Thursday, October 24, 2013

Some People SMH

Bear shared something on his Facebook that enraged us both. Some girl from Oklahoma posted a status on her Facebook about how she was mad because her food stamps went from $1178 to $1106 and how Obama sucks cos het food stamps dropped. Must be nice to be getting over $1000 in Food Stamps. I can't even afford groceries but you don't see me complaining. She gets over $1000 in Food Stamps and she is complaining because they got dropped by a few bucks. So if you go to Oklahoma you don't have to work and the government will give a thousand dollars in Food Stamps for free. Her profile said she hasn't worked since 2011 so she's been living off the government since then. She was complaining because her Food Stamps got cut and that means food out of her kids mouths. She has three kids according to her profile but over $1000 in Food Stamps a month is enough to feed at least 2 or 3 families. My hard working tax dollars are going to people like her who are scamming the government and taking advantage of it. And you wonder why people are critical and judge people who get food stamps. Its because of ungrateful, lazy people like her.

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