap. The second phone case hasn't come yet but when I checked the tracking info on it online it said it was being sent from China and that it hadn't left China yet. The first phone case didn't take long at all to come in the mail but I'm guessing it came from within the United States unlike the second one. So I left my store and Mom and I headed to Waynesboro. We got in Waynesboro and headed to Walmart. I pulled in Walmart and was going to park semi far away like I normally do because I don't like to park too close to other people because I don't want a door ding on my truck or anything else to happen to my truck. I don't know what it is but I don't like parking too close to people. I was going to park semi far away and Mom said there's a spot closer so I kept going. I found a parking spot but it was still semi covered in snow but I parked there anyway. I went to step down out of the truck and slid on a patch of ice. I fell down hard on the ice, a lady was walking by a little ahead of my truck and she turned around and asked me if I was okay and Mom rushed to my side of the truck and asked me if I was okay. I was slightly embarrassed by falling down on the ice but I got back up and brushed it off and said I was okay. Mom and I went into Walmart and well the main reason we went in there was to get Dad's medicine from the pharmacy. When we got to the pharmacy there was a huge line and tons of people waiting so I told Mom let's just get the other stuff we need first. So we went ahead and did our other shopping. I got 2 more half gallons of my Silk Unsweetened Almond Milk for my shakes and got some more Yogurt and Mom decided to try the Chobani Yogurt so she got a thing of it too. After we got our stuff we headed back to the pharmacy and there was still a line and even more people waiting at this point. Mom stood in line and I waited nearby with the cart. I was getting impatient but Mom came shortly after that. It didn't take as long as I had thought it would. Mom said one girl was on break and just came back from break and that is why the line sped up so quickly. We went and stood in the checkout line, the speedy checkout 20 items or less and some woman had well over 20 items and she was in one of those electric carts and it took forever it seemed. And the guy at the checkout had to put her groceries in the cart for her because obviously she wasn't getting out of it to put her groceries in the cart. I let a guy go in front of me because he only had 1 item, he was an older gentleman and I didn't want him to have to wait forever in line but I didn't realize that woman had more then 20 items. I couldn't see what was in her cart until she put it up on the belt. I kind of felt bad because he could have stayed in the other line and probably would have been done sooner. But he said thank you and was grateful I let him in front of me. He was a nice gentleman. The lady was finally done and left and then the older gentleman paid for his milk and it was our turn in line. The guy rang up our stuff quickly and we headed out of Walmart. I decided to be careful when I got in the truck this time as to not fall again. I put the stuff in the back and Mom opened my door and I climbed in the truck. I lit a cigarette and drank some of my coffee and then Mom and I went to the Caribbean Car Wash so I could empty the trash can in my truck. I took the bag out of my trash can and threw it away and put a new bag in it and then Mom and I headed to Wendy's. Dad wanted a Diet Coke so we stopped to get him one and since we were there Mom went ahead and got their food for dinner because she didn't want to have to go back out. I should have went inside with Mom, I felt bad because the Manager helped Mom carry out the drinks for her. I should have went inside with her but I didn't feel like getting out of the truck. Next time I will go inside with her and help her carry the stuff. I didn't feel like getting out of the truck and I didn't think she was going to get so much. She got like 3 drinks or something a bag full of food. Mom and I left Wendy's and headed to her house.

Time to go back outside lol. Cinder loves to go outside. Bella not so much haha. I love my doggies, they're my babies.

So we got to Mom and Dad's house and I helped Mom carry the stuff in. I had to pee again so I went pee and then went and smoked a cigarette then went back inside. I was in there for a few minutes more and then gave Mom, Dad and Zeus a kiss goodbye and left. I headed home and when I got here Bella and Cinder were happy to see me. I took them outside for a few and we came inside and I decided to start writing. Cinder has been in and out all evening but that's normal for her lol. Plus I go out a lot to smoke and when I go out to smoke they follow. Cinder is laying on the couch and Bella is sitting on my lap while I am on my laptop. The radio in the bedroom sure is awful loud or maybe its just the bass in the radio. It seems loud to me then again Jennifer might have turned it up. Jennifer is at work and it sucks without her but I have my babies so I am okay. I love spending time with Bella and Cinder. They're my babies, my life, my world. Bella and Cinder are laying down right now. I need to get off the computer and spend some time with them but I am in the mood to write at the moment and I don't want to waste an opportunity to write. A lot of the time I am not in the mood to write so when I am in the mood to write I take that opportunity to sit down and write.

Today was a pretty good day and I got a lot accomplished. Unfortunately I cannot log on to Steller One. Apparently I didn't have an account or did have an account and couldn't log on to the online banking. I decided to sign up for an online account on there and it said it would take 3 days to get my log on information. Grrr. I tried to call their 800 number but since its President's Day the bank was closed today and so their 800 number was closed too. I will have to call tomorrow and see if I can set it up. They should be open tomorrow hopefully because I need to get this taken care of. I have for a long time been trying to get online banking but never got around to doing so.

Tomorrow I am off and I have written a set of goals that I wish to accomplish tomorrow so I am going to go by my list and check things off the list as I do them. However calling Steller One wasn't on my list at the time I wrote it so hopefully I remember to call them. I have to clean the house, thoroughly clean the house, like OCD clean the house. And April asked me to take Billie's brother tomorrow to take his drug test because she interviewed him today and decided to give him a chance and so he has to go take his drug test and she sent his background check in and if all checks out then he will be hired for our full time third shift position. I hope he gets it because we really need a guy on third shift. Nobody else really wants to work that shift and I don't blame them and that's me included. I hate that shift but unfortunately April told me today that she needs me to work a couple third shifts while Cheryl is off because Cheryl has been working third since Stefany got terminated. Ugh I am so not looking forward to that. Working thirds messes up my whole sleep schedule and I am absolutely hard to get along with and be around during those days I work third shift. Ugh just want to get them over with and done with grrr. Anyways I need to check my emails because I have some emails I need to take care so I am done ranting about my day for now. I am sure I will be back to write more in my blog. I haven't written a blog post on the topic of the day because well, I haven't chosen a topic of the day or a blog to write about. I am not sure I am going to do that today because I want to spend time with my pups. 

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