Sunday, October 20, 2013

My Day So Far

I had lost my keys yesterday so my boss came in on her day off. Thankfully yesterday evening after I got home from work I found my keys so my boss didn't have to come in today. This morning I got to work and smoked a cigarette.l and then I got my coffee. Since I like to experiment with my coffee this morning I drank Pumpkin Pie Spice Juva Roast Coffee. The day went by fast but the donations raised weren't so good. I only raised Eight dollars and 66 cents in donations for Breast Cancer today. People kept saying no or saying that they already had donated so they weren't donating again. Stayed busy all day and got almost everything done. It was busy for a Sunday which is good for our business. Our gas for regular is two dollars and 98 cents which draws customers. And when you pay cash you save $.06. I cut up onions and put fresh relish out and then put the hot dogs out but I didn't sell any unless you count the one I bought. I ate lunch and took my medicine. Normally around lunch time I switch from hot coffee to iced cold coffee. I drink coffee in the morning and then in the afternoon I used to drink soda but I stopped drinking soda altogether so I drink sweet tea or iced coffee. Today I had Pumpkin Pie Spice Mocha Iced Coffee. It was delicious and I am still drinking it. Jen came by to see me at work which was nice. Got off work and went to the bank then went to Food Lion to order April and Cheryl's birthday cake. April's birthday is the 22nd and Cheryl's is the 23rd so I am throwing them a joint birthday party on the 22nd. After that I went home and Cinder and Bella were happy to see me. Now I am at home relaxing. I swept the kitchen, played Words With Friends and I think I am going to start a load of laundry. I almost caught up on laundry. Never again will I let laundry get behind and pile up again. Geesh. Chris texted me about Karen, I seem to be his go to person when it comes to Karen. I don't mind listening but sometimes I get annoyed. I don't much care for negativity because growing up I had a lot of negativity in my life. Since then I have tried to have a more positive outlook on life and a more positive attitude. I don't like being around negativity. Sometimes I don't feel like being bothered with others problems. I don't mind helping people but sometimes no matter what I say I can't help their situation. Distance supposedly makes the heart grow fonser or so they say but it seems like the distance between Chris and Karen kinda just makes it worse. But anyway I am sitting here watching Roseanne. The tv is still on TV Land lol. It has been on this channel for days. I haven't felt like changing the channel and I have been too distracted and busy to change it. Been staying busy at home with cleaning and doing laundry and taking care of my fur babies. Jen is here at home but she's sleeping because she has to work. She still isn't feeling good but she doesn't want to miss work. Connor is sitting here on my knee asleep lol. Connor is my orange and white kitten. He id a cutie pie and so playful. Cinder is laying here next to me sleeping. Bella must be in the bedroom with Jen sleeping. I think I will give them another bone. What they do is Cinder starts chewing on the bone and then Bella takes over on it. They share their bones, they love each other and get along great thankfully. I'm so glad tomorrow is Monday oh wait I am off tomorrow and completely forgot. Good thing I just rememered because I probably would've went into work. Lol. I believe I have done that before haha. Normally I have Tuesday and Wednesday off but here lately the days off have been different. I hate this weather, its been getting colder and colder here lately. I hate the cold. I like the hot weather way better than the cold. Jen is hot natured so she likes the cols weather and in the summer she freezes me with the air conditioner. But me, I love Summer because I like being hot. I don't mind 90 100 degree weather. I hate the cold and I hate the air conditioner. The air conditioner in my truck hasn't worked since I bought it but I never had it fixed cos I would never use it anyway.
So my mood has been pretty good lately, thankfully my bipolar hasn't acted up neither has my Schiophrenia but the paranoia is still there. Guess that part will never go away even if I do take my medicine. I just don't trust people but maybe that's just me being aware. I have had many people throughout my life give me plenty of reasons not to trust people. You really cant seem to trust people these days because of the way they are. Seems like some people are only after something or they screw you over or uae toy. That has happened to me so many times. So I have my guard up and have for awhile and I'm not letting it down. Anyways I have laundry to do now. I made a pledge to write a page every day in October so here's my page for today.

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